Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hey everyone... Back tracking a little... Thursday after the dental appointment, went to play at the course... My first game after like nearly half a year or so... Played crappily (as usual, except it's worse than normal) Haha... It was expected anyway.... Friday.... Woke up at 11+am... Then decided to catch Kungfu panda... Watched it with Louis at J8, the 12:05pm show... Haha... Finally watched it, can say, it's a good movie... Haha... After that met Jun Wei, Ken and Terence for lunch at McDonalds... Then we headed down to school, was supposed to like "visit" training or something... Ah well... There wasn't any opening parade due to the Chinese oral exams in the hall... Watched the sec 2s' drill session with JW for a while... Saw their new badge that was to replace the safety first badge, now called the road safety badge or something... It is.... not really nice in my opinion... It has like that safety triangle thingy, with the pedestrian sign, the words are damn bold (font) and it is freakin laminated... Ok, personally I don't like the design I admit... It looks, err, kiddy looking? Haha... Can't wait to see the rest of the other badges... Like the survival badge, kayaking badge etc... Hope they look nice... Haha... While tent pitching was undergoing, we left.... Yah, and there was a period of time when we met up with Ben Lee... Then we heard his conversation with some people like sc and cc.... And I was like... =0 Yah something like that.... The stuff they were talking about, I didn't even know that such things were happening... Guess I'm really still quite innocent about certain things... Perhaps it's a good thing? Haha... Ah well...

Saturday morning went to school for chinese oral practice with huang lao shi and some others.... Did till like 12+pm then went for lunch with Jonathan... Met Kah Hoe at the kopitiam... Talked quite a bit... We saw Kai Zhong there too... Haha... After that played tennis, pool and bowling with my family... Highest score attained for the day was 198, with my 4th turkey I think? Yay... Learned a bit how to play tennis... Guess I'm not really suited for it though... For pool, I went to sabotage myself and lost cause I accidentally hit the black ball in.... Haha... After that we went for dinner at some place in Serangoon... Near Chomp Chomp food centre if I'm not wrong... Saw Chye Ping there...

Today, as usual went to my grandparents' house for lunch... Then went for tuition... Last lesson today le... Good and bad I guess... And I guess I probably won't be able to see You Yue till perhaps the end of the year... Haiz... Then some people I might not even see again... Haha...

Today marks the end of our 1 week break... From tomorrow onwards, there won't be anymore holidays till 13th November... Haiz... Also tomorrow is the first day of script check... Going to be utterly disappointed for these 3 days, with already 1 confirmed fail and the possibility of another failing... Zzzz.... Need to work much harder from now on... It's 2 months to Prelim 3 I think??

Oh and tomorrow is my chinese oral... Think I'm going to die already... My practice that I did was once again, could be considered negligible... Zzzz... I'll try my best... Thanks all who've wished me luck...

Think I shouldn't have even thought of it in the first place right?

Tonight, Spain VS Germany of Euro 2008... Not exactly supporting anybody, cause I didn't really watch the matches, but well, all the best to both teams...

Happy Belated Birthday Jonny!

Discovered that I had this song... It's quite nice...

Heaven Knows -- Rick Price

Heaven Knows - Rick Price

See you people....

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Yesterday morning went for Chinese... Yah, don't know whether I can make it or not for oral... Ah whatever... After that I went to McDonalds to have lunch with Victor, Jonathan and Nikolas... Long time since I even spoke properly with Victor... We crapped quite a bit here and there over the meal, damn fun... After that I was seriously debating with myself whether I should go for the outing, decided to go anyway... I could have made a mistake though, cause once again I fouled up, people were unhappy with my presence.... Still I realised, playing computer games does bring people together... Pity I don't play com games cause for one reason I don't know how... Ah well... Wasn't able to watch the movie that they were watching cause it was late... Luckily I didn't too cause they said it wasn't nice at all... Haha... Lucky break?

Then last night Louis introduced me to the viwawa thingy... Keep getting owned in mahjong, well cause I forgot how to play.. Daidi at least wasn't so bad...

Going for some dentist appointment later, then perhaps something else after that? Not sure yet...

Yeah, and I found that I'm not the type who can bounce back so quickly and easily like some, guess this is another negative trait to add to my list... Ok maybe I knew this already but I was constantly reminded of this.... Guess this goes under the "not so mentally strong part"....

Enjoy the day people...

In the course of near recovery, the wound is once again split open

Oh and Happy Birthday Daren =)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Some people think I do as such, for fun, for attention seeking, for sympathy... Yeah, perhaps you're right...

What's considered the "right" thing to do? I'm always doing the "wrong" things... Wish I had a manual on how to live life... That'll be fun...

You're a good-for-nothing shithead...

Going for tuition soon... Bye... Help

Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm sorry, for everything I've done, I'm sorry that I was such a hinderance in your lives, that I've ruined your moods so many a times... I'm sorry that my over competitiveness, my want to shine, overpowered me and made me did what I did... From now, I just won't interfere in anybody's lives, so that they can be spared of frustrations... So many things that I did and thought were ok or at least accpetable, were on the contrary, wrong in every sense... Someone please help me and teach me what to do...

I'm sorry for everything that I had done...

In life, there are winners, there are losers, you my friend, will always be the latter...

Where do I belong?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Firstly, Happy Birthday Jun Wei!

Well, Prelim 2 is finally over... Honestly speaking, I didn't really study very hard for this exam due to lack of motivation as well as other stuff... Ah well... Review of the papers later... Monday didn't need to go to school actually but I wanted to find Mrs Tan to consult her for Maths stuff, but she wasn't there... Yeah, then on Tuesday morning while studying for Chem there was apparrently some Chinese oral thing that I didn't know about.... Have been sleeping late for the past few nights cause I was trying to do some last minute studying, some workedm some didn't...

Review of papers:

Chemistry, 17/6: Think I did ok, hopefully can get a distinction for it...
Geog, 17/6: Did last minute studying for this, almost didn't finish the paper... My LDQ question comprising of 8 marks had one point of each side of the argument and one conclusion... That made up what, 3-4 lines? Hopefully can get an A2...

English Lit elect, 18/6: Totally screwed this paper up... There was the question on the episode on a portion involving Miss Gates from To Kill A Mockingbird.... I got confused and thought that was the Miss Caroline incident thingy, don't even remember the Miss Gates part at all, so I wrote out of point.. See, never read the book thoroughly enough... Passing this would be a miralce...
Physics, 18/6: Err, this paper was quite ok I guess, almost got my laws for electromagnetic induction mixed up, think I got them correct? Hope to get at least A2 for this....

Social Studies, 19/6: Studied the essays from the night before, read through the whole book to get a rough idea of what was going on (?!)... Didn't manage to complete my SBQ, so it's a goner...
Mathematics, 19/6: It was supposed to be one of my better subjects, but guess I lacked practice... Marks needed to get A1 are 85.... So well, hope to get A2 I guess...

Biology, 20/6: Most of the paper was sort of ok, except for the first essay question.... Died in that one cause I never encountered such questions before.... Crapped out what I could...
Additional Mathemactics, 20/6: Think I did ok... I realised something about A.Maths... If you can do some parts correctly, then you'll be able to score a lot of marks, but one screw up could cost you as much as the whole question itself... Scary...

So for now, exams are OVER!!!!!

Guess I'm going to rest for this "1 week break" for a while, while preparing for CL O level oral as well... After that, it'll be constant revision after that already...

After the papers, went to J8 to eat with the rest then came home...

A few things I want to talk about... Firstly, sometimes for some reason I just feel so left out... It's like I don't seem to be able to click with some people, even those whom I'm familiar with... What's wrong with me? I seem to feel that I don't belong anywhere now... Perhaps my explanation here is a bit vague and un-understandable, but ah well, not everything is meant to be mentioned here... Another thing, visited the store on Wednesday during the "spring cleaning". Not trying to hint anything or something, but yah, it seems that when I was there, almost none of them even bothered to say hi, some treated me as though I was invisible... I'm not trying to say that I demand respect and attention from them anywhere cause I'm no longer their nco and their no longer my cadets, but well, the absence of the simple gesture that usually indicates familiarity obviously means something... Is just being friends too hard? Or did we not make any impact on them, such that they were too glad to be rid of us? Bah, I don't know and I don't care... And yah, I'm not hinting anything here, so well, don't think too much, thanks...

And yah, you two... Let's not allow the friendship to be affected just because of a few sentences? I mean, yah, it's pretty lame, for you to have reacted this way... Can we just resolve this properly and as quuickly as possible? Things don't have to turn out this way...

There are just so many things I want to say, but I either can't express it in words or I forgot about them... -_- Ah well... And yeah, I apologize for any crapping of the sort, in the negative way, that I've done... I seem to be speaking before I think now... I'm sorry it what I've said here and there have been hurting or irksome... Sorry everyone...

Will tomorrow be a better day?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Let's talk about Friday first... Went to North Point at like 8am or something to meet Kah Hoe, Ken, Jun Wei, Louis and Rui Jie at Mcdonalds for breakfast... Terence, Yibin and Wei Rong came after that... We were joined by Zi Xuan and Jackson before we took the shuttle bus to Orchid Country Club... Went to the bowling alley then they did all their admin stuff... YJ and Cliff came... The competition started at about 10am... The "opening bowl" ended up in the drain... Haha... The competition commenced... Us supporters, mainly Kah Hoe, Louis, Terence, myself, Yong Jie, Clifton, Zheng Qian and Jeremy watched the the games... Then after a while we (sec 4s) went to play bowling ourselves... Haha... We played 3 matches... Teamed up with Louis and Kah Hoe against Terence, Yong Jie and Clifton... My scores were 86, 176 and 133 respectively... Not bad... Even managed to get my second turkey in my life for the 176 game... Damn fun... Kah Hoe and Terence also learned how to play bowling... Clifton was supposedly also new but his playing obviously proved otherwise... Haha... When we finally finished, we went to look for Jun Wei they all, got lost for a while before we found them... Credits to Zheng Qian and Jeremy... Jun Wei's team came in 1st!!! Sec 3s were 8th... Jun Wei and Wei Rong also achieved the individual 5th and 4th I think... Congratulations guys!!!! =)

After that we wanted to go for lunch... Ended up having to wait for a second bus cause there was no space left in the first one with Ken... Then we went to some place to eat, followed by going to Wei Rong's house to study a bit... Then there was a period where we got a bit carried away with the piano and we ended up being late for our "appointment" at 5pm... Anyway, went to the basketball court to play... We played 4 vs 4 games... Wei Rong didn't want to play... It was damn fun... Not sure when we'll get to play like this again... After that we went somewhere cause they wanted to photocopy history notes or something but the shop was closed... Bought drinks then took 851 with Kah Hoe home.... Was supposed to go for the wake but due to me going home late, I couldn't go...

Saturday, went for tuition at 830am... Damn tired and was half asleep for the first portion... Zzzz... And the coffee Mrs Chu gave me took some time to take effect... Haha... Tuition went on till 1230pm... 4 hours! Then went home for lunch, then went for the wake again at about 4+pm... Things were so so there... Hilary and Valarie looked dead beat, no surprise since they just returned from a camp... Haha... There was some memorial service, then it was mainly talking and some psp-ing till about 11pm when we started playing monopoly... I know it's weird... Left at about midnight I guess... Today, wanted to wake up at 9+am to study a bit, ended up waking up at 11+am... -.- Went there again... Played a bit of monopoly again... Then came the final memorial thing, both there and at the crematorium.... It didn't go how I perceived it would have been and well.... Shan't comment further... Yup... It's goodbye... And what will remain is the memories in our hearts... Goodbye... Dinner was after that... Got pissed off quite a bit...

Tomorrow is the first day of Prelim 2... I don't have a paper tomorrow cause I don't take HCL and history of any sort, so well... I'm still going to school though to consult teachers....

And yah, I'm so going to die for Prelim 2... I didn't study enough, in fact, my studying could be considered as not studying at all... My preparations were negligible compared to those of my peers... Instead of studying, I played bowling, instead of studying, I was stoning, instead of studying I was stoning by the com, instead of studying, I was sleeping late doing who knows what and waking up late, wasting my mornings away, instead of studying, I was playing basketball... I seriously hate this... After prelim 1 I told myself that I would start studying much earlier, but I didn't keep to my promise... And once again, I'm regretting it... Guess after prelim 2 it'll be hardcore (hopefully) after that... How many more exams am I going to screw up? Again?

I'm so dead already... If I were to make comparisons for my subjects, I would say that I'm least prepared, and likely to screw, badly, my humanities... And I mean ALL... Pure Geog, hardly listened during lessons cause Human Geog is damn boring anfd now I'm desperately trying to read up on content... Lit: forget about it, I hate it now thanks to so and so... No motivation/drive for it... S.S: Also forget about it... Everyone's likely to score well except me... Why? Cause I haven't even studied a SINGLE S.S essay! And we have what, 19 essays?! Plus SBQ... I'm a total goner... Yes, up till now I'm like that... Unbelievable? Believe it...

And yah, that's just for humanities, I haven't even talked about the rest yet...

Won't blog till perhaps this weekend, won't probably come online either or even appear offline perhaps, ah what the heck, guess I won't even turn on my computer... Hope I'll be able to slavage the situation...

If the saying "you reap what you sow" is true, then I'm already dead, even before my papers... I'll try my best to stay alive then...

Adios Amigos

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Stayed at home for yesterday and today... (I did not start with "Hello everyone" Jun Wei... Haha) Did a bit of work and revision but a lot of time was still wasted... Kept sleeping at like 3+am, even 4am and waking up at crazy times like 12pm or even 1pm... Wasting my mornings away... Zzzz... Yah and today, my great-grandmother passed away at the age of 101 if I'm not wrong.... Well... Wasn't very close to her, yet I was closer to her than my great-grandmother on my father's side... Ah well, I know it sounds weird... Just came back from the wake... Second time I'm going to the singapore casket, the first being 2 years ago for my grandfather's... Shan't really say much here... Just to clarify, I'm not devastated or something, but yah, if you lose someone you know, you will feel something... Once again, the silver lining from such things is that it brings the whole family together, in the sense of your cousins, relatives etc... Ah well, Hilary and Valarie are having a St John's camp or something... They'll be going on Saturday I think? Yah well... I guess the most I can say here is "Rest in peace" to my great-grandma... Err, don't really need you guys to tag on this or something so yah... Thanks...

And yah, the way I think and do things sometimes, I feel I really oughta get shot or something... Seriously, I wonder, if I was not around, perhaps, there'll be less burdens, less blood pressure and tempers rising, less problems... And I apologize I can't be near perfect or something, and I'm unfortunately not like him... I'm not talented like him, I don't have whatever abilities that he has, I don't have that socialable nature like him, I don't have whatever he has, I don't have anything that can surpass him... It's no surprise that everyone, even adults would secretly prefer to befriend him or something over me... Like duh... I bet those who know me now would also prefer him if they knew him well enough too... I'm sorry I'm just this hopeless and pathetic then... Once again, please don't tag regarding this, or else...

Even though I've been studying a bit, I'm dreading the prelims, cause I'm probably going to screw it, big time... And that's half the battle lost by saying this already... Please seriously wake up your idea...

All the best to the bowling com people for tomorrow....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hi everyone... Went for tuition in the morning, after that went to school, but bumped into the 4-6 NP people and ended up going to S11 for lunch with them... Went back to school with Cliff and LTY, then was sort of forced to go for Physics... Got chased by meexiam half round the school for a while... Haha... Couldn't focus during Physics and hence didn't absorb much... Then the retard Clifton went to play with my phone, which was off and he tried to play with my PIN... That retard didn't know what was a PIN and ended up locking me out of my own phone... Damn pissed... Second time in 1 week already... -.- Ah well never mind... Wanted to get the PUK got thingy asap but I couldn't due to some reasons which I'm not intending to say here... Went to Bishan Market to buy some stuff, before returning and doing some A.Maths with Jonny... Had some problems that I couldn't solve... Zzz... Then when my Dad picked me and gave me my PUK code, I saw a sms from Jia Yong which was apparrently sent at 5+pm... It was about 6+pm at that time... Then I realized something...


Sian, today they were going through English oral too... Argh..... How could I let my tuition slip my mind? Haiz.... Crap...

Anyway, after that went with my Dad to the ferry terminal to fetch my Mum and brother from their little trip.... While waiting I saw Mr Yong coming out from the baggage screening area... Haha... After that went to Changi Village hawker centre to eat... All the stuff that I usually eat were unavailable though... After that came home....

It's about 1 and a half weeks, and I'm starting to miss the store so much...

This is nice song, especially the ending part...

My Chemical Romance -- Famous Last Words

It's a few more days to Prelim 2... I don't feel prepared, well I haven't prepared much, so no surprise... I'm here blogging/slacking, again... Stupid idiot....

Monday, June 09, 2008

Opps, didn't post for some time... Let's start from Friday... Morning went for Maths, after that went for lunch, before going back to school with Yibin and Ken to help out in the NCO camp... Helped out a bit (ok a very tiny bit) in the flagstaff portion, which Yibin was teaching... Ok, fine, I didn't really learn flagstaff so I do suck at it quite a bit ok? Evening came back home... Saturday morning went for tuition first, before heading to school... Met LTY and Chris Lai on the bus... Chris said LTY wanted to settle some "serious matter" with him... Haha... Saw Justin at J8... After that I met Ken at Bishan North, had lunch then went to school... Helped a bit in the tying of the rope obstacle that the Sec 3s were tying... Learnt a new knot! Rolling hitch... Haha... Quite cool actually, the tying I mean... They finished their camp, Ken and I stoned at the store for a while, while our officers were sort of laming inside... Haha... Wonder if things would've been different if we had such a camp too? Bah, it's over and no point brooding over it... Then went to J8 to meet my Mum for dinner at Din Tai Fung... She had some voucher or something so we could eat there. Thanks! Walked a bit then went home... Oh book 27's finally out! I've bought it liao... Haha... Sunday was nothing much, no tuition nothing, so, sort of wasted the day quite a bit...

Today, went to Woodlands Library(?!) to study with Wei Rong, Louis and Terence... Did Chem for a while... After that we went to Causeway Point to eat at some food court... Before that, Terence and I got jacked into following Louis and WR to somewhere near the cinema, cause they sort of followed some girls who apparently caught their eyes... Haha, ok fine they just saw them on that level, but well... No use going after someone whom you most probably won't ever meet right? Haha... Had lunch, then Louis and WR dropped off at Yishun, while Terence and I went to Bishan, then Bishan North to buy lunch for Yibin and Xing Yu... Studied a bit had Xing Yu's house before going for tuition... Met Wai Yinn on the bus to J8, then took 53 with him... And now I'm home stoning again... Zzzz

Another day tomorrow, motivation level seems to be fluctuating... Actually meant to do my reflection for NP during the weekend, guess I didn't have the time... So other time bah...
No motivation, no brains, no confidence, no looks, no talent, no ability, no character, nothing...
Found this song, not sure whether it's new or old, but it sounds nice...

Eternal Flame -- The Bangles

Eternal Flame - The Bangles

Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
Do you feel my heart beating, do you understand?
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming?
Is this burning an eternal flame?

I believe it's meant to be, darling
I watch when you are sleeping, you belong to me
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming
Or is this burning an eternal flame?

Say my name, sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely, and then you come and ease the pain
I don't want to lose this feeling

Say my name, sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely, and then you come and ease the pain
I don't want to lose this feeling

Close your eyes and give me your hand
Do you feel my heart beating, do you understand?
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming
Or is this burning an eternal flame?
Is this burning an eternal flame?

An eternal flame?

(Close your eyes and give me your hand
Do you feel my heart beating, do you understand?
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming
Or is this burning an eternal flame?)

Thursday, June 05, 2008

I see a need to blog today... Morning was Science day, Physics at the audi first, Miss Foo gave us a revision test, MCQ one... I guess such tests really show us where we stand, and I definitely can tell how good I am right now (which isn't)... Have to thank the science department for at least doing such stuff, though many, even I sometimes, say that it's useless... After Physics there was some break, my shoe got coped and I had to chase after Jonny, then Boon Siang, then Terence and Jun Wei... -_-''' Lol, do so much just for a shoe... After that ate a bit then went for Chem... Mr Thomas went through what we roughly need to know for the entire syllabus... Then it was supposed to be Physics... Had a bit of time before Mr Quay came then went to the canteen... Played some crap with Clifton, then in an attempt to whack me he zammed me right in the crotch with his leg, hard... -_- Experienced excruciating pain.... I must have looked like I was begging or something while crouching on the ground in pain... Then when I looked up, those 2 or 3 people, not mentioning names, looking at me with a sneering, mocking look... For your info, this guy is someone I don't really like (maybe there's a better word) and I guess the feeling's mutual... But yah, when you're in pain, people can just leave you there, even to the extent of laughing at you... Xin zai le huo... -.- Anyway, then Mr Quay went into the LT to tell everyone that the lesson was postponed cause of some meeting he had... -_- Postponed to next Tuesday... Then I had to bear the burden of some worksheet again for another day... After that, Terence, Louis, Kah Hoe, Ken, Ming Hao, Kian Boon and I went to the market to eat (How many days in a row already? Lol) After that Ken, Kah Hoe and I returned to school... Ken decided to give the maths thingy a miss and we went to the library to study... Did my Chem, and I took damn long to finish... Once in a while walked around, saw YH, JH and DS and probably SMS in store... NCO camp discussion? Lol... Left school about 5:30pm or so... Came home and stoned... Lol...

To you: Yah I know we were playing, but when I got hit, as a friend, where were you? I was in pain and all you could do was just stone there and say sorry, did you even make an effort to care? It was your fault, after all to hit me there... Yah, to tell the truth, I'm really disappointed in you, that you failed your duty as a friend, you didn't bother, to even care about your fellows... Yah, you are one of my best friends really, and I hope you read this, to know why I was pissed off so badly... Then again, maybe my reaction is a bit too exaggerated.... Sorry...

And I seriously hate this guy, I don't like making enemies, but yah I've unfortunately made a few, and yah just stop ruining my life... You and your snide comments here and there... Go and be whoever you want, I don't want to know and I don't care. Go excel in all your stuff, and don't interfere in mine... I have my faults as well, and so do you...

Prelim 2 is fast approaching... What the heck am I doing? I'm losing all my motivation...

Fight to live, not fight to die...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Another remedial day today... Start from Monday anyway... Monday was mainly Chinese Listening Compre practice... Scored 8, 20, 12 and 16 for the 4 tests respectively... Yah, I know I failed one... After that, had lunch then went to the school library I think... Met Wai Yinn there... After that the library closed, then we went around the school hunting for places to do work... After that went to Bishan market to buy drinks before going to the bus stop... Got on 162 and met Ivan, Yibin and Zikai... Lol... Sort of went home with Zikai... After that went for a 30 minute or so jog... Haha...

Tuesday was a science day.. Physics, then Chem, both in the audi... After that went to eat with NP people... Think I pissed off the store owner... Lol... After that, Ken, Louis, KB and myself went to AMK library to study... Took damn long to try and find places and we ended up at some corner... Then Louis and KB kept turning on their radars to high alert... Haha, you get it then you get it, you don't you don't, too bad... Haha... Then Yibin joined us... After that left the library with Jia Yong for tuition... Ended up deciding to walk there... Haha... Took about 45 minutes or so... And we were just 5 minutes late... Nice... Haha... Finally went back to tuition after nearly a month's absence due to certain activities... Jia Yong must have been lonely during my absence when Edward was also absent... Lol, him alone with two girls... Haha... After tuition then home again...

Today was a hardcore maths day... Breakfast at first only Ken and I were present, then Louis, Clifton and KB (anyone else?) came... Had maths in the Lecture theatre... Then JW came at like close to 12 or something after being forced to go.. Then JW and I went for some integration lesson by the external teacher, followed by the library again...

Prelim 2 is in something like 12 days? And yet, I'm still lacking my motivation to study... Whenever I come home, I just feel like stoning... At times in school, I get the sudden urge to actually study, then I lose it all soon after that... Arggh... So many subjects, so little time... Zzzz... I damn scared I'm going to screw up badly or even fail Prelim 2... Arggghh... Where's my motivation?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?

Also, JW seems to have had some thought on the CI thing, and perhaps he has had some resolve? Not sure whether I'll go... How about Terence? See first bah...

Did we make an impact on them? Did we do our duty?

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Ok, it's Sunday le... Quite fast... This is probably going to be a long post...

Main event on Friday was that it was our POP, aka Passing Out Parade... Morning went for one last rehearsal of our fancy drill before going to for S.S lesson, all of us were probably pretty weird as we were all wearing the same thing and sitting together.... Lol... After that went to settle the post thing along with Yibin and Yong Jie with Siming sir... Done, then we took the Sec 3s for the last time... Did 2 parade rehearsals... Then before long it was the parade already... During the rehearsals it was threatening to once again rain on our parade... Luckily it didn't... As we marched out into the parade, our very last one, I know all of us gave it our best performance... Many member of 28th batch and some other spectators like Ivan and John were watching the parade... Definitely felt a sense of pride in marching into the parade... Marched in, all the usual stuffs, then there was the final inspection of our squad by Mr Goh... This was followed by the handing in of the squad files... This was definitely a significant part of the parade, both superficially and personally... It signified our handing over of our duties... It also meant that we had to finally let go, of what we had been doing for about a year... It was pretty sad... After that, we did our fancy drill... With the final unit cheer we would be shouting... It went pretty smoothly I guess... When I threw my beret, as i saw it fly into the sky, there was a moment when I felt suddenly very light, as though whatever that had been burdening me had gone, ok not saying that NP was a burden or something.. But yah, I guess some others also felt the same way... You have to experience it to know what I'm talking about I guess... First time we could stand outside without a beret, not used to it... Lol... Took photos... Saw the 30th Batch council getting announced... Congrats to Sebastian for getting the Chairman post... My successor isn't out yet, so well... Lol...

After the parade, took lot's of photos... Then there was a sort of spoiler, nearly ruined my whole mood... Double-sided went to ask Mr Goh when we wer free and he told the person that we were free till 4:30pm... Then this person wanted us, namely, KB, Tie ren, JW and myself t go for remedial... -.- Wtf... There're limits to things lah please... I know the remedial is for our own good and all that, but this is like too much lah... On the day of POP leh... KB and me went in the end, and when we entered the audi, the person just wanted to give us a worksheet to do over the weekend, and in front of everybody, the person said what, "Enjoy your POP, last day le, enjoy it..." Two-sided again... I appreciate the efforts, but such actions really doesn't make yourself look good... Anyway, besides, that... A number went home to put their stuff and all that, while a number of us went to have lunch... Went back to school then played a bit of soccer in the gallery as it was raining... After that we went to bathe in the D&T toilet, changed into squad jersey... Then went into the audi for the concert...

Concert went pretty smoothly I guess, perhaps just a few minor hiccups... There were many activities in the concert, many which were highly entertaining... Was "volunteered" to play some cheng yu game when I know nuts about chinese... Lol... Received our plaques from Mrs Chew, as well as presents from the 30th Batch... Got this damn cool puma shirt, and it fits! Cool... Thanks a lot guys... =) Our ex-squad leaders also presented 2 videos... One which was purely for fun's sake, although it was lucky that we were in a jovial mood or I would have been deeply offended by some parts... Lol.. Never mind... Ming Hao was named the ultimate gay with some damn funny photo of him during annual camp when we were sec 2... Haha... Then there was another video by them, with their various comments and all that... It was pretty touching... Big thanks to Wee Siong, Troy and Daryl! We went up onto the stage twice to sing our songs... I admit, I wasn't able to remember most of the lyrics in time.. Sorry.... After the concert, took pictures and all that, then dinner, which tasted pretty good... For once we didn't have to worry about whether everyone had taken their food and the order of who should take first and all that... Haha... =P

After dinner, we went back to store to slack a bit, then a sort of final debrief by Siming sir... He mentioned a lot of things to us... He also gave us a few aims, both long term and short term ones... He gave us a challenge, of at least half of the squad keeping in contact together still at age 25 or so... Also, if possible, pull Linus and Jian Zhong back into the squad, perhaps Kenneth as well? As he said, let us use our own hands to cover the hole at the bottom of the gunny sack...

After that, we packed up our stuff and bid farewell to the store, the one place that had been a gathering place on many occasions for all of us, the place that meant so much to many of us... To outsiders, they would just say, it's just a stupid stuffy room, nothing big about it... Like many other things, you would have to experience it to know it... I believe many UG members would understand this... Goodbye store, I'm going to miss it very much... We returned the key to Siming sir, then took a few more photos, with Siming sir, Mr Goh and Mrs Chew.... Then we took our stuff and left, while Siming sir was briefing the new NCOs about their NCO camp... We also saw Michael Yong doing something like 30 pull-ups... o.o Woah....

As we walked out of the school gate, it sort of signified something, it signified, for that evening as we walked out, we were leaving the unit. The unit that contained so many happy and sad memories for me, and everyone... Goodbye CHSNPCC...

Next part of POP, we met Ryan Han (Lam Jun Wei left during dinner) on the bus, then took two buses to Leonard's house... Reached there, then we started setting up stuff to play... There was a dota group in some room, there was a PSP group and there was a PS2 group... Played loads of stuff together... 18 went for the parade, 17, including Leonard, were at Leonard's house... Nice... Jason couldn't stay then he went home at around midnight I think... Rest of us just practically played lot's of games... Sort of fell asleep at around 3+am, woke up a while later then slept again at like 4+am... Woke up at 8+am... Quite a few managed to last through the night without sleeping... Wow... Lol... After everyone was ready, we went to the basketball court at the neaby church to play basketball... Play until quite fun, then a number left when it came to soccer... Played anyway... It rained halfway, but we carried on all the same... Played till it was pretty crazy... Still it was fun... Went back to Leonard's house, dried up, borrowed clothes to change after bathing... Then we left Leonard's house and went to The Prata Place... To me the food was ok... The meal with about 16 of us was more significant than the food for those moments... Lol... After that came home...

The end here, I want to thank 30th Batch, no matter what happened during the concert, any screw-ups or whatsoever, I don't care... Thanks for putting in effort for us. Thanks for the presents. Big thanks to Leonard and his family for their hospitality. Big thanks to his Mum also who still cooked food for us at past midnight and came up to give us mattresses and blankets at 4am... Thank you very much! Also, thanks to all officers and others who made the event possible! Lastly, thanks to my squadmates of the 29th Batch, for coming together to celebrate our last moments in NPCC together... Thanks everyone!!!

Photos and the other (more important?) thanks and well wishes shall be posted another day... This post is getting a wee bit long... Ciao... Shall end off with CHSNPCC's one and only unit cheer!





公教 oi!
公教 oi!
NP abah!

The end of the NPCC chapter...

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail