Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ok, I really haven't blogged for some time due to a number of reasons... Haha... For one thing, Prelim 3 is over, as of Tuesday that is... Anyway, whole of last week was some of the so called heavier papers... One mistake I made -- I slept very late for one of the nights, as a result, a chain reaction resulted... Zzz... In a way, don't think I'll do very well for this Prelims as well... Definitely not going to reach my target of L1R5 <10 points... Zzz... Saturday morning, went for tuition, but was half asleep so it wasn't very productive... In the evening went to my uncle's house for some party which was to celebrate my aunt's birthday cum my cousin Jemie's farewell cum mooncake festival(?) Yah anyway, ate quite a bit, cousins Hilary and Valarie left damn early... Wow... Then I found out that Jonathan was my uncle's neighbour... Spent a great deal of time talking to him... Haha... After that went to cousin Wei Yu's house to play PS3 and some other random stuff... Ended up leaving his house at like 3am? Haha... Sunday, went to Grandparents' house to eat as usual, then came back home... Monday was our Lit paper... Could say I did study the book this time... I should be able to pass! Hopefully can do reasonably well bah... Afternoon, went to study with Zhe Wen, Jonathan and Leon... Thanks Zhe Wen for the coffees! We were joined by Eugene and Wai Yinn later... Saw Hilary there too... Haha... Tuesday was our Chem and Bio MCQ papers... Hopefully they'll be able to save me quite a bit... After that, went to eat lunch with some 29th Batch members at J8... Saw Ding Yue... He asked me to go for RJC... Haha, even a miracle can't bring me into that school... Then we went back to school, stoned a bit, did some chin-up game (which I seriously suck at), then we borrowed a ball from the store and went to play basketball, under the blazing 2pm sun!!! Hot like anything... Still, we played... Pretty refreshing in a sense since we hadn't done so for come time... After that went over to Eugene's house, played a bit, then went to Popular at Thomson Plaza before rushing to tuition, late... Haiz... Sorry Miss Chan... When I came home, I slept as soon as I finished showering... Didn't even eat dinner... Owned... Today was the first day of script checking... Got back English and S.S... Improved for S.S! Thought by many people's standards, it's a really sucky score, at least I've improved... Yay... Afternoon, went to school library for a while, then went to Bishan library, did one Chem paper... Taxing man... Saw Peiyu... Met Zhe Wen also... Came home, slacked, watched TV... Right now, nearly everyone around me is mugging like crazy... Certain people in the class have improved tremendously, like Alvin... Certain people have gone into very high gear, like Joseph and Jerold and many others... Me? I daresay I'm not even close to them... And my dream school is? NJC? DREAM ON MAN!!! At this rate, I may not even qualify for anywhere... I mean, I haven't decided on what I want to do in life, so I won't go for the Polytechnic path, but I want to do my parents proud... I want to show them, that I'm comparable in some way with him... I'm not some hopless shithead wasting resources... Then again, it's just all talk as usual I guess... I'm don't seem to be doing anything about it... Arrghh! Honestly, the pressure around me is so great that it's starting to suffocate me... And day by day, achieving my dreams seem to be more and more impossible... No use coming to me and saying, can one lah, do your best, work hard sure can one... As of my current ability, I won't even come close... Perhaps some dreams (or in my case, many dreams) will just remain dreams, nothing more... Will they ever forgive me? Tomorrow is script check day 2! Hopefully it'll be good, hopefully...

Let's just hope I'll survive this...

Happy Belated Birthday to Lam Jun Wei and Daryl Chan!

4.5 weeks, 33 Days to O levels, good luck everyone!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail