Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hi people... Morning went for Huang Lao Shi's Chinese remedial, reached a bit late, did some bao zhang bao dao discussion.... Freak lah, still somehow don't really get motivated to work for Chinese, even though I really want to achieve A2 or better.... Zzzz.... After that went to SNGS's fiesta thingy... Tong Yang last minute in the morning during remedial tell me he going... Lol... Undecided at first whether to change as the change of clothes I brought looked a bit weird... I have a patheitc sense of fashion ok... Went to AMK Hub with Wai Yinn, Tong Yang and Hai Liang... Met Louis, Wai Yinn, bought socks.... Louis convinced me to change... Took 269 to St. Nicholas... First thing we saw was the number of stores at the carpark and the huge machine that was a ride that we normally see in amusement parks... Wow... Place was jam packed... Had to first find cousin Hilary for some of the tickets she helped me to get, and she was at the other end of the school... -.- Took quite a while to get there, was half dying by then... Lol... Got a bit lost, had to squeeze through a huge crowd at the canteen, finally found the drama studio with the haunted house thingy, got my tickets then we walked around... Well, SNGS is pretty big, and without a doubt MUCH larger than CHS.... Haha... So, there were stores at nearly every possible area in the school, fully making use of the space.... There were rides, as mentioned above, that we normally only see in amusement parks, not to the extent of rollaer coster rides of course... Haha... Amazed by the type of stores there... There was even an arcade... 0.0 Xbox and other arcade games... Wow... Went around scouting for stuff to eat and all that... Was "forced" to buy tea eggs from Lingli and Mei Zhen's store... Lol... Not bad though, ate some when I came home... Ate pizzas and had some drinks as well... Spent a lot of time walking about though... Lol... Saw what was probably half of CHS there as well... Lol, ok that was an exaggeration... But there were a lot of CHS people there... Even the hall was used for the fiesta... Went there, saw Erin, looked around.... Where do they get some of their stuff from man... Lol... Walked around even more... LTY went to play LAN with Lin De and company... Walked around with Louis, played some games, Louis left, found Charlton and Nicholas, walked aound somemore... Think I saw my neighbour in the compound as well... Lol... Charlton left, Nicholas and I then stayed a while, watched Kien Ann play the arcade games, which he had been doing for like damn long... Lol... Saw the racing showdown between Edmund and John, too bad John lost or we would have forced Edmund to do the dancing arcade game... Haha... Decided to buy another set of tickets, bought some stuff and ice-cream, watched Kien Ann, John and Edmund for a while more, then took 269 with Nicholas....

Well, second time I went to St. Nicholas, the first being in primary school when my mum had to fetch cousin Hilary from school, but I only went to the canteen... Saw how big the school was... And you could say, CHS's Homecoming tio owned by SNGS's fiesta, not only on stores and all that, but reception as well... It was practically flooded all the time... Not sure if it's cause SN is a girls' school or because girls are usually more proactive in these sort of things... Store wise, there definitely much more stores than those in Homecoming, with all that space... But yeah, it definitely needed lot's of organization... Impressed... Oh yah, they were trying to set some Guiness World Record or something, not exactly sure what they were supposed to do, but it was something to do with running for 24 hours continuously or something... Wonder if they did achieve it... Lol... Did have fun today though... And Lingli's crazy, wanting our tuition class's teacher to suddenly go into labour or something during Tuesday's lesson... LOL...

I quite agree with Clifton... I think most of us share the same thoughts. Though I admit, sometimes we do do things that we shouldn't really be doing, but it's not like we do atrocious things like stealing or bullying or something...

Sometimes I really do feel that I'm downright selfish, some the thoughts that crossed my mind, I'm kind of disgusted with some of them... Also, I'm a bit naive as well... Guess I'm not as mature as what I thought I was... And, I'm really getting a bit fat... I want to lose a bit of weight and grow taller!!! You wouldn't want to know how heavy I am, cause you'll probably get shocked... Haha... My pull-up count is also still at 3... Arrgh... I guess I need to cut down on spending on food, that way I won't gain so much weight and save money... Haha... I enjoy food though... Haiz... Maybe it's cause of muscles and not fats! Haha...

This song was introduced to me by Ken Foo... It was used in the movie Shrek 2... It's a nice song... Lol... The guy's hair in the video is pretty cool... Haha

Accidentally in Love -- Counting Crows

Ok, bye people, enjoy the song... Haha...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail