Friday, March 21, 2008

Week's been pretty ok I guess... Monday had like 3 free periods or something cause Mr Talib and Mrs Yap didn't go to school... A lot of teachers were sick anyway... Monday got to dismiss at 1:40pm as well... Lol... Tues quite ok... Tuition some new guy to the centre came to teach us... Probation or something... Wed, no assembly, had lessons instead... Training, rather not really talk about it.... Thurs so so, learnt some new stuff... Then in the afternoon, wanted to do some homework, ended up playing badminton all the way till 6+pm with Jason, Ken and Wai Yinn, Clement joined in later... Was damn fun.... Ken's parents gave me a life home... Thanks Auntie and Uncle! Oh yeah, have to thank Ken, Yibin and Xing Yu for helping me out on Wednesday by helping me to release what I was keeping inside for the whole day, made me feel a whole lot better... Thanks guys... And yeah, some people love to just speak damn directly, not caring about how others might feel, or ever even thinking about certain situations, they just shoot their mouth off.... Yah, was pretty pissed with that person, but well, I'm pretty ok with him right now...

Today, had our own CV recee... Pretty successful I guess, managed to cover all our checkpoints.... We were like running around half round Singapore.... Dinner, then JW dropped Terence and I at Khatib MRT station... The rest went to watch Step Up 2... In a way, I'm pretty glad that my Mum didn't allow me to watch, cause like right now, I don't think the movie would have ended yet... Lol... Yeah, anyway, lot's of homework this weekend, even some dumb mindmaps for English, which unless someone can explain the rationale of it to me, I think it probably won't help us for English, the most it would do is to help us for points in our writing for factual essays or something... Lol...

Yeah, two major issues were raised this week... One, some people really are so proud over 1 stripe, start suanning some others... Shows their immaturity and sheer arrogance... Furthermore, there isn't like one such person in their lot or something, it's quite a few, and I really loathe such people... As much as we're supposed to care for such people, their stuck up attitude just reflects badly upon themselves... Then also, You... Isn't it about time you solved your problem with him? I mean, he's willing to solve the problem, but you make things difficult, you refuse to patch up, you two used to be such good friends, you guys are supposed to be working together.... Really, if there's a problem or grudge, don't keep hiding it and solve it, bury the hatchet, start afresh... And, your latest attitude isn't exactly pleasing to people either... You start mood swinging every now and then without warning, and when told to do simple things like tucking in your shirt or to stop playing your psp, you give that bloody f-ed up attitude, such that you piss people off immediately... Really, we're all willing to help you, to solve whatever's wrong, so do your part by helping us, and yourself ok? As the saying goes, it takes two hands to clap...

Two music videos today.... First up, one of the Bleach anime opening themes... Rolling Star by Yui, second video is Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion... Couldn't post up the so called better live version... Both songs are great, especially the second one... =)

More people tag leh... Haha...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail