Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Wish I could have welcomed by 200th post with a more cheerful post, however it isn't going to be as such... The first paper that was supposed to be checked was our Elective... Mrs T. spent the whole bloody 1 and a half hours or so going through the freakin mockingbird question and not giving back our papers at all... Zzz... Wasn't listening like many others and didn't care... Most probably screwed up my paper badly anyway... I need a freakin motivation for Lit dammit!!!! After that was Geog... Many of us screwed up badly for Geog this time round... With many failures and very few distinctions... Could say that we didn't do well as a level for Geography this time...

After recess was some briefing for the plan for Maths by Mdm Ee... Then assembly in the hall, some skit called Love Bites I think... It was pretty nice... Wish I could experience something as nice as that... Haha... Pretty cool skit in all... Pretty meaningful... After that was contact time... Got our new timetable from Mr Thomas... Got our Geog scripts back too... And I scored a freaking 24.5/50 for the bloody paper!!! Dammit!!! Screwed Geog so badly, thought that I could at least scrape a B4 or something... Wah lau... Ken showed me the latest scores though, seems like all of us were given the 2 marks moderation thingy by Mrs Goh... So I managed to pass... Hopefully this is the score... Also, my English marks are also out.. Then they removed oral from the percentage thing and I ended up getting a B4... If oral was counted I would be able to score B3... Zzz... So a result my L1R5 is 16/17, depends on Geog... What the hell... Worse than Prelim 1 I think? Arrggh... In conclusion, need to work on English and Humanities!!!

And yah to you two... Hope you can patch up, I don't believe that a few simple sentences that were potentially hurting would totally ruin a good friendship.... Remember what you guys dubbed yourselves as? The Dr__ Te__ =)

And yah, one of my friends is pretty down about something, something regarding some girl... Haha... Cheer up, it's not the end of the world =) I don't have one either now... Haha... Ok I didn't have one to start with....

Ah well... Lessons start tomorrow...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail