Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The stars in the night, they lend me their light to bring me closer to heaven with you

Ah what the crap, damn tired now ._. No idea how I survive seriously. Slept at 4am on Sunday night cause I was doing some essay and mainly my GP file -.- Told myself to sleep earlier yesterday then ended up sleeping at 130am -.- Idiot lah, I need to sleep. Okay on a brighter note, I finally managed to finished Hypothesis Testing tutorial! Finished up some overdue Physics stuff in the library just now so I'm on the way to catching up and clearing stuff! (: Okay GP for monday thankfully we didnt get killed by Miss Kaur cause she called up group by group to check our content research materials. First 2 groups got scolded quite badly... Okay almost died for tuition and needed a coffee very badly. Slept while leaning on something while on the train towards City Hall. Then my knee suddenly buckled and I fell. Freaking embarrassing can -.- Luckily I think only Eugene and the most a few people saw lol. And I knocked put during Chem today. Idiot -.-

Was talking to a classmate today after school. Then yeah basically he was having some problems thast cropped up again. Funnily enough, whatever he seemed to have told me, I had been feeling almost the exact same things just like a week ago. And I still feel them now, though I don't think I really show it. And yeah, so I guess we shared our thoughts and stuff. I just hope whatever I told him could help him. Dunno if it even works for myself -.- One point that I thought about but was never really able to materialise into words. Some memories that we have are treasured, this would probably include stuff that we have to associate with those memories. If things go different ways, will those memories become painful ones instead? I remember it took like what 4 months last year before I could even talk to someone? Even then now it's like so so, or at least that's how I see it. No matter how much it destroys you inside, sometimes we just got to show that nothing's wrong right? I mean, simply put, what else can we do? At the very least, I think I managed to talk him out of making an rash moves he might have wanted to make in the rush of his dunno what you call it. Yeah the feelings sound so familiar. Hope you'll remember some of the things I told ya and just hope for the best yeah (:

Okay random note, really like So Far Away. Listen to it in the mornings when I go to school nowadays. The literary device used for the chorus for the time turning the book part is awesome. Like the song describes, some things will stay alive in something so conceptual, something simply called memory. Thought about this cause there are so many things that bring back various memories, even stuff on my table. Oh and some idiot just had to make things awkward just now. Thanks ah, bloody crap -.-

I'm pretty disgusted with myself for being unable to apply concepts, especially for Econs. Stupid idiot -.- Can go fail already lah fool.

"What do we do when something is broken?" ,"Use glue and fix it lah!" Lol, yeah if only...

Another inspiring song, for those who aren't familiar with it, this was performed by the external band Good Friday during Rock Night. A song that can be applied to various situations and not just the seperation from family due to war I guess?

Gunslinger -- Avenged Sevenfold

Yeah, you've been alone
I've been gone for far too long
But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

Never let it show
The pain I've grown to know
Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you
I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
My heart's always with you now

I won't question why so many have died
My prayers have made it through yeah
Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

Letters keep me warm
Helped me through the storm
But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you
I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
My heart's always with you now
I won't question why so many have died
My prayers have made it through yeah
Cause with all these things we do
After all this time I'm coming home to you

I've always been true
I've waited so long just to come hold you
I'm making it through
It's been far too long, we've proven our
love over time's so strong, in all that we do
The stars in the night, they lend me their light
to bring me closer to heaven with you

But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you
I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
My heart's always with you now
I won't question why so many have died
My prayers have made it through yeah

Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you
And with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com