Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ok, I really haven't blogged for some time... Can't remember much so I'll just touch on the details... Last Wednesday was Chem O level SPA skill 3 experiment planning... Hope I did ok... Then Friday it was the first time I managed to reach home like before 3pm on a Friday... 2:48pm to be exact... Wow... Saturday morning went to take the Sec 3s' 2nd Class Drill practical test in school with Terence, Jun Wei and Kah Hoe... It was pretty gruelling... It took something like nearly 5 hours... If it was gruelling for me, I guess it must have been hell for the kids... Well, it's over anyway... A really big thanks to Kah Hoe, Jun Wei and Terence for helping me to administer the test for them... Oh yeah, and some people sort of did piss us off during the test, in the process a friend was daoed... Sorry... After that reached home... Slept for some time... It was raining so it was like damn comfortable? Haha... Was supposed to meet the rest at J8 at 5:45pm... I woke up at 5:45pm... -.- Thanks Ming Hao for the call... Rushed over to J8 to meet the rest at Macs... Ate dinner... Managed to get the Olympics cup thingy... Then we headed down to school for CHMA... It was the first time that I was attending CHMA so I didn't really know what to expect... It was... a blast... Most of the performances were pretty cool... It was sort of more like a rock concert though, with all the rock bands at the back... Pretty cool... Didn't see some people so crazy before, like Joseph... Haha... Oh yah, it seems like Elgyn is like known by the whole school... Shan't elaborate, if you were there, you'll know what I mean... Haha... Hilarious... Whole thing was pretty awesome... Though I must say that the people sitting behind us were pretty annoying as they kept shouting some stuff that weren't really appropriate... Shan't elaborate too... On the whole, CHMA did open my eyes a little to a side of the "real world" that I've yet to see... Hope I'll be able to watch it next year... Oh yeah, and I guess some of the winners selected weren't really what the audience expected or wanted... Ah well... I must say that Jun Wei's performance was quite nice, just that I guess he was a bit out in the so called rock concert environment... Ah well... After that we did some unit cheer at the plaza with 28th Batch... So nostalgic... Then we taupoked Ken... Haha... Somehow I ended up being one of the few squashed by everyone... Haha... Someone suggested eating a bit at J8, but it didn't turn out well and we went home...

Sunday went to cut my hair... Met Alvin and talked to him for a while... Nothing really interesting too these past few days... Just school, work and more work... Yesterday was the O level SPA for Physics, today was for Biology... I screwed up a bit for Bio... Argh... And yeah, biggest news for these few days is: Mr Talib's resigning! Sian... He had some personal matter and had to do so... At least now I'll be getting Mrs Goh due to the banding thing, though I'm not sure of the working environment, with some people there... Haiz... We'll miss Mr Talib teaching us... Thanks for everything!

And yeah, it's funny how some friendships turn out... I have 2 friends who I have similar situations with... The first one, I've sort of known him since P2, believe it or not... Wasn't really close but in Sec 1 and 2, we were in the same class and were sort of got along well despite all the topsy turvy stuff that happened then... Then now, we aren't even talking to each other... If we see each other along the corridor, we ignore each other, no greeting whatsoever... Wth? Why did it turn out like that? For my side, I began to feel that was getting more and more gl and very f-ed up with the way he said things... I guess it might be similar feelings with him... The other friend, we have known each other for 4 years... We used to be sort of good working partners, since we were "working" in the department... I remembered all the times we used to laugh, joke, fool around together with everyone else... Now, because of differences and other unknown reasons, the above mentioned result surfaced again... However, now he doesn't even bother making eye contact... When he's near any of us, he simply tries to ignore our presence, though it's only too, too obvious... Honestly speaking, I really don't want any of this to happen, I don't think anyone does... Yet, problems in communication result in such things... Also, everywhere we see the people that we supposedly call "friends"... Yet, who are the ones who really care for you? Who are those who really treat you and see you as a friend, even if it's not very close? There are just so many superficial friends around... What the hell, might as well don't be friends... I mean little things like some negative comments made behind someone else's back and like keeping it from them and then bearing a certain grudge of the sort... I mean, what's the point? I thought things had been worked out, if there's any negative problem, just say it out... Guess it's communication again... Though I must say certain negative comments are really a bit unreasonable... Based on facial expression and all that, I dunno... Like what Mr Quay said, he saw me and thought that I was unfriendly, until I told him that I was like that... Ok, that's lame... then there's another type... Having sort of backstabbed you badly before, one would definitely remember, if not remember vividly, the kind of things that he did and words he said... Yet sometimes, one can't help but think back on the past, though I know we should just let bygones by bygones, and end up remembering, horrible stuff... Then we compare to the present, even after patching up, the tell-tale signs are there... Though many would say "you think too much", well maybe it's true that I do think too much many a times, but certainly at some periods, I beg to differ... Somehow I feel that backstabbing is one of the main reasons for conflicts... Ah well... Argh... I don't know why such things are happening to me... I feel really upset over these things... It's like the people I sort of really trusted and cared for end up like this, in these situations and I'm caught in some of them... I don't even know who really regards me as friend, who doesn't... Everyone seems so... cold... Ok, that's extreme... Maybe the pressure of the Os are really getting to me and eveyone else... However, for me, I don't really bear grudges, I just want all my friends to be happy, and I can join them in the happiness, that'll be great, wouldn't it? Hope that somehow, we'll stay united too... Hopefully... Friendship is that fragile, I hope everyone can treasure it... Do tell me if you don't like anything said above... Thanks...

Oh yeah, SAJC came to school, rather one of the teachers came to our school to give a talk... And I must admit, it might be one of my choices, though I hope that other JCs will come and give us talks too... At least now I have a much better understanding of the subject system in A levels... Oh and I found someone with the same aim/mindset as me, as in someone other than my schoolmates I mean... Pretty cool... Hope we can both reach our dreams!

And I still can't believe that I somehow managed to sleep at like 7pm yesterday... Yup, didn't manage to do any work as a result... Oh crap... My body seems to be in pretty bad shape too... Argh... My stomach's been feeling weird for a while now too... The build up of not-so-healthy sleeping habits since Sec 1 is finally getting to me... Zzz...

Ok, crap, the backspace key and the "\" key of my com is falling out... Zzzz...

Oh yeah, super belated birthday Chun Keet...

Shall try to post this weekend... Tomorrow's class photo taking, hope everyone will be present... See you people...

A facade, yours, mine, everyone's, nothing else... Ciao


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail