Sunday, July 25, 2010

Had quite a good evening. Had dinner with Eugene, Boon Siang, Jon, Greg, Shi Jie and Wai Yinn at Sakura, the YCK outlet. Too bad Leonb couldn't go in the end. We jacked Eugene quite a lot of times with his food and drink. Most epic one was the wasabi in the ice cream LOL. I got jacked by my own drink -.- Some random taupoks and stuff after dinner, then a short L4d session. Oh well, a few more days to his enlistment. Great evening. Visited my house. It still looks the same. Guess I'll really be taking A's while staying at Leedon :/ Have a freaking headache now, again.. This weekend sucks, didn't do much cause my head decided to act up. This coming week is freaking busy. So much work. Oh, econs tuition starting tomorrow too. Oh wow. I'm gonna die tomorrow. FML

"Are you done crying?"

"I honestly don't know"

"Well then get your act together, you have work to do. Stand up, they'll love to see you in this state, cause to them it's one opponent down. Go to bed"

As he clambered into bed, the candle at the window ledge flickered. And then, the flame was gone


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail