Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hi people... Morning went for Huang Lao Shi's Chinese remedial, reached a bit late, did some bao zhang bao dao discussion.... Freak lah, still somehow don't really get motivated to work for Chinese, even though I really want to achieve A2 or better.... Zzzz.... After that went to SNGS's fiesta thingy... Tong Yang last minute in the morning during remedial tell me he going... Lol... Undecided at first whether to change as the change of clothes I brought looked a bit weird... I have a patheitc sense of fashion ok... Went to AMK Hub with Wai Yinn, Tong Yang and Hai Liang... Met Louis, Wai Yinn, bought socks.... Louis convinced me to change... Took 269 to St. Nicholas... First thing we saw was the number of stores at the carpark and the huge machine that was a ride that we normally see in amusement parks... Wow... Place was jam packed... Had to first find cousin Hilary for some of the tickets she helped me to get, and she was at the other end of the school... -.- Took quite a while to get there, was half dying by then... Lol... Got a bit lost, had to squeeze through a huge crowd at the canteen, finally found the drama studio with the haunted house thingy, got my tickets then we walked around... Well, SNGS is pretty big, and without a doubt MUCH larger than CHS.... Haha... So, there were stores at nearly every possible area in the school, fully making use of the space.... There were rides, as mentioned above, that we normally only see in amusement parks, not to the extent of rollaer coster rides of course... Haha... Amazed by the type of stores there... There was even an arcade... 0.0 Xbox and other arcade games... Wow... Went around scouting for stuff to eat and all that... Was "forced" to buy tea eggs from Lingli and Mei Zhen's store... Lol... Not bad though, ate some when I came home... Ate pizzas and had some drinks as well... Spent a lot of time walking about though... Lol... Saw what was probably half of CHS there as well... Lol, ok that was an exaggeration... But there were a lot of CHS people there... Even the hall was used for the fiesta... Went there, saw Erin, looked around.... Where do they get some of their stuff from man... Lol... Walked around even more... LTY went to play LAN with Lin De and company... Walked around with Louis, played some games, Louis left, found Charlton and Nicholas, walked aound somemore... Think I saw my neighbour in the compound as well... Lol... Charlton left, Nicholas and I then stayed a while, watched Kien Ann play the arcade games, which he had been doing for like damn long... Lol... Saw the racing showdown between Edmund and John, too bad John lost or we would have forced Edmund to do the dancing arcade game... Haha... Decided to buy another set of tickets, bought some stuff and ice-cream, watched Kien Ann, John and Edmund for a while more, then took 269 with Nicholas....

Well, second time I went to St. Nicholas, the first being in primary school when my mum had to fetch cousin Hilary from school, but I only went to the canteen... Saw how big the school was... And you could say, CHS's Homecoming tio owned by SNGS's fiesta, not only on stores and all that, but reception as well... It was practically flooded all the time... Not sure if it's cause SN is a girls' school or because girls are usually more proactive in these sort of things... Store wise, there definitely much more stores than those in Homecoming, with all that space... But yeah, it definitely needed lot's of organization... Impressed... Oh yah, they were trying to set some Guiness World Record or something, not exactly sure what they were supposed to do, but it was something to do with running for 24 hours continuously or something... Wonder if they did achieve it... Lol... Did have fun today though... And Lingli's crazy, wanting our tuition class's teacher to suddenly go into labour or something during Tuesday's lesson... LOL...

I quite agree with Clifton... I think most of us share the same thoughts. Though I admit, sometimes we do do things that we shouldn't really be doing, but it's not like we do atrocious things like stealing or bullying or something...

Sometimes I really do feel that I'm downright selfish, some the thoughts that crossed my mind, I'm kind of disgusted with some of them... Also, I'm a bit naive as well... Guess I'm not as mature as what I thought I was... And, I'm really getting a bit fat... I want to lose a bit of weight and grow taller!!! You wouldn't want to know how heavy I am, cause you'll probably get shocked... Haha... My pull-up count is also still at 3... Arrgh... I guess I need to cut down on spending on food, that way I won't gain so much weight and save money... Haha... I enjoy food though... Haiz... Maybe it's cause of muscles and not fats! Haha...

This song was introduced to me by Ken Foo... It was used in the movie Shrek 2... It's a nice song... Lol... The guy's hair in the video is pretty cool... Haha

Accidentally in Love -- Counting Crows

Ok, bye people, enjoy the song... Haha...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Alrighty, here again... Another week in school, somehow I can't really remember what has really been happening, I seem to be suffering from a bit of short-term-memory... Lol... Choir guys came back from Italy this week... They achieved a Gold if I remember correctly... Congrats guys! Can't recall much... Assembly on Wednesday Sec 4s continued watching the movie that we started on last week, Coach Carter... I'm sure many will agree, it's really a great movie, very maeningful with lot's of learning points, and Samuel L. Jackson rocks... Haha... Quoted from the movie, "You give me attitude, you will do push-ups, so you can push-up, or shut up!" Haha... PE is now sport climbing, or more remembered as rock climbing for me... Having done the belaying and all that last year during PE and as an OAL, it was mostly familiar stuff, somehow I do enjoy it a bit, maybe it's the climbing part.... Honestly speaking, I do sort of look foward to it, though most would disagree... Training, ran, soccer, and until now, my thigh muscles are still aching, hindering my movements a bit... A certain problem was also solved, glad that it is, everything's ok now, well, most things are anyway... Thursday Carpe Diam lesson was still the movie... Bio test for last period for reproduction in humans, a total screw up it was....

Something really retarded happened on Thursday morning... We were having English remedial, then this Chinese teacher, can't remember his name, is supposedly under Mdm Yu Lin lao shi... New I think? Think some people know who he is... Anyway, he came into the class, in his hand was a piece of paper from Yu Lin lao shi asking Reggie, Shi Jie and Sam to hand up their Chinese homework.... Then that guy put glue on the back of the piece of paper and stuck it ON the bloody whiteboard.... -_-''''''' Wtf... The notice was taken down promptly by me... Retarded or what... Lol... Thursday, BK training for the filming thingy, then CV.... Today was Sports' night... Dismissed at like 11:30am... Played badminton for a while then went for CV meeting with officers... Meeting lasted all the way to 4pm... Then I was the last few to settle my photos for submission to SMS... Done, we found SMS in the Primary School staff room, then consulted him for something... After that went back to store, found out that Sports Night had been postponed/cancelled(?)... As Louis' msn nick says, Sports Night does seem to have some kind of jinx on it, as far as I can remember, almost every year it seems to rain, save for perhaps the one in Sec 1 I think... Haiz... Was really looking forward to viewing it and supporting my house Edward... Haha... Went for dinner at KFC...

Have been sleeping at like 1:30am for the past few nights, ended up with my energy really drained and unable to fully absorb everything... It's not like I'm mugging or something... When I go home, I seem to almost toally forget what I'm supposed to do, end up slacking, stoning and wasting time... I really hate myself for that... I HAVE to change this habit... I have to start getting my focus back, stop thinking about certain things that might potentially distract me, stop sleeping late... Arggh... After today I find that my life's in a total mess at the moment... I seem to be getting some of my priorities wrong too.... Haiz... Someone come motivate me... Lol... I really need to start reorganizing myself, set goals and, ok I just forgot what I wanted to type like 2 minutes ago... -.-

Anyway, lot's of complications arose... 5th April is the supposed date for our City Venture, Sec 1 Swearing-in ceremony AND the National Campcraft competition finals... Big problems, shan't bother to elaborate further, go figure... Results for C.C Com will be released tomorrow... Hope for the best...

Going to the SNGS fiesta thingy tomorrow with Louis and Wai Yinn, after Chinese remedial though... Have something like 30 bucks worth of tickets or something... 10 from my cousin, 20 from my mum, whose sister aka my aunt('s) daughter is in St Nicks' primary... Heard she has like dunno something like 200 dollars worth of tickets? Dunno...

Ok night people... Need to catch up on my sleep...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Just came back from tuition... Sian... Sunday also have to go tuition... Zzz... Been doing that for dunno how long already anyway... Haha... Yesterday chionged 4 hours of tuition in the morning to make up for the lessons I missed due to one reason or another... After that went to school to do some homework... Damn freaky at first cause there was almost no one in the school. or so it seemed from the study area above the grandstand... Lol... Talked to Daryl for a while, who came back to take his testimonial if I remember correctly... Nice CCA(s) he joined... Lol... Finished one paper then went to Eugene's house, played a bit, then went home... After that went for some dinner... Went to the Plaza Market Cafe (I think) at Raffles City I think... Some buffet... Well, you don't go to such places to eat everyday, and luckily we don't either... Ate quite a lot, a very large spread of food... At the dessert corner there was even the much loved durian paste!!! Woohoo... For people who like to eat durians, this thing rocks!!!! Haha... 12 people at the dinner table, my brother and I being the only kids... Zzz... After that then some of us went to walk around Raffles City... Oh yeah, before the dinner, I think I saw someone who I used to be in the same tuition class with I think... Not sure, the person seemed to be looking at me as well, familiarity I guess... Bah, I don't really care anyway... Lol... Ended up stuck in Robinsons' with the adults, whom were nearly all women, so you can guess which part of the department store I was stuck at... Lol.... Wasn't fun... Stoned for quite some time... Only left with 3 minutes to closing time... Lol... Left the place after that anyway...

Tuition just now, wrote compo, think I screwed it up... Wrote only like 1 point for each side of the argument... So, well... Never mind... Ah well... Shall go finish up my homework.. There's a A.Maths test on Tuesday too!!! Crappp....

Some of the pics from yesterday:

Food Galore!
Food Galore!

Food Galore!

I love this thing... The chocoloate fondue fountain thingy.... The big container beside it contains the durian paste... Yeah man... Lol...



A pretty old song, I still like it though... Linkin Park -- Points of Authority from the album Hybrid Theory...

Friday, March 21, 2008

I read something just now.... Well, this isn't to flame you or something, in case you get the wrong idea... But well... Is it necessary to go to such extremes? Having those thoughts that you had just now? I had gone through the exact same thing that you went through, and I don't deny that I did get a little pissed off for getting left behind... But, having to go to the extremes of having thoughts of just going off like that? It's really becoming unlike you, and it's saying something too... It just shows how much these lot of people mean to you too... I know, they can be idiots, they can be real jerks, asses sometimes, but aren't we still under the name of "29"? Don't keep thinking this way, people leave me behind, they don't care, I should just go off too then... Who likes that feeling? Sometimes things like this make me wonder about your other problem too... Sometimes, people like me try to help you, show how much we care, I dunno about others, but I got lousy responses... It almost makes me want to give up trying AT ALL to help you whenever and wherever possible... In the past, we used to be able to talk, communicate so well with each other and everyone else, then you changed... I really don't know how to talk to you nowadays.... I really think that it's not necessary to think that no one cares about you or something... We have to move about anyway... Yeah, you can really get pissed over that matter, I don't mind.... But thinking of leaving I feel is a bit too far, honestly...

Flame me if you want, scold me, hate me, show attitude just like he did if you want... I'm just trying to help you here, to clear your already troubled mind of some ill-feelings that aren't really necessary, and my efforts certainly seem to be futile at the moment... Really... Jia you, and do try to think about it yeah?
Why are there so many dumb problems coming up, even after all these years.... -.-

Now I'm wondering whether I should really care at all about those around me... Cause I'm mostly returned with attitudes, "refusal" and I myself getting pissed off or affected as well....

I want to help, but you have to first help YOURSELF....

I seem to be talking rubbish here....

Shall lighten the mood a bit anyway with another music video, or I'll start emoing or something stupid... Lol....

You need songs like this sometimes... Linkin Park -- Numb

And right now, I've my own problem to worry about... Probably next week.... Someone give me moral support... Lol...

Week's been pretty ok I guess... Monday had like 3 free periods or something cause Mr Talib and Mrs Yap didn't go to school... A lot of teachers were sick anyway... Monday got to dismiss at 1:40pm as well... Lol... Tues quite ok... Tuition some new guy to the centre came to teach us... Probation or something... Wed, no assembly, had lessons instead... Training, rather not really talk about it.... Thurs so so, learnt some new stuff... Then in the afternoon, wanted to do some homework, ended up playing badminton all the way till 6+pm with Jason, Ken and Wai Yinn, Clement joined in later... Was damn fun.... Ken's parents gave me a life home... Thanks Auntie and Uncle! Oh yeah, have to thank Ken, Yibin and Xing Yu for helping me out on Wednesday by helping me to release what I was keeping inside for the whole day, made me feel a whole lot better... Thanks guys... And yeah, some people love to just speak damn directly, not caring about how others might feel, or ever even thinking about certain situations, they just shoot their mouth off.... Yah, was pretty pissed with that person, but well, I'm pretty ok with him right now...

Today, had our own CV recee... Pretty successful I guess, managed to cover all our checkpoints.... We were like running around half round Singapore.... Dinner, then JW dropped Terence and I at Khatib MRT station... The rest went to watch Step Up 2... In a way, I'm pretty glad that my Mum didn't allow me to watch, cause like right now, I don't think the movie would have ended yet... Lol... Yeah, anyway, lot's of homework this weekend, even some dumb mindmaps for English, which unless someone can explain the rationale of it to me, I think it probably won't help us for English, the most it would do is to help us for points in our writing for factual essays or something... Lol...

Yeah, two major issues were raised this week... One, some people really are so proud over 1 stripe, start suanning some others... Shows their immaturity and sheer arrogance... Furthermore, there isn't like one such person in their lot or something, it's quite a few, and I really loathe such people... As much as we're supposed to care for such people, their stuck up attitude just reflects badly upon themselves... Then also, You... Isn't it about time you solved your problem with him? I mean, he's willing to solve the problem, but you make things difficult, you refuse to patch up, you two used to be such good friends, you guys are supposed to be working together.... Really, if there's a problem or grudge, don't keep hiding it and solve it, bury the hatchet, start afresh... And, your latest attitude isn't exactly pleasing to people either... You start mood swinging every now and then without warning, and when told to do simple things like tucking in your shirt or to stop playing your psp, you give that bloody f-ed up attitude, such that you piss people off immediately... Really, we're all willing to help you, to solve whatever's wrong, so do your part by helping us, and yourself ok? As the saying goes, it takes two hands to clap...

Two music videos today.... First up, one of the Bleach anime opening themes... Rolling Star by Yui, second video is Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion... Couldn't post up the so called better live version... Both songs are great, especially the second one... =)

More people tag leh... Haha...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Nothing much to today, just lunch at grandparents' house, then tuition... Last day of holiday, yet up till now, I still don't have homework done... Those I that I did attempt to do, many ended up up with blanks cause I have no idea how to do them... Cham ah like that... Term 2, marks certain things, for me at least.... Sec 4 Hell -- Part 2, as well as POP... Shall talk about that next time... And I'm really hoping to be able to achieve a few things, both for CCA and studies... Yup... Must jia you liao... All the best to everyone then!!!

Shall end off with a song, I quite like it, have to thank Kah Hoe for introducing this song to me...

Leona Lewis -- Bleeding Love... UK version of the music video (I think) and a live version...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday Sei Yee!

Friday was a long day... Morning woke up pretty early, went to school and ate breakfast with Ken and Yibin.... Changed into full u then headed over to next door, Whitley Sec for the SI interviews... Saw Whitley unit having their camp or something.... Nearly every school in Area 4 sent nominees... Peirce had their Top 4 or something... GYSS had Mick, Violet and some guy we never saw before... KCP had Kah Seng, Priscilla and one more person I can't really recall was.... RI was Andrew, Jian Xiong and Daniel... Interview was done school by school... After ours, we went back to school, changed, lunched at Bishan Market, then went back to the store to supposedly do homework... However, it resulted in a lot of talking cock and fooling around, mostly by Ken and Yibin... Lol... A bit of play too, then came home...

Today woke up even earlier... Went for CV reccee... Went to quite a number of our checkpoints to check out the places... Journey was pretty long I guess, then Mrs Chew was like saying things like "Why are you young guys so sian, I'm very high now leh..." Those sort of things... LOL... Trust Mrs Chew to liven up the reccee... Haha... Coincidentally, we saw our principal Mr Lee while we were trying to find a place to eat... Lol, saw him and his family having lunch... Then at our 2nd last checkpoint point, we saw Mr Lawrence Tan and his wife... Haha, talk about luck... Went back to school, played soccer, damn fun, then Mr Quay wanted us to leave the school causse he had to lock up the school and that... Then after that when we were like outside the store, Mr Quay was like nearby, then we went into the store, then dunno who shouted Mr Quay come liao then there was this frenzy to hide and the store's light's were turned off... Then everyone was like hiding... Lol? Dunno who's bright idea it was... Then Mr Quay was like trying the door... Said "Eh?", then dunno what happened for some time... But anyway, we just left still... Lol... Then there was some debate on whether we should play basketball, in the end we all went to the court near the primary side to play... Play until damn hiong... Then there was the incident where Ken got zammed right at his crotch by Yibin while he attempted to bring the ball back into the court... And Ken was directly behind him, a shot at almost full power or something... Ouch... Anyway he lay there on the ground for like 10 mins or perhaps even longer... Think he should be ok cause he was able to play after some time... I got an injury to my left middle finger, sprained I think... Zzzz... Was exhausted after the game, but it was tremendous fun =) I wonder when will be the next few times we can actually play games like this together...

For today, shall be featuringtwo videos... First one is a duet by two guys on one guitar for the piece Turkish March by Mozart... Damn zai....

Next one is a Japanese song, Houki Boshi by Younha... One of the ending songs for Bleach I think... Yup, nice song, singer is pretty good looking too.... Lol... Don't get the wrong idea please... -_-''' The piano portion is damn zai, wish it was slightly louder though...

Ok, see you...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hey people... Wednesday practically spent the whole day in school... Morning went to see SMS about the form, then sort of stoned/played/did homework for sometime before CV meeting with Mrs Chew, took quite some time, then all of us went to J8 to celebrate Ken's birthday.... A meal at KFC, a cake and presents for him... Haha... After that most of us stayed behind to watch a movie...We watched 10,000 B.C. Honestly speaking, it's a really good movie, depicted in ancient times... This guy goes on a quest to get his love back who had been abducted... He also seemed to have been fufilling a prophecy as well... Movie storyline was great, except some parts seemed pretty weird... For example, woolly mammoths forced to pull loads in some place like Egypt? Technically they can't really survive for long right... Then the part when the lead female character supposedly died, then somehow revived after some exchange of lives, something to do with the prophecy or something... Still, it really was a good movie... 4.5/5 for my rating... =) An upcoming movie called Vantage Point looks interesting, hope I can watch it... Lol...

My cousin came to stay yesterday, we did nothing really much though... Today also spent the day at home, doing homework mainly... Some of the older aunties came to my house for mahjong as well... Lol...

Getting pretty nervous for tomorrow... Hope things turn out well... Ok, I'm really scared to be honest, but well, no choice, I shall do my best... Wish me luck... =)

Happy Belated Birthdays to Ken and Robin!!!

This song is a really touching one, with the great singing... Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On, main song of the show Titanic if I'm not wrong... 3 live performances... Decide for yourself which one is the best version I guess... Lol...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Yo people... Past 2 days, main things for me were bascially chinese remedials I guess... Monday morning Sec 4 CL and Sec 3 HCL pupils had some mass lecture in the hall for oral by Mr Han, principal of Han language centre... Pretty enriching, but I guess it was a wee bit long... After that was our listening and oral exam, counted for Prelim 2 for Sec 4s.... Listening I think I did ok, I found out the results for my class's CL people anyway, Thanks Ziyi... Oral I guess it was pretty screwed... Reading was too fast, conversation pretty screwed cause I didn't know how to express some things.... After that, went for briefing by Siming sir... Follwed by soccer at the gallery, damn fun... Played with wushu people after that... A damn hiong match, but it was tremendous fun... Yeah man...

Morning was taken up by Chinese again today... It was lectures again till 11am... Lunched at Long Johns, then went to Eugene's house for a while, before I ran back to school, then went for tuition... Haven't done much homework yet, arggh...

I'm having a mix of emotions again... I really wonder why I bother so much to help people, bother much to try certain things, like going after things, goals pple, expectations etc.... Arggh.... It's like, you end up getting cast aside, not belonging... Crap lah, I guess while searching for the dates for events I came across my previous blog entries and it reminded me of some really unpleasant memories which had and still affected me... I guess some upcoming events are really getting me cranky, worried and sian diao too I guess... Wonder if I really stand a chance at surviving here...

Tomorrow is going to be another day spent mostly in school... Ken's birthday tomorrow too... I really need to get my work done!!!!!!! Argghhh... @%$RDDDC*&^R&&**^&^ICR%^XE

And I really really hate going to sleep with a troubled mind and heart, probably won't be able to sleep, which I really lack and end up thinking about all the shit that there is.... WTF... Bye.... Zzzz

Happy Birthday to Chorlin and Mr Thomas!!!!!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Hey people, some pretty well, so called heart wrenching events passed? Haha, what a description...

Firstly was Friday, the last Muster Parade that we'll be taking as NCOs... My role in the parade was the Contingent Commander for Supporting Contingent 1.... Everything was pretty ok at first I guess... The weather seemed to be playing with us as it threatened to rain a few times, but eventually, we had pretty good weather for the parade... Yay... Parade was scheduled to start at 5pm, but it started late due to some things... Parade finally commenced! Screwed up a bit during the march in... Rest went pretty ok... My hands were damn numb by the time my name was called... Especially my right arm... Couldn't control my arm swings properly at first.... Totally disappointed with the state of my beret though.... It was like in a state as though it was unseasoned when I went up to receive my articles from Mr Goh.... Arghh... Disgrace lah.... Since I'm already a Staff Sergeant, only received badges this time... Received ATC, Total Defence Gold and CSS badge... Wonder when we can get our PYA badge... Lol... Parade went ok... After that there was a briefing then we went to take squad.... Well, as mentioned, if you didn't get promoted this time, don't let it affect you very greatly... Focus on your next objective and work towards it... As for those who did, don't get complacent and still work towards your goals... =) As for wr, don't give up this time... There's still one more chance for promotion... Jia you... Friday's Muster Parade was the last one that we would be taking, it's painful to leave behind those awesome times... True, planning a parade isn't easy for sure, but when it's executed properly, it's amazing... =)

Yesterday was ATF at Pulau Ubin NPCC Camp Resilience... Reached school at like 6:30 am.... Took the bus, reached Changi Jetty, went to eat a bit first... Went to Ubin via bumboat (duh), walked to Camp Resilience... All the schools gathered... Area 4 was present except for GYSS and Whitley, wonder what happened to them, then Chua Chu Kang Sec came.... Briefing, then we were spliy into groups.... CHS did the Flying Fox first... I must say, climbing up the 7 storey or so structure was pretty freaky, even more so when you were waiting to jump off it... However, after that it was no kicks... xD After that, first thing we did was the Tunnel... Damn fun... Totally dark, short route, there was some pit full of plastic balls... When you're in the dark with totally no light, sometimes it feels like you're dreaming or something... Lol... Next thing, was deemed "PP"... Let's refer to it as the Challenge Pole shall we? Was fun, reached the bar easily, didn't do any chin-ups though... xD After that was the ARC, Advanced Rope Challenge... The course I picked was the one that depended quite a bit on physical strength as well as some skill.... Finished it, but it was pretty taxing.... Last one was the Duo Dangle, where two people had to work together to climb a series of poles of increasing distance apart... Did the station with Ming Hao... Pretty good teamwork that we had, completed it and posed for a picture taken by Mrs Chew... Haha... Was the first guy to complete all 5 stations before lunch... xD Was at the right place at the right time I guess.... =p Lunch was pretty ok... After lunch, accompanied Linus so he could do the duo dangle, he had breathing difficulties halfway though... Day ended with photos and unit cheer, the walk back to the jetty.... Then a meal at Changi Village hawker centre... Carrot cake again... Haha... Long bus ride on 59 back to J8, went back to school for a while, then came home....

Since Sec 1, we've gone to Pulau Ubin for a total of 7 times.... All for NPCC purposes, ranging from Annual Hike to ATC to Hike reccee to ATF.... Many times we came, many times we left with new experiences, more valuable memories to keep.... This time, we left the campsite, probably the last time we would ever step in there again, most of us having had fun... I can say that I did conquer most of my height phobia.... =) Also, I have to thank my CCA NPCC, for organizing such things for cadets, it's not everyday that we get to do such things... Really wish that I could go back and try those obstacles again, however, it's not possible... Most people would just think of this ATF as another NP event, to me it's a significance that our term in NPCC is almost over... I'll truly miss these times, these experiences.... Thanks for the memories....

Friday, March 07, 2008

Blogging at quite a crazy hour... Never mind... Today, or rather yesterday, was another day... Left the house late cause my Father said that we could leave slightly later cause my brother is in some camp at St John's island.... Ended up leaving at like 6:45am? -.- Reached school, Mrs Yap was talking about our "Memories" essay... She told me I did quite well apparently, got a score of 20/30... Err, it's still ok I guess, but I have to try harder to get my A1... Left halfway at like 7:15am to take the A Maths test with Evan... Techniques of Differentiation... Quite ok I guess.... Just tedious... Checked my script for like super long and uncovered many silly mistakes... Luckily I checked... Differentiate 2x can differentiate until 4? Lol... Only realized that yesterday was also the day of our so-called Lit debate, with the motion that the major theme of the first part of the book of TKAMB was childhood... Totally unprepared... The people who did prepare were only like Wee Yang, Ziwei and Bryan Koh.... Our team was the proposition... Screwed up totally... Haha... Mrs Tang scolded the whole lot of us for being "barbarians and uncivilised people" and other things along that line, all because people were cheering like idiots when people were coming up to talk... Lol... Some 4-2 people did show her some attitude when she refused tp let them off for Chem SPA, she did in the end though... Bio test at the end of the day, another screw up I guess... Lol...

Muster Parade rehearsal after school, went pretty ok, though I'm not exactly satisfied with the standard of my contingent... I'm the contingent commander for Supporting Con 1... Standard can be better guys... After training went to play soccer... Scored 2 out of the 4 goals scored by our side (some sec 4s and 1 sec 3 against sec 2s) with help of some pretty superb and really accurate passing from Jun Wei... Yeah man... =) However, we lost 5-4 in the end, cause of some let-ins in the initial parts of the game, then when I was keeper, I couldn't see the ball due to people blocking my view, a few deflections occured, next thing I knew, the ball went through the posts... Arggh... Good game though... =)

Though I know nobody will be reading this at this time, but yeah... All the best to my squadmates tomorrow! Heard the number of Staff Sergeants this time is like 7 or something... All the best guys! I pray for good weather for the Muster Parade later... And I'm really really scared for next week, the more I think about it, the more nervous I get... Zzzz... ATF is on Saturday... Looking foward to things like the flying fox and all those...

All right... Night people...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Happy Birthday Leon! =)

Another day today... PE ended up with 2.4km run... -.- Well, due to part of the track gone, ended up with 6 2/3 rounds to run... Didn't stop, tried to push myself but I was too damn tired from the lack of sleep... 12mins 5 sec... Standard dropped, need to work on it before NAPFA which is in like slightly more than a month's time.... Rest of the day was so so... No comments for Maths... Assembly was house meeting, supposedly signed up for ultimate frisbee, cause I really wanted to play something this year, since it's my last year here, but Richie wanted to play so I just let him take my place in the end... Had to settle the NPAP people thing... Their bus came like damn boody late... Waited until news of the bus's impending arrival reached us, then went to the audi, did the Bao Zhang Bao Dao test... Totally screwed it up... Meeting was sort of cancelled cause some people went off... Went to do some work at the library before I had to leave cause it was closing... Met KF, LL, CT and MH at the study area outside the staff room, did some work before going back to the store... Came home at like 7+pm....

Somehow, this week hasn't been exactly great, I keep getting irritated easily, I'm starting to lose my temper easily, I start shouting at people, I start scolding, showing lousy attitudes to people, my friends... I start saying many things without first thinking, radomly shooting words and phrases at people, not thinking of what those words might mean or how they could affect the person, which probably resulted in some people getting hurt directly or indirectly... I'm really sorry everyone, for being the selfish, loud, unreasonable, unstable, insulting, bad tempered git I've been acting as for the past few days... I'm sorry... I hope you guys can forgive me...

A Maths test tomorrow morning cause I can't stay back after school... Bio test.... Muster Parade rehearsal.... Wow... Perfect day tomorrow...

Also, a teacher told me this today, I really lack confidence in myself... Dunno whether she was trying to tell me that it was needed to get my A1s for the Os in those 2 papers, but what she said did knock some sense into me... Am I really lacking confidence in myself? Perhaps so... But how do I overcome this psycholigical barrier? More sleep? Encouragement from those around me? Events that are deemed as "good"? I have no idea, it'll definitely take time to find it, I just hope that it won't be too late by the time I do find my confidence...

Hopefully I can cheer up in the next few days... Sorry once again to those I've offended or hurt these past few days....

Stand up after a fall, don't just sit there and cry...

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Freak, another 2 lousy days.... Yesterday O level Bio SPA skill 1 & 2.... One word to describe it: SCREWED.... O level die liao... Zzzz.... Today had Chem SPA, quite ok I guess, except for one part that we were debating whether it was necessary to convert into something.... Shall not reveal anything here... =p.... Maths lesson, crappy thing happened.... Got like, yelled at by the teacher(you know who it is but I just shall not mention any names here), cause she wanted me to look at the board... I mean, I was already like stressed out by the fact that the teacher was teaching really tough stuff, then there was still more things that under my table that have yet to be completed.... The teacher asked me, understand? I looked, then I sort of gave the given up look or something, said never mind, then went back to try seeing my notes, then got yelled at... Sort of got scolded another time... Sian diao.... Got called outside by teacher after lesson cause she wanted to like make sure I understood the concepts and all that, and yeah well, cause I was like damn emo cause of the pile up of so many things, then like half broke down lor... No idea why... The scolding just aggravated everything... Zzzz... And yah I'm like damn soft, like that also cry... Spent a good 5 minutes trying to calm myself down and look well, ok.... Thanks Mr F. and Jonny for your concern.... Felt pretty sian for the rest of the day till like now? I won't hold any petty grudges of the sort for sure, cause I know that the teacher also wasn't in the best of moods due to some of our level mates failing their probation and getting retained to the Sec 3 level... Yup... But my, err... attitude and "openess" towards the teacher would certainly change.... Won't be like in a super negative way or something, I'll just keep my distance... Why is it that I can't seem to be able to communicate with any teachers openly? Like a friend or sort like many others? It's definitely almost impossible to be friendly with my CCA teachers that's for sure, unless you're taught by Mrs Chew or something, I even find it hard to talk to Mr Thomas sometimes, who's like my form teacher? Haiz....

Ok, I'm like typing a lot of things and I'm not exactly registering what I'm typing... I can't believe I typed about today's incident for everyone to see... I probably would be considered a laughing stock soon enough by Sec 2s and 3s.... Lol...

Oh yeah, forgot to mention in my previous post, saw a car accident up close for the first time, it was in the morning and my dad was like waiting for the traffic light to change so that he could turn and then it happened right in front of us... Sia la... Pretty bad damage... Luckily no one was injured....

Seriously considering going to watch the musical by CHS "Unarmed combat".... Already asked someone to go with me, waiting to see if can confirm able to go then I'll go get the tickets, probably from Jimmy... Lol...

Happy Birthday to Leon! (Tomorrow)

Picking myself up after a fall, let's see how long I'll last standing...

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Funny how I seem to be updating like only once a week nowadays... Well, it's been busy... This week was so so I guess... Biggest things were probably things like the issue of the escape of the JI fugitive, Mas Selamat.... I seriously think it's a serious breach of security... Furthermore, I guess the parents of students in what SCGS and SJI are like worried sick or something... Pretty scary though, to have the knowledge that you've a JI terrorist running around your country, and he like escaped pretty easily... Really hope that he'll be nabbed soon... Well, all of us have to play our part too, look out for him people!!!

Friday had O level Physics SPA skill 1 & 2 test... Think it went ok... Hope it's ok too...

Another main event... Friday was the Sec 3s' Classification shoot... Pretty rushed, seeing that they had a dry prac the day before... Well, at HQ, they used the gallery that was used for shooting com finals for their classification shoot... Apparently, the gun has been changed to 8 rounds instead of the 6 rounds in the past... Format changed too... Changed to 16 rounds, 8 at 9m and 8 at 15 m.... 80 points is the max, 60 to get the badge... YJ, YB and I were probably like the only accompanying NCOs out of all the schools there, which were mostly Area 4 schools, perhaps all were Area 4.... Anyway, yeah, saw some familiar faces there... Our friends from Whitley, some NPAP people for this year, CIs, officers, including the officer from a certain school who gl-ed me during NPAP last year... Lol... Funnily, she's the one who also wore her name tag on the wrong side... Haha... So, Sec 3s went in to shoot.... Shall not comment on this... Honestly speaking, it does hurt, as a squad leader to see the cadets that you've sort of brought up for some time, returning or exiting from the scoring room with dejected faces, some on verge of tears... It does hurt too, as a shooter, to see them as such... Besides the point of UOPA, it's the cadet's, well, NPCC future? Or the extra attainable badge for their uniform? No idea how to explain certain things in writing... Well, as we had said, don't keep brooding about what had happened, focus on the next objective and work towards it... On the bus, after we gave our motivational talk and were walking down the isle of the seats, I could still see the look of ultimate disappointment in some people's faces, people like zk, jc, dl, rg etc... Well, hope you guys will let this incident pass.... Perhaps I'm talking crap here... Sometimes I've no idea why I care so much about some things such as this... Perhaps, the people who told me "Why do you care so much? It's their problem" are right at times... I care too much sometimes, resulting in myself getting affected unneccessarily... Perhaps I'm just downright dumb and extra....

After the shoot we did have to wait for quite a while though.... So Mrs Chew brought us to the grand stand and we watched NPAP practice... Fardouez (spelling?) sir was there again.. Haha... Still with his damn zai commanding...

Yesterday, went to school for Chinese remedial, woke up late and reached there late... After that, waited sometime before Jonny, Wai Yinn, Shi Jie and I went to Eugene's house to study... Did some work, but we were crapping and playing a bit half the time... Pizza for lunch, split the cost.... Left at about 6:25pm, not before losing to Ben Sim in table tennis for 7 straight sets... Lost my skill, but it was fun... =)

Today woke up at like 1pm?! Amazed by how much I can sleep... Went for tuition, went to cut my hair too... Looks ok I guess, at least it makes it easier to wear a beret now... Haha.... Talked to Alvin and then Yanlin for a while before I walked home, since my parents were out... Walked in the rain, even though I had an umbrella with me... Lol, I'm not acting cool or something, it was just better to think while getting wet, it wasn't very heavy until I almost reached my door though... Haha...

Haven't done much work.... Don't feel like doing anything anyway.... This week's crazy.... O level Bio SPA skill 2 tomorrow, along with a compre and vocab test as well, O level Chem SPA skill 1 & 2 on tuesday, along with CV meeting with officers after that, Wednesday there is some Chinese Cuo Shi Bao Zhang Bao Dao test.... Sian diao....

ATF this coming Saturday... The last few Area events we'll be attending... I know many don't wish to go, but well, we have to.... Leon's birthday on Wednesday too, still wondering what we'll be getting him... Muster Parade this Friday, the second Muster Parade which I won't be getting any ranks of the sort (the first being the one that we attended at the end of Sec 1), just badges for me since I'm already a Staff Sergeant... All the best to everyone!

Some people can really piss you off sometimes, to think this person was actually a close friend of mine, but now I'm just damn pissed with him... Every other day only know how to suan here and there, attitude here and there, then when I told him about something I was trying to get, all he could say was, "Don't be too sad if you don't get it"... Ok the last sentence wasn't really a factor, but the other instances shows that he can be a really GOOD friend... -.- These times are when most of us are damn worried and stressed and the last thing that I need is to get involved in such childish and pointless things....

Oh yeah, and Happy Belated Birthday to Ivan! A pretty special birthday for him since it was a leap year this year and he would be able to celebrate his so-called proper birthday... Haha.. He's finally 4 years old!! Hahaha... It's amazing what can be done for one person too... Lol....

There have been some things that have been nagging me for quite some time, some which I know people would say not to think about such things at this point of time, since I have Os, also, some things are, well you could say selfish, because they are like things that would only benefit myself... My deepest apologies for thinking in certain ways.... However, I just can't seem to sop them from nagging at me all the time...

I have to find my motivation quickly, there's no time left... I need it, fast, even a shred of it, if there's any around....

Struggling my way through time, crushed by the future, past and present... Need support, jia you!

It's harsh reality...

A pretty old song and it's nice

Michael Learns to Rock --Take Me to Your Heart

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail