Sunday, June 15, 2008

Let's talk about Friday first... Went to North Point at like 8am or something to meet Kah Hoe, Ken, Jun Wei, Louis and Rui Jie at Mcdonalds for breakfast... Terence, Yibin and Wei Rong came after that... We were joined by Zi Xuan and Jackson before we took the shuttle bus to Orchid Country Club... Went to the bowling alley then they did all their admin stuff... YJ and Cliff came... The competition started at about 10am... The "opening bowl" ended up in the drain... Haha... The competition commenced... Us supporters, mainly Kah Hoe, Louis, Terence, myself, Yong Jie, Clifton, Zheng Qian and Jeremy watched the the games... Then after a while we (sec 4s) went to play bowling ourselves... Haha... We played 3 matches... Teamed up with Louis and Kah Hoe against Terence, Yong Jie and Clifton... My scores were 86, 176 and 133 respectively... Not bad... Even managed to get my second turkey in my life for the 176 game... Damn fun... Kah Hoe and Terence also learned how to play bowling... Clifton was supposedly also new but his playing obviously proved otherwise... Haha... When we finally finished, we went to look for Jun Wei they all, got lost for a while before we found them... Credits to Zheng Qian and Jeremy... Jun Wei's team came in 1st!!! Sec 3s were 8th... Jun Wei and Wei Rong also achieved the individual 5th and 4th I think... Congratulations guys!!!! =)

After that we wanted to go for lunch... Ended up having to wait for a second bus cause there was no space left in the first one with Ken... Then we went to some place to eat, followed by going to Wei Rong's house to study a bit... Then there was a period where we got a bit carried away with the piano and we ended up being late for our "appointment" at 5pm... Anyway, went to the basketball court to play... We played 4 vs 4 games... Wei Rong didn't want to play... It was damn fun... Not sure when we'll get to play like this again... After that we went somewhere cause they wanted to photocopy history notes or something but the shop was closed... Bought drinks then took 851 with Kah Hoe home.... Was supposed to go for the wake but due to me going home late, I couldn't go...

Saturday, went for tuition at 830am... Damn tired and was half asleep for the first portion... Zzzz... And the coffee Mrs Chu gave me took some time to take effect... Haha... Tuition went on till 1230pm... 4 hours! Then went home for lunch, then went for the wake again at about 4+pm... Things were so so there... Hilary and Valarie looked dead beat, no surprise since they just returned from a camp... Haha... There was some memorial service, then it was mainly talking and some psp-ing till about 11pm when we started playing monopoly... I know it's weird... Left at about midnight I guess... Today, wanted to wake up at 9+am to study a bit, ended up waking up at 11+am... -.- Went there again... Played a bit of monopoly again... Then came the final memorial thing, both there and at the crematorium.... It didn't go how I perceived it would have been and well.... Shan't comment further... Yup... It's goodbye... And what will remain is the memories in our hearts... Goodbye... Dinner was after that... Got pissed off quite a bit...

Tomorrow is the first day of Prelim 2... I don't have a paper tomorrow cause I don't take HCL and history of any sort, so well... I'm still going to school though to consult teachers....

And yah, I'm so going to die for Prelim 2... I didn't study enough, in fact, my studying could be considered as not studying at all... My preparations were negligible compared to those of my peers... Instead of studying, I played bowling, instead of studying, I was stoning, instead of studying I was stoning by the com, instead of studying, I was sleeping late doing who knows what and waking up late, wasting my mornings away, instead of studying, I was playing basketball... I seriously hate this... After prelim 1 I told myself that I would start studying much earlier, but I didn't keep to my promise... And once again, I'm regretting it... Guess after prelim 2 it'll be hardcore (hopefully) after that... How many more exams am I going to screw up? Again?

I'm so dead already... If I were to make comparisons for my subjects, I would say that I'm least prepared, and likely to screw, badly, my humanities... And I mean ALL... Pure Geog, hardly listened during lessons cause Human Geog is damn boring anfd now I'm desperately trying to read up on content... Lit: forget about it, I hate it now thanks to so and so... No motivation/drive for it... S.S: Also forget about it... Everyone's likely to score well except me... Why? Cause I haven't even studied a SINGLE S.S essay! And we have what, 19 essays?! Plus SBQ... I'm a total goner... Yes, up till now I'm like that... Unbelievable? Believe it...

And yah, that's just for humanities, I haven't even talked about the rest yet...

Won't blog till perhaps this weekend, won't probably come online either or even appear offline perhaps, ah what the heck, guess I won't even turn on my computer... Hope I'll be able to slavage the situation...

If the saying "you reap what you sow" is true, then I'm already dead, even before my papers... I'll try my best to stay alive then...

Adios Amigos


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail