Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hi everyone... So fast Wednesday liao... Past few days have been sort of an emotional roller coaster for me, more on the down side rather...

Monday was Chinese O levels... Paper 1 think I did ok... Did the bao zhang bao dao and gong han, although si han seemed to have been easier, but what the heck... Then I screwed up my Paper 2, badly... Had the very insecure feeling after completing the paper... We went to check our answers with the Chinese teachers... I know their answers might not be 100% accurate, but they can't be too far off can they? So yah, I scored 12/30 for the MCQ component... Well done Bryan... And don't say my li jie wen da could pull me up, cause it was difficult and I had a but of a repetition of answers, which in most cases is NOT supposed to happen... Arrgghhh... I'm looking at a possibility of actually failing or just passing my paper 2... Wonderful... Oh yah, the chief examiner was Miss Yip (I think that's her name) from KCP, and she's the OC of KCPNPCC... Lol... Got damn sian after the paper... Seems like Leon didn't do very well as well... Hope to scrape at least a B3... Don't wish to retake to tell the truth... Waste time...

After that had the training for shooting com using the little laser guns that Mr Goh bought... Guess the only thing it lacks is the triggering I guess... After that taught fancy drill, then soccer... End of day...

Tuesday, went to school thinking there was Geog remedial... There was actually, but LTY and I couldn't find Mr Talib... So I just went to the library, did some Geog, but spent most of the time doing my E.Maths paper 1 test... Lunched then went for Chinese Oral... Maths started at 2pm but I went at like 3+pm due to Chinese... Got back the paper I did in the morning... 58/80... That's about A2... Zzzz... Then Mrs Tan almost wanted to extend the remedial, which was supposed to end at 4pm, by 45 minutes because she said it was raining... Lol... But yah luckily she didn't... Supposed to have started fancy drill rehearsal but ended up starting much later... Some modifications here and there... After that was dinner at KFC after a bit of soccer...

Today, morning went for Chinese oral lesson at the library... Err, wasn't paying much attention most of the time... Was either playing or talking... KH got pissed with me and LTY for that... Sorry KH... But yah it sort of pained me that I had sort of lost a friend for like a day for that... I regret not paying attention, but I'm wondering to myself now... Should I still try my best? After having screwed my Chinese already?

Anyway, after that was shooting com... Went to HTA... Waited... Leo, WR and I somehow kept going to the toilet... Something like 4 times... Lol... Ok, sometimes it was cause we wanted to kill time... Lol... Some area 4 shooters came... The appearance of someone reminded me of something funny I heard some time back... Note: I'm not bearing any grudges and I'm not mentioning names, so if you know who I'm referring to, just don't say anything... Anyway, whatever this guys had said, could say it sounded weird, cause based on my interpretation, it sounded like "I didn't get so and so cause I'm lucky, it's cause I'm good!!" Lol... Ok that was my interpretation... Then some more appearances, got a wee bit pissed and swore, within earshot of my cadets and Mr Thomas... Sorry... I guess what I had said did make me sound like a sore loser... Sorry Mr Thomas... Why do I still bear grudges in this little (ok maybe not so little) incident... Should have let it go by now and they didn't do anything to me, why should I even get angry with them.. I don't see the sense in it, I'm an idiot really... Yah, then Leo told me one of them was dunno whether was shocked or amazed or any other word you want to use to describe it when this person saw one the badges on my uniform... Cannot ah? Too lousy is it? Ok, I'm way too hostile, cause I'm right here assuming the person was mocking me or something... Sorry...

We did our shoot... Sec 4 team scored 556 points out of 800 I think.... A chance of going into the finals? Sec 3s didn't do too well... Sebastian and I scored 164 and 162 points respectively... Might get a chance to get into the finals for the individual category? Did much better than I did last year.... Surprised myself with my score actually... But yeah, let's hope for the best for both teams!

To my sec 3s: I know many of you are extremely disappointed, particularly rj... But yah, don't blame yourself for what happened, you guys did your best and that's what matters... Learn from your mistakes this time, gain the experience, and go back to the compeition next year, with a vengeance... Ok, maybe a bit of a wrong word used here.... Paiseh... Yah, but anyway, don't give up and let this affect the other aspects of your life... You're going to take over in 2 days, look forward to it guys... =) And big thanks to god-grandma and all for the surprise just now... Thank you =)

And yeah, I forgot to mention this in my previous post... Didn't mention my thanks to JW and Leo who wished me happy birthday a few hours before midnight... Haha... And a big thanks to Damian and Boon Siang for the presents... I'm really touched... =)

Haven't been feeling too good for the past few days, largely due to screwing up my Chinese Os... Sorry if I have been looking emo, or being very quiet or suddenly blowing up at things... I feel like I'm getting hopeless at a lot of things... I can hardly do any questions for A.Maths now... I don't want to go to the extent of having depression, though I might be having mild depression or something... I seem to be screwing up all the important stuff... Would I screw up my actual O levels too?

Should I continue the fight?


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail