Monday, August 04, 2008

Ok, I'm here blogging at a pretty unearthly hour, where most people would probably be asleep in their beds by now... Ah well... Can't really remember much... Monday we had this unseen prose test for Lit, though we had sort of gone through the passage beforehand... After English remedial went to Eugene's house for a while... Tuesday played hockey for PE... Those that didn't pass their Napfa test had to do some PT thingy, half of them were dying after the session, especially with the blazing sun at that time... Didn't really feel well for the rest of the day either... For Wednesday, I guess the most eventful thing was the assembly programme, which was some motivational talk thing... Pretty meaningful... Then the lot of us were scolded by 2 teachers, namely Mr Heng and Miss Krishnan... Somehow, the more the say their stuff, like trying to motivate us, pressure, us the more I feel sian and how difficult this journey is... I think so others will share the same sentiments... After that was contact time, luckily Mr T. didn't give us a further lecture... There was a little tension before Physics remedial, with some tempers rising.. Ah well... Went to the library with Jonny and Eugene after that... Thursday morning CJC came to give a talk... The after-school maths test was horrible, couldn't do many questions this time... Went to the library again with Jonny... Friday also nothing unusual... Geog LDQ workshop after school... Then library again... Yesterday morning went for tuition... Then there was this girl from TKGS I think, Sec 4 also, she seemed to be muggin really hard... Scary... After that met Terence, YJ and JW at school before we went to J8 to meet Louis and Clifton... We watched Money Not Enough 2... We paid for the 12:30pm show and entered the cinema at 12:40 or so... Haha... Movie was good, very meaningful, very relevant issues of Singapore were the main themes of the movie... Touching is also another word, how the grandmother had sacrificed herself to allow her granddaughter to live... Well, I did shed some tears I admit... Haha... I believe the movie does tug at one's heartstrings too... I guess we can take away several lessons from the movie too... Overall, another good movie from Jack Neo... Kudos to him... Personal rating: 4.5/5 After the movie, headed down to AMK Mcdonalds with Louis and Terence to study... Did maths... After that came home and went to jog for a while... Today, other than the usual trip to my grandparents' for lunch, I stayed at home... Watched The Day After Tomorrow... Well, both you and I know the meaning the of the show, so I shan't elaborate... Anyway, my neighbour's grandmother passed away on Thursday I think... Would like to express my belated condolences, though the wake and cremation are over...

Also, learnt that Lingli and Enzon have successfully DSA-ed into RJC and VJC respectively... Congrats... Though I think this is kind of considered as old news already... Ah well... So much for being caught up with the times...

Yeah, then according to Yu Lin Lao Shi, chinese results are coming out on the 12th.... According to the CJC principal, we'll most probably be getting our O level results next year before Chinese New Year... Oh wow... Ok, typed out a whole bunch of things just now but it somehow got deleted and I can't retrieve it... Zzz... I just hope, I won't disappoint them anymore... 2004 was enough, I don't want to go through it again, especially with the results being released before CNY... Zzz... I'll try my best I guess...

Featured Song:

Hero -- Mariah Carey

Hero - Mariah Carey

Recalled something that we sort of learned in Primary school during the post PSLE period... Rephrased it though....

There's a fine line between infatuation and love.


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail