Sunday, March 02, 2008

Funny how I seem to be updating like only once a week nowadays... Well, it's been busy... This week was so so I guess... Biggest things were probably things like the issue of the escape of the JI fugitive, Mas Selamat.... I seriously think it's a serious breach of security... Furthermore, I guess the parents of students in what SCGS and SJI are like worried sick or something... Pretty scary though, to have the knowledge that you've a JI terrorist running around your country, and he like escaped pretty easily... Really hope that he'll be nabbed soon... Well, all of us have to play our part too, look out for him people!!!

Friday had O level Physics SPA skill 1 & 2 test... Think it went ok... Hope it's ok too...

Another main event... Friday was the Sec 3s' Classification shoot... Pretty rushed, seeing that they had a dry prac the day before... Well, at HQ, they used the gallery that was used for shooting com finals for their classification shoot... Apparently, the gun has been changed to 8 rounds instead of the 6 rounds in the past... Format changed too... Changed to 16 rounds, 8 at 9m and 8 at 15 m.... 80 points is the max, 60 to get the badge... YJ, YB and I were probably like the only accompanying NCOs out of all the schools there, which were mostly Area 4 schools, perhaps all were Area 4.... Anyway, yeah, saw some familiar faces there... Our friends from Whitley, some NPAP people for this year, CIs, officers, including the officer from a certain school who gl-ed me during NPAP last year... Lol... Funnily, she's the one who also wore her name tag on the wrong side... Haha... So, Sec 3s went in to shoot.... Shall not comment on this... Honestly speaking, it does hurt, as a squad leader to see the cadets that you've sort of brought up for some time, returning or exiting from the scoring room with dejected faces, some on verge of tears... It does hurt too, as a shooter, to see them as such... Besides the point of UOPA, it's the cadet's, well, NPCC future? Or the extra attainable badge for their uniform? No idea how to explain certain things in writing... Well, as we had said, don't keep brooding about what had happened, focus on the next objective and work towards it... On the bus, after we gave our motivational talk and were walking down the isle of the seats, I could still see the look of ultimate disappointment in some people's faces, people like zk, jc, dl, rg etc... Well, hope you guys will let this incident pass.... Perhaps I'm talking crap here... Sometimes I've no idea why I care so much about some things such as this... Perhaps, the people who told me "Why do you care so much? It's their problem" are right at times... I care too much sometimes, resulting in myself getting affected unneccessarily... Perhaps I'm just downright dumb and extra....

After the shoot we did have to wait for quite a while though.... So Mrs Chew brought us to the grand stand and we watched NPAP practice... Fardouez (spelling?) sir was there again.. Haha... Still with his damn zai commanding...

Yesterday, went to school for Chinese remedial, woke up late and reached there late... After that, waited sometime before Jonny, Wai Yinn, Shi Jie and I went to Eugene's house to study... Did some work, but we were crapping and playing a bit half the time... Pizza for lunch, split the cost.... Left at about 6:25pm, not before losing to Ben Sim in table tennis for 7 straight sets... Lost my skill, but it was fun... =)

Today woke up at like 1pm?! Amazed by how much I can sleep... Went for tuition, went to cut my hair too... Looks ok I guess, at least it makes it easier to wear a beret now... Haha.... Talked to Alvin and then Yanlin for a while before I walked home, since my parents were out... Walked in the rain, even though I had an umbrella with me... Lol, I'm not acting cool or something, it was just better to think while getting wet, it wasn't very heavy until I almost reached my door though... Haha...

Haven't done much work.... Don't feel like doing anything anyway.... This week's crazy.... O level Bio SPA skill 2 tomorrow, along with a compre and vocab test as well, O level Chem SPA skill 1 & 2 on tuesday, along with CV meeting with officers after that, Wednesday there is some Chinese Cuo Shi Bao Zhang Bao Dao test.... Sian diao....

ATF this coming Saturday... The last few Area events we'll be attending... I know many don't wish to go, but well, we have to.... Leon's birthday on Wednesday too, still wondering what we'll be getting him... Muster Parade this Friday, the second Muster Parade which I won't be getting any ranks of the sort (the first being the one that we attended at the end of Sec 1), just badges for me since I'm already a Staff Sergeant... All the best to everyone!

Some people can really piss you off sometimes, to think this person was actually a close friend of mine, but now I'm just damn pissed with him... Every other day only know how to suan here and there, attitude here and there, then when I told him about something I was trying to get, all he could say was, "Don't be too sad if you don't get it"... Ok the last sentence wasn't really a factor, but the other instances shows that he can be a really GOOD friend... -.- These times are when most of us are damn worried and stressed and the last thing that I need is to get involved in such childish and pointless things....

Oh yeah, and Happy Belated Birthday to Ivan! A pretty special birthday for him since it was a leap year this year and he would be able to celebrate his so-called proper birthday... Haha.. He's finally 4 years old!! Hahaha... It's amazing what can be done for one person too... Lol....

There have been some things that have been nagging me for quite some time, some which I know people would say not to think about such things at this point of time, since I have Os, also, some things are, well you could say selfish, because they are like things that would only benefit myself... My deepest apologies for thinking in certain ways.... However, I just can't seem to sop them from nagging at me all the time...

I have to find my motivation quickly, there's no time left... I need it, fast, even a shred of it, if there's any around....

Struggling my way through time, crushed by the future, past and present... Need support, jia you!

It's harsh reality...

A pretty old song and it's nice

Michael Learns to Rock --Take Me to Your Heart


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail