Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ok, it's been ages (a few days actually) since I've blogged again... On Wednesday, I was told how "brilliantly" I had done for my elective by Mrs T. during class... F9 for literature, lowest in the level... Zzz... Ok I'm really no good at this... Need help... Chinese we practiced listening compre... Some idiots were messing up our classroom, then some treated our stuff as though they were their own... Just cope fullscap paper from under the table... Messed up our tables and all that somemore... -.- Idiots... Mrs Tan wasn't present, so had a free period after recess... Can't really remember what went on during assembly... Think we stayed in class... Then we did the Chemistry test which we took so damn long to do... Thursday Carpe Diam was the talk about JCs/Polys... Ok, I'm like freakin scared now... Once I score more than 12 points for O levels I'm dead... At least there's a fighting chance for NJC... Haha... After that was Chinese... These guys from another class attempted to turn on the aircon when we're not supposed to... And it's not their classroom somemore... Maybe I was overreacting a bit, but I ended up shouting at the guy... Was damn pissed... The guy's reply was "I'm just trying to help" in a very kp tone... -.- After my return answer, he started retorting and was like saying I was still as bossy as ever, have a f*** face that kind of thing... Bloody hell... Ok, I may not be as smart, good looking, talented and any other bullshit that you have that I don't, but I won't stand for my own classroom being abused by others please... Furthermore, I won't stoop to such a level where I'll insult people to argue... Don't know how to explain in words here... Ah whatever... What an idiot... Don't care him lah... After school there was the Maths tests... Took too damn long to do... Didn't know how to do many of the questions... Finished at like 6+pm... Zzzz... Friday was nothing really mich during lessons... For S.S went to the com lab for some QSE survey thing... Oh yah, on Thursday it was the temperature check thing, I forgot all about it again and was the only idiot who didn't bring the thermometer... -.- Thanks Reginald for the sleeve thingy and Boon Siang for lending me his thermometer...

After that, we left our bags in school, changed and took the bus to HTA for shooting com... Our only supporters were Terence and Ken... Mr Thomas was the accompanying officer... Went there... Went to the usual viewing gallery... Then we kept going to the toilet, almost everytime as the whole team... People must have thought we were crazy... Haha... As usual, SNGS had a hell lot of supporters... We had 2... Haha... Good enough... Individual shooters went to shoot first... The winner's score was damn gay... 192!!!! From Bartley Sec... A crazy score man... There was also some guy who injured his leg who shot... Waited for some time before we went in to shoot... Experienced some problems with my gun during figure 2... Zzzz... Luckily I managed to discharge all my bullets in time... Or I think I did... For me, I didn't shoot as well as during the prelims... JW and WR did well, with scores of 168 and 160 respectively... I think Leonard and Louis experienced problems with their guns too... Louis was also somewhat kp-ed by one of the officers about his gun... Overall team score: 546... 10 points lower than our Prelim score... In the end we got 5th... It was pretty lucky... The novelty shoot was once again a laugh, with the GOH and other people shooting... One guy used 1 hand to shoot... Haha... For team placings, Bartley came in first for the boys... Zai... SNGS didn't do well this time, with another team claiming victory... Usual screams though... Ouch... This time we didn't go back empty handed... At least we got a trophy... =)

On the way back, Mr Thomas was sort of debriefing us about the competition, cause the atmosphere was rather tense after the shoot... We had pretty high expectations and wanted to try and attain the top 3 positions... Well, for me the silver lining in this situation is that we improved based on position from 7th last year to 5th this year, we also got a trophy this time, unlike last year.... =) I think what Mr Thomas had said was also rather true... If we had peaked at the same time, would we have entered the finals in the first place? Each team member played a part in this, to get to where we are today... Thanks everyone... Reached school, changed, then Mr Thomas wanted to treat us to dinner for entering the finals... Initially he wanted to to treat us to a meal at Cafe Cartel, but the queue was pretty long and Mr T. was pretty hungry... Haha... Other suggestions like Pizza Hut and all that were also pretty much crowded...In the end, we decided upon the restaurant-like stall at S-11... It was a really good meal, with spirits pretty high and the atmosphere was so unlike that of earlier... =) A big thank you to Mr Thomas for the treat, thanks for the motivational talk too... =) Got a lift home from Ken's parents... Thank you Auntie and Uncle!

Saturday morning went for tuition, afternoon just basically stayed at home and did homework... Same for Sunday... Zzzzz...

Right now, I think I'm falling ill... I seem to have a fever along with some other things... Zzz... Better go sleep soon, I don't want to miss school...


Me receiving the trophy

Louis and Leonard, the two LLs...

WR's turn

Team with Mr Thomas

Team again

JW and I... What a spastic look on his face... Haha...


A good shot taken by Terence.... Leonard wanted to block his face but failed... Haha...

My trophy

Ok, that's all I guess... Maybe I'll blog again next weekend, or perhaps never again... Haha... What's the point anyway...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail