Monday, August 11, 2008

Hi people... Another week gone... Can't really remember much but I'll try my best... Monday had normal lessons I guess... Had another unseen prose test for Lit... Some comments that were made weren't very appropriate I must say... Physics, first lesson without Mr Quay as he had gone for reservist... Some relief teacher came in... After lessons something happened... What was a supposed harmless playing thingy turned into some tensed situation... Shan't elaborate... I just don't want to lose you as a friend... Tuesday, was sort of sleeping through Mrs Yap's double period... Zzz... Sorry Mrs Yap... PE played hockey again among us 4-10-ers... Dunno what happened to the 4-2 people... Think they went to play basketball or something... Physics lessons was at the LT with 4-8 under Miss Foo... I admit I wasn't really listening... After school, went for tuition, took bus there with Jia Yong... Class was in the smaller classroom... Lesson still as interesting as usual, though I have to put in more effort to absorb everything taught... Then there was this little thing that happened, it was... Ok, shan't comment further... It was a totally different feeling... Don't think it was intentional though, if only it was though... Haha... Wednesday, our last assembly... Some external performance about something to do with standing up to negative peer pressure and doing the right thing I think... And you, your sole willingness to raise your fist to strike really said something... Thursday, Carpe Diam was converted into a Physics test... After school had the maths thing again... Then it rained really heavily... Stoned for a while before I went to the bus stop with Jonny... Took 162 with Ivan...

Friday was mainly the National Day celebrations... Morning went to change into full u, the very last time I would ever wear that uniform... Met Yibin, Ken and Kah Hoe... Before the celebrations started, all the Chairmen were called out... Apparently Mr Lee wanted to talk to the Sec 4 Chairmen... However, we just went back cause he was busy... Parade was not too bad, though I think the band people screwed up a bit(?) Kind of like last year ah... Once again there was a sense of nostalgia... Thought of last year when we were taking the parade... Wish I could shout again... Haha kidding... Overall the parade went pretty well with a few screwups, though some actions could have been sharper, for everyone at least... I thought it would have looked cooler if the GOH had some arms (as in weapons) of some sort though... Whatever the case, good job to CHS's UGs... After the parade, we received our certs, for us it was from Miss Foo I think... I shall describe the experience as what the NP Commandant had said that time... It was our "5 seconds of glory"... Haha... After that, Chairmen were called up again... Mr Lee didn't turn up in the end and it did get quite frustrating... Took several pictures... After that went to change... Thanks Jonny for helping me get the ice cream... Thanks Enzon for helping us to take the photos... Oh yah, performances were pretty cool... I liked the Air's PDS.... Most of them were pretty cool...

Some pictures:

Us, with Timo...

With Ivan

With Nik and Sei Yee in the background... I look retarded, result of not being photogenic... Zzz

Ken receiving his award during speech day... Congrats =)

After the celebrations was speech day... Saw people like Troy and Rui Xian... There were speeches and prizes given out... Congrats to all those who received prizes... The Valedictorian part with Joshua Goh was pretty cool... Kind of inspires you, but for people like me, no chance for the Edward Becharas award... Haha... Forget it... Hope I can do well enough for O levels to return during speech day next year.... Hope lah... After the event, helped to stack up the chairs, went to have lunch with Kah Hoe, Ken, Kenneth and Tong Yang... Talked for quite a bit, then I accompanied Ken and Tong Yang back to school... Then stoned for a while, talking to both Jonny and Ken... Jonny was doing homework in the classroom... Haha... At about 3pm, Ken, Jun Wei and myself went to J8, we watched Jun Wei eat at Mos Burger... Haha... After that JW and Ken wanted to watch a movie, but I didn't want to cause I didn't want to go home too late... After much unsuccesful persuasion, both of them went to watch the Mummy... Oh yah, we saw 28th Batch there...

Reached home, wanted to sleep for a while, didn't hear the alarm, slept through the night... Missed the opening ceremony of the Olympics.... Argh... Fortunately my Grandpa recorded it... Yay... Saturday morning went for tuition... After that stayed at home, doing homework mostly while everyone else went to play golf... For some reason, I sort of half missed the NDP on TV, recorded it, watched a bit of it... The new comedies look interedsting...

Sunday, had lunch at Din Tai Fung at J8... Food 's still as good... Think I saw Jia Feng there after I left... Haha... Walked around for a while, then came home... Did some work, then we went to the club to play tennis... Still can't really get the hang of it... Today, went bowling with JW and Cliff, then did A.Maths at the club too... Work done... Haha...

Somehow, I seem to be going pretty crazy... At times, in school, I go really a bit out of control... Some of the things I say also start to become very kp... Uncontrollable is the word I guess... Stuff happens... In our haste and all that, things like what happened on Monday occur... After that, when we regret, it's too late, the damage is done... I really need to keep my hyperactivity in check for a bit... Really sorry to all those who've been on the receiving end of my craziness... And also... In my opinion, I feel that though they don't say it out... I think they know it inside them, I'm not going to do well again... I just can't live up to their expectations, and I never will... Then again, I'm just assuming aren't I? I hope... I just don't want to keep disappointing them... Guess I'll never be as good as my brother as well... Zzz... I'm just so insignificant, inadequate... Argh... Why am I like that? I can't even be a good friend... Aren't I just a waste of everyone's time? Zzzz... Ok, another bit of ranting and pessimism here... Oh, and somehow, everytime I watch those movies or shows with like a love theme in it or something, kind of makes you wonder how it'll feel like to experience love in such a manner from someone non-related right? Haha... Ok, pretty random stuff... I'll try not to disappoint anyone anyway...

Oh, and usually I look forward a little to Tuesdays for some unphantomable reason... However, tomorrow sounds like a very lousy Tuesday... Chinese O level results will be released tomorrow... I'm so going to disappoint people again, as well as myself... Then again, can't really say I worked extremely hard for Chinese like some people... So, I'm like getting my just desserts... Zzz... All the best to everyone else... Also, all the best to everyone for the upcoming English Oral exams!

Ok, this has been long...

Song of the post:

To Where You Are -- Josh Groban

To where You are - Josh Groban>


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail