Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Second day of school today... Somehow I kept having the impression that it was Week 1... Pretty dumb... Anyway, yesterday was my Chinese O level oral examinations... Erm... Well, wasn't feeling very confident about it... Left after recess for practice, went to the canteen to eat and yah, these 2 prefects treated me like some guy who was purposely ponning lessons or something, even though I told them my reason already... -_- Yah anyway, we went into the hall at about like 2+pm... Was the last for my group, waited for like 1 hour 45 minutes before it came to my turn... Zzzz.... Topic was something about shopkeepers not supposed to put their goods on the corridor and obstruct the way or something like that... Didn't manage to out my point across properly I guess... Was sort of stuttering half the time too... Reading was also screwed, with a number of wrong words and a breakdown of the sort... In conclusion, Chinese was totally screwed... Some people came out smiling, unfortunately I wasn't one of them... Haizzzzz..... Left Chinese listening compre, after that results... How?!?!

Yah, and today was script check day 2... Got back quite a number of my results already, with a minority few left... Breakdown here....

English compre: 14.5/25, Summary: 14/25, Total: 28.5/50
English situational writing: 21/30, English compre: ??/30
English oral: 27/40

Chemistry(paper): 76/100 - A1
Physics(paper):76/100, (with SPA): 77/100 - A1
Biology(paper):65/100 - B3
E.Maths: 75/100 -A2
A.Maths: 81/100 -A2
Social Studies: 22/40
Geography(Pure): ??
English Literature elective: ??

So well.... Let's see... English it's so so, if I can somehow get 22/30 for my compo, I can scrape a B3 for English, which would probably be a first for me? Hope lah... Chemistry managed to maintain my score, though I could have done better, made a few careless mistakes... Physics, improved!!! Though yeah once again I could have done better due to careless mistakes once again.... Zzzz... Dropped for Biology, but I felt pretty glad though, considering that I got 0/12 for the Bio essay question on the heredity chapter, made some mistakes in the first part and my whole question was gone... So yeah, in my opinion, getting a 65/100 was not bad... Didn't really study much of Biology until the night before truthfully, so I need to put in much more effort... Sort of expected my score for E.Maths, thought it was a pretty low A2... Didn't really practice E.Maths though, was focusing more on A.Maths... Am pretty happy with my A.Maths score though I would have liked to have scored A1... Considering that I was extremely weak with differentiation at a point of time and all that, I am pretty glad... Those in CHS will know why my Maths scores, like many others, are of an A2 grade rather than a A1 grade... Social Studies is a disappointment though it is kind of expected... Need to practice my SBQ now, and no more fooling around in class anymore...

Haven't gotten back Geog and Lit yet... Though it's more or less confirmed that I failed Lit cause I wrote totally out of point for the Miss Gates question... It's just a matter of how badly I fail... So, I'm looking at a possibility of actually failing my combined humanities for the second time in my upper sec life... Zzz... Ah well... Anybody can help me with Lit????

Geog might not be very good news, seeing that this was a another subject that I didn't really study for this time... So I have to work on it as it'll be one of the subjects in my L1R5 cause you need one humanities inside... Just hope that I can scrape a B3 or something too... And I need to work on English too, it'll make or break us...

In conclusion, need to work, especially for humanities and English, sciences and maths need to maintain and score better as well... Still need to work on everything though... Also, no offence to those that didn't score well for this prelim... We just need to work much harder, for Prelim 3 and O levels... And it's like what 2 months to Prelim 3? 3-odd months to O levels? There's no time left... Shouls be starting by this week bah, I mean constant revision... I don't mug hardcore and not care about anything else like Shaun ok... Opps... =x Anyone up for light studying soon? Tomorrow is so going to suck though...

By the way, congratulations to Leonrad to be the first local in the Physics hall of fame with a score of 89...

Oh yeah, Mr Goh also mentioned while we were going through our Bio papers... O levels is a different ball game altogether... Some play dirty, really dirty, they put up a false front, and put forth the ultimate deceptions... Perfect example would be what he mentioned... One guys feels like giving up, the other guy "encourages" him to do so, but at home he studies like hell... However, this is a reality... Personally, I just hope that we can keep the real treasures, which are the people/friends we have... If we study, why not just openly study? Perhaps study together to? No need to deceive people and use such tactics right? Don't think any of my friends do such things... I hope I'm not wrong... Though this is a "every man for himself" world, I hope that things don't turn nasty.... But well, obviously some people have been carrying out such practices for some time already, and you and I should know some of them... Ok, I seem to have typed some nonsensical stuff, cause I don't get half of it either... -_-

One thing important in life is the mindset and the write attitude, not forgetting, self-esteem is rather important too... Perhaps I lack this...

Ciao then people.... Also, all the best to those taking Campcraft promotion test tomorrow too... =)


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com