Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Freak, another 2 lousy days.... Yesterday O level Bio SPA skill 1 & 2.... One word to describe it: SCREWED.... O level die liao... Zzzz.... Today had Chem SPA, quite ok I guess, except for one part that we were debating whether it was necessary to convert into something.... Shall not reveal anything here... =p.... Maths lesson, crappy thing happened.... Got like, yelled at by the teacher(you know who it is but I just shall not mention any names here), cause she wanted me to look at the board... I mean, I was already like stressed out by the fact that the teacher was teaching really tough stuff, then there was still more things that under my table that have yet to be completed.... The teacher asked me, understand? I looked, then I sort of gave the given up look or something, said never mind, then went back to try seeing my notes, then got yelled at... Sort of got scolded another time... Sian diao.... Got called outside by teacher after lesson cause she wanted to like make sure I understood the concepts and all that, and yeah well, cause I was like damn emo cause of the pile up of so many things, then like half broke down lor... No idea why... The scolding just aggravated everything... Zzzz... And yah I'm like damn soft, like that also cry... Spent a good 5 minutes trying to calm myself down and look well, ok.... Thanks Mr F. and Jonny for your concern.... Felt pretty sian for the rest of the day till like now? I won't hold any petty grudges of the sort for sure, cause I know that the teacher also wasn't in the best of moods due to some of our level mates failing their probation and getting retained to the Sec 3 level... Yup... But my, err... attitude and "openess" towards the teacher would certainly change.... Won't be like in a super negative way or something, I'll just keep my distance... Why is it that I can't seem to be able to communicate with any teachers openly? Like a friend or sort like many others? It's definitely almost impossible to be friendly with my CCA teachers that's for sure, unless you're taught by Mrs Chew or something, I even find it hard to talk to Mr Thomas sometimes, who's like my form teacher? Haiz....

Ok, I'm like typing a lot of things and I'm not exactly registering what I'm typing... I can't believe I typed about today's incident for everyone to see... I probably would be considered a laughing stock soon enough by Sec 2s and 3s.... Lol...

Oh yeah, forgot to mention in my previous post, saw a car accident up close for the first time, it was in the morning and my dad was like waiting for the traffic light to change so that he could turn and then it happened right in front of us... Sia la... Pretty bad damage... Luckily no one was injured....

Seriously considering going to watch the musical by CHS "Unarmed combat".... Already asked someone to go with me, waiting to see if can confirm able to go then I'll go get the tickets, probably from Jimmy... Lol...

Happy Birthday to Leon! (Tomorrow)

Picking myself up after a fall, let's see how long I'll last standing...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com