Friday, June 20, 2008

Firstly, Happy Birthday Jun Wei!

Well, Prelim 2 is finally over... Honestly speaking, I didn't really study very hard for this exam due to lack of motivation as well as other stuff... Ah well... Review of the papers later... Monday didn't need to go to school actually but I wanted to find Mrs Tan to consult her for Maths stuff, but she wasn't there... Yeah, then on Tuesday morning while studying for Chem there was apparrently some Chinese oral thing that I didn't know about.... Have been sleeping late for the past few nights cause I was trying to do some last minute studying, some workedm some didn't...

Review of papers:

Chemistry, 17/6: Think I did ok, hopefully can get a distinction for it...
Geog, 17/6: Did last minute studying for this, almost didn't finish the paper... My LDQ question comprising of 8 marks had one point of each side of the argument and one conclusion... That made up what, 3-4 lines? Hopefully can get an A2...

English Lit elect, 18/6: Totally screwed this paper up... There was the question on the episode on a portion involving Miss Gates from To Kill A Mockingbird.... I got confused and thought that was the Miss Caroline incident thingy, don't even remember the Miss Gates part at all, so I wrote out of point.. See, never read the book thoroughly enough... Passing this would be a miralce...
Physics, 18/6: Err, this paper was quite ok I guess, almost got my laws for electromagnetic induction mixed up, think I got them correct? Hope to get at least A2 for this....

Social Studies, 19/6: Studied the essays from the night before, read through the whole book to get a rough idea of what was going on (?!)... Didn't manage to complete my SBQ, so it's a goner...
Mathematics, 19/6: It was supposed to be one of my better subjects, but guess I lacked practice... Marks needed to get A1 are 85.... So well, hope to get A2 I guess...

Biology, 20/6: Most of the paper was sort of ok, except for the first essay question.... Died in that one cause I never encountered such questions before.... Crapped out what I could...
Additional Mathemactics, 20/6: Think I did ok... I realised something about A.Maths... If you can do some parts correctly, then you'll be able to score a lot of marks, but one screw up could cost you as much as the whole question itself... Scary...

So for now, exams are OVER!!!!!

Guess I'm going to rest for this "1 week break" for a while, while preparing for CL O level oral as well... After that, it'll be constant revision after that already...

After the papers, went to J8 to eat with the rest then came home...

A few things I want to talk about... Firstly, sometimes for some reason I just feel so left out... It's like I don't seem to be able to click with some people, even those whom I'm familiar with... What's wrong with me? I seem to feel that I don't belong anywhere now... Perhaps my explanation here is a bit vague and un-understandable, but ah well, not everything is meant to be mentioned here... Another thing, visited the store on Wednesday during the "spring cleaning". Not trying to hint anything or something, but yah, it seems that when I was there, almost none of them even bothered to say hi, some treated me as though I was invisible... I'm not trying to say that I demand respect and attention from them anywhere cause I'm no longer their nco and their no longer my cadets, but well, the absence of the simple gesture that usually indicates familiarity obviously means something... Is just being friends too hard? Or did we not make any impact on them, such that they were too glad to be rid of us? Bah, I don't know and I don't care... And yah, I'm not hinting anything here, so well, don't think too much, thanks...

And yah, you two... Let's not allow the friendship to be affected just because of a few sentences? I mean, yah, it's pretty lame, for you to have reacted this way... Can we just resolve this properly and as quuickly as possible? Things don't have to turn out this way...

There are just so many things I want to say, but I either can't express it in words or I forgot about them... -_- Ah well... And yeah, I apologize for any crapping of the sort, in the negative way, that I've done... I seem to be speaking before I think now... I'm sorry it what I've said here and there have been hurting or irksome... Sorry everyone...

Will tomorrow be a better day?


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail