Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Another remedial day today... Start from Monday anyway... Monday was mainly Chinese Listening Compre practice... Scored 8, 20, 12 and 16 for the 4 tests respectively... Yah, I know I failed one... After that, had lunch then went to the school library I think... Met Wai Yinn there... After that the library closed, then we went around the school hunting for places to do work... After that went to Bishan market to buy drinks before going to the bus stop... Got on 162 and met Ivan, Yibin and Zikai... Lol... Sort of went home with Zikai... After that went for a 30 minute or so jog... Haha...

Tuesday was a science day.. Physics, then Chem, both in the audi... After that went to eat with NP people... Think I pissed off the store owner... Lol... After that, Ken, Louis, KB and myself went to AMK library to study... Took damn long to try and find places and we ended up at some corner... Then Louis and KB kept turning on their radars to high alert... Haha, you get it then you get it, you don't you don't, too bad... Haha... Then Yibin joined us... After that left the library with Jia Yong for tuition... Ended up deciding to walk there... Haha... Took about 45 minutes or so... And we were just 5 minutes late... Nice... Haha... Finally went back to tuition after nearly a month's absence due to certain activities... Jia Yong must have been lonely during my absence when Edward was also absent... Lol, him alone with two girls... Haha... After tuition then home again...

Today was a hardcore maths day... Breakfast at first only Ken and I were present, then Louis, Clifton and KB (anyone else?) came... Had maths in the Lecture theatre... Then JW came at like close to 12 or something after being forced to go.. Then JW and I went for some integration lesson by the external teacher, followed by the library again...

Prelim 2 is in something like 12 days? And yet, I'm still lacking my motivation to study... Whenever I come home, I just feel like stoning... At times in school, I get the sudden urge to actually study, then I lose it all soon after that... Arggh... So many subjects, so little time... Zzzz... I damn scared I'm going to screw up badly or even fail Prelim 2... Arggghh... Where's my motivation?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?

Also, JW seems to have had some thought on the CI thing, and perhaps he has had some resolve? Not sure whether I'll go... How about Terence? See first bah...

Did we make an impact on them? Did we do our duty?


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail