Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And here goes the long weekend

Okay haven't updated for quite a while. Last Thursday, nothing really much. Most epic thing was pe I think. The guys played soccer for like 2.5 hours since it was our last period, and there was no consolidation lecture whatsoever. Played until super cui. Stayed back a bit then played a bit of floorball with the juniors at the hockey d. Friday was National Day Celebrations. Okay well for the parade wise shan't comment, details were already discussed with a few people lol. After NDC went back to CHS, but couldn't get my Friends of CHS stuff cause speech day was still on, don't think I would have been able to carry it around anyway. Went for lunch with 09SH28 people. Okay kidding that class doesn't exist but it comprises of the guys from 27 and 25 lol. Lunch at Cathay's Astons, followed by Despicable Me! Quite an entertaining show, really laughed a lot. Of course there were touching parts towards the end. Wanted to go play lan somewhere but everywhere we went was full, so couldn't do anything in the end. Went for dinner with my family at some spanish restaurant near Forum to celebrate my Mum's birthday. Epic thing about the place, halfway through dinner they started playing music and began smashing plates and stuff on the floor. It was apparently some ritual to commemorate anniversaries and stuff, but the restaurant employees did it almost every night lol. They even handed out plates for diners to throw, saying it was for 'good luck' lol. Didn't really dare to throw it at first but eventually did lol

Saturday, went for tuition then realised I attended the lesson before -.- So left early then went to Tampines earlier to grab a proper bite. Played at Springsfield again with the seniors, this time with Joe, Wei Chen, Shi Min, Zhu Er, Valerie and Samantha playing. Too bad Joanne couldn't go in the end. Initially, got owned flat by the 2 lines of Argonauts players. Didn't really have a chance to touch the ball. And what a surprise (note sarcasm), met an old nemesis on court. Yes a very strong term to use, but to see that person on the Argo team really made me very mad. Went on a mad chionging frenzy for a bit while playing till Yong Le calmed me down. Thanks dude. Guess I got overwhelmed by my own emotions again.. Was damn suay, had 3 injuries on the same side, my left.. Got cut on the knuckle somewhere, then some guy elbowed by forearm quite hard, leaving in aching for like 2 days. Last one was the most fml. Tripped over a stick that dropped on the ground, fell and burned my left hand around the wrist area. Some blister developed and burst halfway during the game later -.- Wah sian.. Had a hard time playing after that man. Overall, still a good game. Probably the last match I would be playing till after A's. Had dinner at the interchange food court before going home. Sunday went to study with Wei Shian, Zhao Ming and Siyun, left halfway for Chem tuition, then went back. Nothing really much about it. Had a nice talk with Wei Shian over dinner, something we hadn't really gotten to do for some time.

Monday was National Day. Happy Birthday to my dear god Grandma (: Happy Birthday to Singapore too! Woke up late, like at 1pm -.- Did some work then met my squadmates at Yishun for basketball. Usual stuff, played, dinner then 1 hour of Dota lol... Heard the National Day parade was pretty good this year, half regret not watching it on tv ._. Today, went for some SPF preview thingy with You'en, Joshua and Darrell. Went to SOC to see how some of the things were carried out, followed by a visit to Coast Guard. Lastly, we went to Resorts World Sentosa for lunch with the Commissioner of Police and a few other officers. Quite an interesting talk. Okay next part quite epic. Had a tour of Universal Studios, getting introduced about some of their emergency and safety features and stuff. We even got to ride on the Revenge of the Mummy attraction, which was some roller coaster ride. Quite cool lol. Stoned at Vivo a bit before we split.

Eugene called me a few days ago. Apparently he wasn't doing so well in army, cause yeah he was saying like how some people could be so selfish and superficial and stuff, cause some people there were like that, being very self centred and stuff. Guess it affected him a lot. Think he had a bit of trouble fitting in also and stuff. Couldn't help but felt worried for him :/ Yeah, some idiot just needs to say something about it, and I start feeling as though someone slapped me across the face, not the angry reaction, but the kind of when I was younger, damn sad. Last Thursday someone had to make some comment, some joker did something previously mentioned, and Sunday just received another attempt of 'interrogation'. Well I can't exactly tell the whole world everything right? Have no idea how in the world did like well every other person know about stuff. Whatever. To keep people safe, I guess it's best that no one sees anything, or not much perhaps. Just so you know, I'll always be here for you. Yeah and You'en they all started talking about some scholarship applications stuff here and there. Made me start thinking all these things. Right now I can't even dream to get decent grades, what more scholarships or whatever fancy stuff that I could dream of? Yeah I know I need to work for it now and do my best. But well, people are already getting all these invitations and stuff. Maybe I'm kind of setting too high a dream for me to reach. I think I've been doing that too much, hence disappointment always seems to be looking for me -.-

Okay very very tired at the moment for some reason, typed this whole post out in a rush, so I think it lacks quite a bit life to it. Too tired to eat dinner wth -.- Freak, school tomorrow. And there's an organic chem test during lecture. SIAN. Okay, better sleep properly tonight, don't fall sick. 91 days

Was shown this a few days ago by JL. Hopefully you'll be able to find scores for this soon! Then can play lol. Maybe one of the other things I wanna do after A's is to try playing all my favourite songs on the piano again, like really try out many different songs. This one sounds really nice, the lyrics of the original are pretty ingenious I must say. A piano cover of Solo by Iyaz


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com