Sunday, June 01, 2008

Ok, it's Sunday le... Quite fast... This is probably going to be a long post...

Main event on Friday was that it was our POP, aka Passing Out Parade... Morning went for one last rehearsal of our fancy drill before going to for S.S lesson, all of us were probably pretty weird as we were all wearing the same thing and sitting together.... Lol... After that went to settle the post thing along with Yibin and Yong Jie with Siming sir... Done, then we took the Sec 3s for the last time... Did 2 parade rehearsals... Then before long it was the parade already... During the rehearsals it was threatening to once again rain on our parade... Luckily it didn't... As we marched out into the parade, our very last one, I know all of us gave it our best performance... Many member of 28th batch and some other spectators like Ivan and John were watching the parade... Definitely felt a sense of pride in marching into the parade... Marched in, all the usual stuffs, then there was the final inspection of our squad by Mr Goh... This was followed by the handing in of the squad files... This was definitely a significant part of the parade, both superficially and personally... It signified our handing over of our duties... It also meant that we had to finally let go, of what we had been doing for about a year... It was pretty sad... After that, we did our fancy drill... With the final unit cheer we would be shouting... It went pretty smoothly I guess... When I threw my beret, as i saw it fly into the sky, there was a moment when I felt suddenly very light, as though whatever that had been burdening me had gone, ok not saying that NP was a burden or something.. But yah, I guess some others also felt the same way... You have to experience it to know what I'm talking about I guess... First time we could stand outside without a beret, not used to it... Lol... Took photos... Saw the 30th Batch council getting announced... Congrats to Sebastian for getting the Chairman post... My successor isn't out yet, so well... Lol...

After the parade, took lot's of photos... Then there was a sort of spoiler, nearly ruined my whole mood... Double-sided went to ask Mr Goh when we wer free and he told the person that we were free till 4:30pm... Then this person wanted us, namely, KB, Tie ren, JW and myself t go for remedial... -.- Wtf... There're limits to things lah please... I know the remedial is for our own good and all that, but this is like too much lah... On the day of POP leh... KB and me went in the end, and when we entered the audi, the person just wanted to give us a worksheet to do over the weekend, and in front of everybody, the person said what, "Enjoy your POP, last day le, enjoy it..." Two-sided again... I appreciate the efforts, but such actions really doesn't make yourself look good... Anyway, besides, that... A number went home to put their stuff and all that, while a number of us went to have lunch... Went back to school then played a bit of soccer in the gallery as it was raining... After that we went to bathe in the D&T toilet, changed into squad jersey... Then went into the audi for the concert...

Concert went pretty smoothly I guess, perhaps just a few minor hiccups... There were many activities in the concert, many which were highly entertaining... Was "volunteered" to play some cheng yu game when I know nuts about chinese... Lol... Received our plaques from Mrs Chew, as well as presents from the 30th Batch... Got this damn cool puma shirt, and it fits! Cool... Thanks a lot guys... =) Our ex-squad leaders also presented 2 videos... One which was purely for fun's sake, although it was lucky that we were in a jovial mood or I would have been deeply offended by some parts... Lol.. Never mind... Ming Hao was named the ultimate gay with some damn funny photo of him during annual camp when we were sec 2... Haha... Then there was another video by them, with their various comments and all that... It was pretty touching... Big thanks to Wee Siong, Troy and Daryl! We went up onto the stage twice to sing our songs... I admit, I wasn't able to remember most of the lyrics in time.. Sorry.... After the concert, took pictures and all that, then dinner, which tasted pretty good... For once we didn't have to worry about whether everyone had taken their food and the order of who should take first and all that... Haha... =P

After dinner, we went back to store to slack a bit, then a sort of final debrief by Siming sir... He mentioned a lot of things to us... He also gave us a few aims, both long term and short term ones... He gave us a challenge, of at least half of the squad keeping in contact together still at age 25 or so... Also, if possible, pull Linus and Jian Zhong back into the squad, perhaps Kenneth as well? As he said, let us use our own hands to cover the hole at the bottom of the gunny sack...

After that, we packed up our stuff and bid farewell to the store, the one place that had been a gathering place on many occasions for all of us, the place that meant so much to many of us... To outsiders, they would just say, it's just a stupid stuffy room, nothing big about it... Like many other things, you would have to experience it to know it... I believe many UG members would understand this... Goodbye store, I'm going to miss it very much... We returned the key to Siming sir, then took a few more photos, with Siming sir, Mr Goh and Mrs Chew.... Then we took our stuff and left, while Siming sir was briefing the new NCOs about their NCO camp... We also saw Michael Yong doing something like 30 pull-ups... o.o Woah....

As we walked out of the school gate, it sort of signified something, it signified, for that evening as we walked out, we were leaving the unit. The unit that contained so many happy and sad memories for me, and everyone... Goodbye CHSNPCC...

Next part of POP, we met Ryan Han (Lam Jun Wei left during dinner) on the bus, then took two buses to Leonard's house... Reached there, then we started setting up stuff to play... There was a dota group in some room, there was a PSP group and there was a PS2 group... Played loads of stuff together... 18 went for the parade, 17, including Leonard, were at Leonard's house... Nice... Jason couldn't stay then he went home at around midnight I think... Rest of us just practically played lot's of games... Sort of fell asleep at around 3+am, woke up a while later then slept again at like 4+am... Woke up at 8+am... Quite a few managed to last through the night without sleeping... Wow... Lol... After everyone was ready, we went to the basketball court at the neaby church to play basketball... Play until quite fun, then a number left when it came to soccer... Played anyway... It rained halfway, but we carried on all the same... Played till it was pretty crazy... Still it was fun... Went back to Leonard's house, dried up, borrowed clothes to change after bathing... Then we left Leonard's house and went to The Prata Place... To me the food was ok... The meal with about 16 of us was more significant than the food for those moments... Lol... After that came home...

The end here, I want to thank 30th Batch, no matter what happened during the concert, any screw-ups or whatsoever, I don't care... Thanks for putting in effort for us. Thanks for the presents. Big thanks to Leonard and his family for their hospitality. Big thanks to his Mum also who still cooked food for us at past midnight and came up to give us mattresses and blankets at 4am... Thank you very much! Also, thanks to all officers and others who made the event possible! Lastly, thanks to my squadmates of the 29th Batch, for coming together to celebrate our last moments in NPCC together... Thanks everyone!!!

Photos and the other (more important?) thanks and well wishes shall be posted another day... This post is getting a wee bit long... Ciao... Shall end off with CHSNPCC's one and only unit cheer!





公教 oi!
公教 oi!
NP abah!

The end of the NPCC chapter...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail