Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Yo people... Past 2 days, main things for me were bascially chinese remedials I guess... Monday morning Sec 4 CL and Sec 3 HCL pupils had some mass lecture in the hall for oral by Mr Han, principal of Han language centre... Pretty enriching, but I guess it was a wee bit long... After that was our listening and oral exam, counted for Prelim 2 for Sec 4s.... Listening I think I did ok, I found out the results for my class's CL people anyway, Thanks Ziyi... Oral I guess it was pretty screwed... Reading was too fast, conversation pretty screwed cause I didn't know how to express some things.... After that, went for briefing by Siming sir... Follwed by soccer at the gallery, damn fun... Played with wushu people after that... A damn hiong match, but it was tremendous fun... Yeah man...

Morning was taken up by Chinese again today... It was lectures again till 11am... Lunched at Long Johns, then went to Eugene's house for a while, before I ran back to school, then went for tuition... Haven't done much homework yet, arggh...

I'm having a mix of emotions again... I really wonder why I bother so much to help people, bother much to try certain things, like going after things, goals pple, expectations etc.... Arggh.... It's like, you end up getting cast aside, not belonging... Crap lah, I guess while searching for the dates for events I came across my previous blog entries and it reminded me of some really unpleasant memories which had and still affected me... I guess some upcoming events are really getting me cranky, worried and sian diao too I guess... Wonder if I really stand a chance at surviving here...

Tomorrow is going to be another day spent mostly in school... Ken's birthday tomorrow too... I really need to get my work done!!!!!!! Argghhh... @%$RDDDC*&^R&&**^&^ICR%^XE

And I really really hate going to sleep with a troubled mind and heart, probably won't be able to sleep, which I really lack and end up thinking about all the shit that there is.... WTF... Bye.... Zzzz

Happy Birthday to Chorlin and Mr Thomas!!!!!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com