Sunday, July 27, 2008

Well, it is a pretty odd time to be blogging, but I shall do so anyway.... Friday was mainly the class photo taking... Guess at this point of time, it'll be the best moment to relfect, as what Mr T. had said... We had been through a fair bit of things, as a class... I hope that we can stay together as 4-10... It was a full class photo, everyone was there, yay... Haven't managed to get the formal ones, but there was one informal one which I thought was pretty well posed... Can't upload it though... Something wrong with blogger I guess.... Zzz

Lessons were pretty much the same for the rest of the day... Recess was extended by 10 minutes as there were some different food stuff being sold in lieu of the racial harmony week thing... Pretty cool... There was Ramli (Ramly?) burger, prata, muah chee and even malt candy... Managed to try nearly everything, except the ramil burger... It was pretty cool... And many people managed to bring the malt candy back to class (don't look at me man) and they ate it in everyone's favourite lesson, S.S! Haha... Guess Mr F. had a hard time... We were supposed to be doing the conclusion for SEQ but the mood wasn't exactly right for doing it and I didn't really know how to do it, seeing that I'm that bad in S.S... Day ended, went to eat lunch before having English oral practice with Mrs Yap... A big thanks to Mrs Yap for staying back with us to do the practice, even after having quite a long one with Daren and gang just before us, really appreciate it... Somehow, I managed to talk about some pretty sad issue for the conversation topic, and Mr Heng and Mrs Yap said it was pretty good... Haha... Took too long to think about it though... And lo and behold, the subject of my conversation question was at the study area... -.- Managed to get Eugene and Jonathan talking again after their earlier dispute... =) Managed to catch glimpses of the school NDP rehearsal from the study area a few times during the afternoon... NPCC isn't the GOH this year... Guess after 3 consecutive years as the GOH, it is kind of expected... When I looked at the rehearsal, it kind of filled me with nostalgia, as I recalled the time almost 1 year before, we were the ones down there having the rehearsal under Mr Yong K.H... It was fun... I remember my part, the drill cane, the command, the march in, the handover... It was cool, and it kind of hurts that we'll probably never have such an experience again... At least we did get to experience it =) I also wondered, was I the only one feeling anything when seeing the NDP rehearsal? I wonder how many of my squadmates will feel something when they see it... Though I believe they do... Haha... When I came home, I ended up sleeping at like 8+pm? Woke up at like 3+am for a while before sleeping again... Haha...

Woke up this morning and discovered that my lip had swollen... Zzz... Luckily managed to get the required medicine and it subsided during tuition... Went late cause I "woke up late", but you know the real reason... Haha... Don't know what came over me in the afternoon, I slept again, right till evening... What's wrong with me? For dunno how many times this week, I've just been knocking out so often, at crazy times... Hope it doesn't mean any trouble...

And yup, I remember a little extract that I heard from a Chinese listening compre passage (yes of all things)... And yup, it did have some meaning... Each day is a new one... Everyday, I'll see everyone in a new light, hopefully... My attitude to them will depend on how everything goes, how they react and treat you... I don't bear grudges, I'll still treat all my friends as my friends... I'll still love them (please don't think wrongly) as my companions... How their attitude towards me will be, let it be... Not really sure how to express this portion, if you understood, good for you, if you didn't, don't bother trying to...

Tomorrow seems like another day of work... Luckily, I didn't get much homework this weekend, so if I play my cards right, I'll be able to revise Geography and (hopefully) Social Studies and re-read TKAMB another time... I hope to read that at least once, perhaps twice with notes before Prelim 3... Was wondering, should I go visit? Haha, ok it makes me sounds damn extra though... Might not be too nice... See first bah...

Introducing this kind of lame part to my posts in a bleak attempt to improve my vocabulary... Up to 2 words/phrases shall be featured and explained here... Yah I know it's very lame, but bear with it...

Limpid: Perfectly clear; transparent
Adumbrate: To foreshadow; to outline vaguely

Today's featured song:

Go the Distance -- Michael Bolton

Go the Distance - Michael Bolton

Put the past behind, each day is a new day...

See you around people


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail