Friday, March 28, 2008

Alrighty, here again... Another week in school, somehow I can't really remember what has really been happening, I seem to be suffering from a bit of short-term-memory... Lol... Choir guys came back from Italy this week... They achieved a Gold if I remember correctly... Congrats guys! Can't recall much... Assembly on Wednesday Sec 4s continued watching the movie that we started on last week, Coach Carter... I'm sure many will agree, it's really a great movie, very maeningful with lot's of learning points, and Samuel L. Jackson rocks... Haha... Quoted from the movie, "You give me attitude, you will do push-ups, so you can push-up, or shut up!" Haha... PE is now sport climbing, or more remembered as rock climbing for me... Having done the belaying and all that last year during PE and as an OAL, it was mostly familiar stuff, somehow I do enjoy it a bit, maybe it's the climbing part.... Honestly speaking, I do sort of look foward to it, though most would disagree... Training, ran, soccer, and until now, my thigh muscles are still aching, hindering my movements a bit... A certain problem was also solved, glad that it is, everything's ok now, well, most things are anyway... Thursday Carpe Diam lesson was still the movie... Bio test for last period for reproduction in humans, a total screw up it was....

Something really retarded happened on Thursday morning... We were having English remedial, then this Chinese teacher, can't remember his name, is supposedly under Mdm Yu Lin lao shi... New I think? Think some people know who he is... Anyway, he came into the class, in his hand was a piece of paper from Yu Lin lao shi asking Reggie, Shi Jie and Sam to hand up their Chinese homework.... Then that guy put glue on the back of the piece of paper and stuck it ON the bloody whiteboard.... -_-''''''' Wtf... The notice was taken down promptly by me... Retarded or what... Lol... Thursday, BK training for the filming thingy, then CV.... Today was Sports' night... Dismissed at like 11:30am... Played badminton for a while then went for CV meeting with officers... Meeting lasted all the way to 4pm... Then I was the last few to settle my photos for submission to SMS... Done, we found SMS in the Primary School staff room, then consulted him for something... After that went back to store, found out that Sports Night had been postponed/cancelled(?)... As Louis' msn nick says, Sports Night does seem to have some kind of jinx on it, as far as I can remember, almost every year it seems to rain, save for perhaps the one in Sec 1 I think... Haiz... Was really looking forward to viewing it and supporting my house Edward... Haha... Went for dinner at KFC...

Have been sleeping at like 1:30am for the past few nights, ended up with my energy really drained and unable to fully absorb everything... It's not like I'm mugging or something... When I go home, I seem to almost toally forget what I'm supposed to do, end up slacking, stoning and wasting time... I really hate myself for that... I HAVE to change this habit... I have to start getting my focus back, stop thinking about certain things that might potentially distract me, stop sleeping late... Arggh... After today I find that my life's in a total mess at the moment... I seem to be getting some of my priorities wrong too.... Haiz... Someone come motivate me... Lol... I really need to start reorganizing myself, set goals and, ok I just forgot what I wanted to type like 2 minutes ago... -.-

Anyway, lot's of complications arose... 5th April is the supposed date for our City Venture, Sec 1 Swearing-in ceremony AND the National Campcraft competition finals... Big problems, shan't bother to elaborate further, go figure... Results for C.C Com will be released tomorrow... Hope for the best...

Going to the SNGS fiesta thingy tomorrow with Louis and Wai Yinn, after Chinese remedial though... Have something like 30 bucks worth of tickets or something... 10 from my cousin, 20 from my mum, whose sister aka my aunt('s) daughter is in St Nicks' primary... Heard she has like dunno something like 200 dollars worth of tickets? Dunno...

Ok night people... Need to catch up on my sleep...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail