Monday, December 31, 2007

Hey people.... 2007 is coming to a close.... It's time for some reflection I guess.... Same as what I did last year, I'll look back on my 2007 journey.... (If I can remember all... Lol...)

-Became an OAL, went through the BURST and Sec 2 camp(s) as an I/C
-Got into the class of 3-10, met many new people
-Did the BK performance, which I screwed up....
-Got into NPDP
-CHSNPCC got Gold for UOPA 2006!!!!
-Muster Parade on 12th Feb, promoted to Sergeant
-.22 revolver classification shoot on 27th March, somehow got full marks (cause shooting com proved otherwise)
-21st April, 48th NPCC Annual Parade
-Went through Mid-year exams, first time doing papers in the hall... Screwed up really badly
-7th May, celebrated NPCC Day
-22th May, birthday, day was a tuesday, the worst day ever... Got something nice as a present
- Can't remember the dates, but went for Sec 3 camp at the start of the June holidays... Had a totally new experience..... Still remember the cycling (Damn hiong but challenging and damn fun)
-1st June, POP, 29th Batch takes over the unit... Became the Sec 2 DI with Louis and Yibin as the CCIs and Yong Jie as the PTI
-3rd June, went to view the Police Day Parade with Ken, Yibin, Yong Jie and KB... Saw some very interesting things that people do
-4th June (Shooting com prelims)
-13th to 15th June, Area 4 LMSC 2007 Alpha group, met many new friends
-15th June, AC Parade, farewell parade to Mr Lee Chang Hong....
-Term 3 started, had Mr Teo as Maths teacher, best Maths teacher so far, got to know more about him to... Lol...
-20th July, Shooting Com finals, National 8th, Sec 4s National 4th i think....
-Still remember that during that time there was the damn tense period of juggling Area Games Day(s) and School NDP practice....
-8th August, school NDP parade, was the parade 2nd IC, new experience
-10th August, squad event watching Rush Hour 3 at J8
-25th August, Area Games Day Soccer and prize presentation... Soccer 4th Place
-3rd September, 29th Batch received our Squad Jerseys
-September period, Mr Teo went for reservist or something, some teacher called Mr Lim came in to take his lessons... No comments on this, you'll know if you experienced it
-September holidays, PK and HFS course @ HTA
-A period of time when our squad was left with no one left to turn to for help, totally on our own, with everyone whacking us left right and centre
-14th September, Muster Parade, promoted to Staff Sergeant with 2nd Class and Heritage badge
-15th September, Service Day, funny things during the Service Day came up again... Lol...
-26th September, went for piano exam but didn't really care about it... I failed... Lol...
-Next week after that, FYE... Did ok.... New the true meaning of studying...
-31st Oct, Zi Kai's birthday, celebrated at Marina Bay, first time stayed out till like 12am
-3rd Nov, Hike reccee
-5th to 7th Nov, went for OAL camp, as one of the ICs
-9th Nov, Annual Hike, also received PK and HFS badges
-1oth and 11th Nov, Terence's birthday chalet
-16th Nov to 18th Nov, ATC, better than last year's, slightly more welfare too? =P
-20th Nov, soccer match against 28th Batch, a crazy match... Haha
-November to December, BK training
-22nd Nov, PSLE results released, brother got into HCI via DSA
-26th to 27th Nov, CMC camp
-28th to 7th Dec, trip to Japan
-27th to 28th Dec, Annual Camp...

I guess that's about it, quite long... Lol... Looking back, I guess 2007 has been a really interesting year for me. There were a lot of interesting events, I met many new people, I learned a lot of things.... Looking back, not only for this year, I feel I've been a: whiner, an emo guy, attention seeker etc

I agree with what some people had said to me, I take many things too seriously, take many things to heart and all that.... I'm also easily shaken of my confidence. These are seriously some things that I really need to change.... And one very important question that I've been wondering about: What did I do to deserve the post that I hold in the 29th Batch NCO council structure? I'm really wondering that... Is it leadership? Can't be cause I realised I suck big time as a leader... Wish I could ask Daryl or Wee Siong about it.... Lol... Also, I still wonder why I do some things, like the desire to chiong, to achieve, to attain... Why am I doing these? I also find that there was a time I really wanted to be a popular person, in a good way, like Ken and Ivan, cause I felt left out and all that.... A lot of things occured to me actually, and I've forgotten some of things I wanted to say too.... Lol...

Important things that I've learnt: Be sensitive to people's feelings, have more confidence, treasure your friends, family and loved ones, choose your friends wisely, you need discipline to study properly, atmosphere and mood needed for that too.... And also, support from friends is very important....

I think I've said too much, so I shall go straight to things to expect for next year:

-3 prelims (Heard 1st one is in January)
-O levels
-Last Muster Parade taken by our batch... (I want my ATC badge... Lol...)
-Shooting Com
-Lot's of work

Wishes for 2008:

-Good O level results
-Unity and closeness to remain in the 29th Batch
-Juniors to excel in whatever they do, hope they'll be able to cope with Sec 3 life
-SPF-NPCC badge? Hopefully.....
-A succesful CV '08
-UOPA Gold for 2007
-Myself to once again, be a better preson
-Those backstabbers and hypocritical friends of mine to change... (Or is it just "friend"? Dunno)
-Hope for my friends and myself too (=P) to excel in what we do
-Good health for family and friends

Yup about it.... The question marks is either I really don't know or somethings I don't wish to say.... Yup.... I guess that's about enough.... Hope those going to Leonard's house later for the Countdown will have fun... Haha.... I'm going to some friend of my Dad's to Countdown....

So here's to everyone, a bit early, but still, Happy New Year! =D

Ok, yeah sorry, have been desperately trying to do the attendance thing for UOPA.... Took damn long cause of trying to find out why some people didn't come for what training.... Then we didn't have all the MCs and letters with us, so damn bloody hard to do.... Then phone here phone there until I took like 2 hours to eat my friggin dinner.... -.- Ok, also partly I was watching a movie too... Lol... But screw those cadets who keep skipping training and make it so #$%$ difficult for us to do the attendance.... Next year go scold them liao.... Lol.... Finally finished it....

Right now, I'm having a mix of emotions.... I'm seriously, stressed, pissed, confused and frustrated.... You might ask why... Let's see.... Firstly, there's a Bio test on the first Monday of school.... Prelim 1 is said to be in January? Then BK is still in a screwed situation cause we seriously can't book the audi for our own practice.... Then something happened which really put me off, but later on that.... So, yeah, you could say it's in a way a bit of unneccessary pressure perhaps... I'm a stupid retard anyway....

Yeah, the part of put off... It's kinda complicated... But some events which happened just recently made me learn something... From now on, I'll have to choose my friends more carefully... Like for example that incident, I thought we were friends, then somehow or another I got backstabbed... Perhaps the perfect way to describe this situation would be, rejoicing at the fall of a friend... Yeah, I mean I don't really care about whether I get things or not, but the action and words said my some people, made me really want to.... I dunno..... Hard to explain it, you might have wasted your time trying to figure out what this paragraph of words mean... What the heck, don't bother.... I just wish that the hypocrites and backstabbers could just disappear from my life.... Also, 2 more points to take note, we should be sensitive and perhaps understanding about others, we should change if we need to, and not say that we'll change but not do it.... Yeah....

This may have no link or something, but maybe this song can sort of explain what I'm feeling.... Dunno whether I inferred correctly or not...

Linkin Park's From The Inside

I'm not exactly looking forward to 2008...

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sorry didn't update about camp.... So anyway, here it is.... Annual Camp.... It was held from 27th to 28th December... Came to school, everything was prepared, started off with the stuff like attendance etc... Split into groups, all the stuff that was usually done lah... They ended up running what 3 rounds? Then at bunks was bunk cleaning, then ice breakers, then lunch I think, followed by 1st and 2nd activity cycle.... During that time was preparing stuff for activities with others.... Dinner, then came the treasure hunt, then night confidence 1 was cancelled cause of certain reasons, went straight to activity 2, the ghostwalk thingy.... Somehow some of the ncos were freaked out when they were placing the stuff at the air conditioner units... Then yah, was pretty scary at first, but somehow the situation didn't appear so when the cadets went to the checkpoints.... Then it was debrief, followed by the nco debrief... Then we finally managed to sleep... Slept at like 3:20am, woke up at 5:15am? Lol... Surprised that I managed to wake up.... Then morning flag raising, morning pt, ironman com.... Was preparing activites at that time... Then heard that Sebas won the Ironman com... Congrats... Breakfast, Dry activities, Gadget making, wet activities.... Wet activities damn fun, keep bombarding each other.... Haha... Even got officers tio... Lol... Ryan Han came but left at 5+pm.... Lol...

After that was bunk cleaning, then area cleaning, most of us weren't involved, so we went to shower, finally had a chance to shower... Haha.... Then joined in for prize presentation... Sebas won best camper, ironman, and his group got best group... Ownnage sia... Haha... Sec 1 best camper Gavin... Erm, well no comments... Lol... After that was the prepartions for the barbeque, then the barbeque.... Ate, cooked, everything la.... Mr Azman came, Area 4 CIs came, 28th Batch came but disappeared for damn long, 27th and 26th Batch came... Pretty crazy....

Barbeque ended, packed up, everything, then our own debrief... Yeah, new council structure out.... After that we left the school, went to J8 with a few people to eat a bit then came home.... Slept from 12+am to like 3:30+pm.... Lol...

Then yesterday evening there was some party among us neighbours.... Adults were drinking wine, chatting and all, we kids just talked and played a bit lor... Found it a bit hard to go mix around and all that cause all the kids there were well, girls, so.... Yeah, but eventually was able to join.... Lol... Met the new neighbour, the older one is like Sec 1 next year and she's like 168cm tall? Lol... Thought she was like Sec 2 or 3 lah... Haha.... Tried calling Chris out but apparrently he was asleep.... Then all of us basically just talked a lot of stuff, school, cca, all the random stuff lah, convo ended up with just 3 of us, then we talked to like 2+am? Lol.... Then came back and slept lor....

Today went to my grandparents' house to have lunch, then went for Han... Somehow You Yue ended up in the same class as me again.... Haha... Our class damn small la, 4 people only, pathetic number, then use the same big classroom that we used this year.... Then it was like damn cold lah.... Zzzzz..... After class went to cut hair and buy some stuff to eat... Then met Erin and Yanlin after their class then talked with them a bit... And Erin reminded me how I used to be so damn competitive... Lol.... Ok, blog the next part later, have to do something... Bye....

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hey guys, this post is a bit late..... Well, never mind.... Anyway today was camp preparations... Woke up late and reached school at like 9:10am, thinking that I was late... Later found out that it was supposed to start at 9:30am.... -_- Lol.... Yeah, then did quite a bit of stuff here and there.... Went for lunch at Bishan North and went back again, more stuff, then we were chased out at 6pm.... Lol... Been packing my stuff and getting my printed copies of the proposal in order for the past 2 hours I guess... reading through everything too... Lol... Well, I hope that Annual Camp will be a success! Gone till 28th December (2 days nia).... I shan't ask you to miss me, I'll just ask you to tag when I'm gone.... Haha.... Ok see ya, need to get some sleep or I'll be a walking zombie tomorrow... Lol... Bye...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas people!! Ok, this is a bit late, what's more it's like what 2 minutes to the End of Christmas? Lol... Ok whatever....

Anyway, have been out for the past 2 days.... 24th was woken up by a call regarding BK.... Then changed up then met Christopher and took MRT to Harbour Front, where we met Johnny, Leon, Hexiang and Ji Ren at Vivo.... Chris bought stuff from candy empire... He's like loaded sia, buy so many things for so many people.... Lol.... Then collected the tickets that Chris booked, then tried to find a place to eat, but it took quite a while, mainly because of me I guess.... Lol.... Finally settled for Long John's... Somehow ended up getting proper seats of our own.... Ate, Hong Zhi came... By then it was like 1:40 or so.... Tried to find a Comics Connection but it seems like the shop was gone.... Bought popcorn and stuff, went in to the GV Max theatre.... Damn big sia... It wasn't full though... We watched National Treasure 2: The Book of Secrets... Pretty cool movie, good show, though I feel it's pretty amazing for the characters to have such wonderous thinking ability to solve puzzles etc.... Yep, it's a good show..... After that we walked around a bit before going to Plaza Singapura and found the Comics Connection there... Couldn't find what I wanted.... Then decided to head home... My Dad fetched Chris and I from YCK station.... Well, first movie outing of the hols, my first time to Vivo too... Lol... Thanks Christopher for organizing this trip! =D Thanks Jonathan and Chris for the presents too! =D

After that, went to my cousin's house with my Dad for the Christmas party.... Quite a crowd there... Things done were mainly: eating, singing carols, PS3-ing, cheering... Lol... You might wonder why I say "cheering", well because we played Fifa '08 I think on the PS3, and the atmosphere was like a real soccer match on TV lah... Lol... It was like we were playing, then if goals were scored we would cheer and shout like mad.... Haha... I kept screwing my players up... Haha... Had a fun time.... Stayed at my cousin's house.... Ended up sleeping at like 4+am cause I was like playing PSP and GB.... Lol...

This morning woke up at like 12pm? Lol... Woken up here and there by Christmas greetings via sms... Lol... Woke up, played PSP again... Haha... Then we played socccer at his porch for a while... Changed up, played some more, mostly it was PS3 and PSP... Then we went bowling at Serangoon Gardens Country club at like 6:30pm I think... Played, scored pretty ok... Somehow I managed to trip while about to release the ball.... Haha... Went back to his house (walking distance), played Resistance Fall of Man or something again... Won a few rounds.... After that came home...

Well, it's been a pretty enjoyable Christmas... It's been fun... Thanks everyone for the Christmas greetings!

Going for Camp preparations tomorrow... Long day sia, 9 to 6... Lol... Bye...

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Hi people... It's been a so called family weekend... As the name suggests, I spent time with my family... Sorry Xing Yu I couldn't go to your celebrations.... Anyway, we firstly went to eat some Penang buffet thingy, pretty nice, then went around the city.... Walked around etc... Actually it was just Suntec City and Raffles City... Lol... Ended up buying some portable speakers from creative... Then there was some lucky dip or something then got some string bag... It says Creative Zen Micro on the front, but it actually holds my Ipod... Lol.... Listening to music through the speakers now.... Damn cool... Lol...

Today was basically some Christmas golf game.... Format was 2 ball Texas Scramble... Shan't bother explaining what it is, but it's basically something like play the better ball of the 2.... Pretty fun... We played as a family in the same flight, paired up with my Dad... Quite a good team... We played pretty well... Out of 12 holes, we had 9 pars, 2 bogies and 1 double bogey... 4 over... Nice sia... Somehow we sort of covered each other's mistakes at times.... Then unfortunately there was lightning and thunder, gameplay was suspended.... Then it started raining.... Game Abandoned.... That was the news we received after awhile.... So cannot finish game lor.... So went to shower, then went for the dinner.... Stoned for quite a while before the event started..... Started off with some of the other juniors members came in with what candles then everyone had to light up their own... Some singing here and there... Dinner, more singing, some long chain of people ended up being formed.... Quite a madhouse.... Though I'm not exactly sure why I didn't like celebrate wholeheartedly with the rest of the crowd.... Wasn't in the jovial mood? Why shouldn't I be? Dunno.... Yeah, quite a bit of celebrating... There were lucky draws, my Mum and brother won some things... Came home after that...

Programme for tomorrow.... Going to watch National Treasure 2 with a few people... Could say it's the ex-2-7 lot I guess, since we were all from there... Haha, at Vivo.... Siao leh... Lol... Maybe playing bowling after that? Dunno.... Then after that going to my cousin's house for the Christmas party, probably staying over too....

Then for some reason I don't feel very jovial or anything... There's nothing to be very sad about, at least I don't think there is.... Haiz, dunno lah, perhaps I'm weird.... Someone help me....

By the way, anyone free next Saturday afternoon, want to go study again? Prepare for new year... Lol.... I give up msning people asking them le.... For now just ask here lor....

I'm supposed to be happy, so cheer up Bryan... -_-"' Lol....

Friday, December 21, 2007

Yoz.... Talk about yesterday first... Went for lunch a few hours after my post.... Ate at Shunfu Mart.... Changed my perception of the place... Always went there at like 6+pm when nearly everything was closed, thought it was damn quiet.... Guess I went at the wrong times... After that went to my cousin's house... Played his PS3.... Wireless controls sia.... Played that Japanese version of Dynasty Warriors 5 or something.... Not as nice I guess... Still prefer DW4.... Then played some game similar to Halo I guess.... Pretty fun.... Then played soccer at his porch.... Lost both matches by quite a few point due to my getting outnumbered.... It was 2 to 1 mind you.... Still fun... Lol... After that went to the nearby Macs to get our so called dinner, ate at his house, went home after that....

Today, last BK training for the year.... Tian Ming sir came down to help us.... Finished practically everything already.... Light sticks settled, butterfly also settled.... Only thing left is fine tuning I guess? That's a lot of work by the way... Training really didn't end off in a good tone today... Due to the fancy drill dismissal part.... Perhaps I'm only one affected.... Zzzz... Then during debrief by TMS people can play PSP one.... What the.... Then went back to store to put back the speakers, had to wait for KB to come back from Bishan Market.... Some people just pangseh us then go eat lah.... Then went for lunch, we met Ruimin, Jeanie and Bernice somewhere in Bishan North.... Ate, helped wy buy a drink then went back... Managed to claim the amount used for the lightsticks.... Then camp briefing by Yibin.... Left halfway for SS group meeting.... Our dear meexiam forgot which question he chose that time... So we ended up picking one question which he supposedly thought was the question.... Lol... Split jobs then went back to the briefing.... Store was unusually hot.... After that did some sort reccee around the school.... Done, then we stoned a bit, people play PSP, listen to Mr Brown show... Lol... After that went to J8 KFC, bought cheese fries home....

Sometimes I feel that responsibility and doingyour rightful duty has become more of a sai kang or whatever you call it... As in, people see you doing whatever that needs to be done, then they just slack lor, some people don't even bother.... I mean, it's nothing to do with today's events or something... It was just something I sort of noticed.... A scary trend? Also, I've been thinking about this particular person had said to me... And I'm like part of the group he talked about? So how the hell do you think we feel after hearing you comments? Although I'm like the only one who heard it, it's like wth lah... You think it doesn't hurt us, you're as good as telling us we're practically nothing to you.... Go ask the people you prefer to mix around with lah! I give up.... -.-

I'm not going to forgive JZ if he really used coming to camp recee as an excuse or something.... Cause he didn't! -.-

And now my Mum is planning to put what restrictions on my brother and I for using our computers... Say what everyday come home use com watch youtube or what.... It's not like we're hardcore gamers playing all the time lah! If I can't even use the com whenever I want to, then I think my life is seriously pathetic..... -.-

What the hell.... Perhaps I shouldn't really care lah....

Thursday, December 20, 2007

You might be wondering why I'm blogging at like almost 7:30am? Lol.... Was woken up by my coughing... Dunno why keep coughing like mad and I can't sleep... A bit hard to breath cause the phlegm? Zzzzz.... And I can't ask my Mum for Medicine till she wakes up so.... Have to suffer a bit more.... Cousin came to stay yesterday.... Out of the blue he suddenly come and stay.... Lol... Weird... Anyway, let's start from Tuesday..... Was supposed to meet Yibin and his Camp Committee at school at 11am to open the store, ended up being woken up by his call asking me to come asap.... 11:20am!!!! Late like crazy.... Rushed and reached school at around 12+pm.... Zzzz... Sorry guys, after that went to buy lunch at Bishan North, met LZM and Hanwen, went back to store.... Supposedly helped to think of some gadgets, then after that at like 4+pm my Mum fetched me home, then went for tuition... Learned the oxidation and reduction thingy, a bit confusing?

Yesterday was the 2nd last BK training for the year.... Yi Jun sir came, he sort of helped in the BK side... Then MH, JW and I were talking cock with him during training... Lol... =x As for the BK performance, some people weren't good, then at one point Yi Jun sir scolded them, perhaps it was a wake up call for them, hopefully.... I still remember before we started out I had totally no hope in this batch of Black Knights, cause they weren't the "elites" as what Black Knights are supposed to be... However, these guys did manage to at least come all the way here, so there's only so much left we can do, the rest is up to them.... After BK training there was camp briefing, then there was supposed to be some meeting with SMS, then he said "Lunch will be provided", and he bought us pizzas.... Lol?????! Weird.... But thanks Sir! After that all of us went to his counselling room for the meeting, with the usual 3 from us missing... Talked about some stuff till like 3:20pm like that.... Then went to check something in the General Office, then stoned in store for a while before we went to J8... Bought some stuff then went home... Oh yeah, bought One Republic's album.... Pretty nice songs in there.... Then my cousin came to stay, same thing lah, played lor, then watched some movie on Youtube too... Lol... Slept at like 2am and ended up waking up at like 7am?! Zzzzz... Later going to my cousin's house to play PS.... Woohoo!!! Lol...

Crap lah!!! I sort of forgot nearly all of my A Maths already!!!!! AAAARRRRGGGHH!!! Now I can't do the holiday homework..... Zzzzz.... Ok, bye....

Monday, December 17, 2007

Yeah, today has been a pretty good day.... For BK today, finished all the drill movements, found that our changes do tally with the music! So Yeah Man!!! Woohoo!! Originally intended to practice with UV light today, but I couldn't find the bulb for it... -.- Lol... Nevertheless, a pretty fruitful session... So they've learnt the whole procedure, save for the butterfly part, managed to pei with the music too... So that's great... Guess what's the left is the light sticks part, another part that may prove to be problematic, butterfly and the other basic standards right such as sharpness etc.... Unfortunately no Audi for the last 2 trainings.... Hopefully can get for 2nd January... Yup, we're nearly there.... Also got the Sec 2s who came for their own CC Com training to see the performance from an audience's perspective... Good feedback I guess... And the audi is damn freaky lah, halfway got creaking chairs one... Brrr... Scary sia...

After training, played a bit of soccer outside the audi with JW, some Sec 1s and a Sec 2.... Used the softer and smaller ball lah duh... Quite fun.... Then went with Jun Wei to J8 Macs to eat.... Brought You Yue from the library to wait with us while we were waiting for Potato.... What pissed me off a bit was that Mr Leonard Lim ps-ed us, and I heard was to go Cliff's house, probably to play PSP.... -.- Won't be asking him to study with us for a while.... Then went to the library, the lot of us consisted of Potato, myself, You Yue, JW, HH, ZQ and YH.. Somehow those 3 tagged along... Found a cubicle, was pretty crammed up in there for a while, then Jun Wei and the 3 Sec 1s left, so more space.... Lol... So did work there lor.... You Yue was reading Physics, Potato and I were doing Maths... Quite rusty now... Zzzz... Need to work on it... At least I finished close to 2 out of the assigned 3 papers... =D At about 4:30pm we went to food court to eat a bit... Well, cause Potato hadn't had lunch yet... Lol... After that went to Sembawang to look around, the music store lah.... Feel like buying 2 albums... One Repulic's and Foo Fighters'.... Lol... After that went backt to the library and somehow ended up in the same cubicle as before, continued our work, while listening to music... =D Left at around 7:20pm with You Yue, my Mum came to pick me and I'm here now.... Lol...

Tomorrow have to end up going to school cause Camp team need the store and I have the keys... Lol... Guess I shall bring some stuff to do there.... And I still haven't settled my SS project thing yet.... Dead.... On another note, sounds like there will be something to look forward to during Christmas... My cousin is holding a Christmas party and there's a possibility that we can stay over too... Yeah... Can play PS liao... LOL.... Ok ciao, off to watch Bleach... Lol...

Someday if I get the chance, I would really like to view them and see how they're like... Maybe camp can... I would really like to see how they are, after hearing so much about them somehow JW and company are having a hard time with them... Really... They are after all, future leaders of the unit too... Hope things there clear up... =D

Apologize by One Republic... Nice Song...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

And I shall delete the post for Friday, just in case... Lol...

Today was the PYA thingy held at Bishan CC... Woke up damn early, reached Bishan MRT station, met Kenneth, who apparrently got there early but went to walk around... Lol.... So walked there with him, then changed into full u... Then we got our briefing and all that... Basically nothing much.... We were just helping out in the event.... Didn't really get to mingle much as had other things to do... Lol... Did stuff like saluting to Mr Wong Kan Seng when he arrived as the GOH.... Then there were times we were stoning in this room just sitting there and talking all sorts of nonsense... Lol.... Then main part came when we were supposed to help give out the "goody bags"... Yeah... Won't say much, but there were some damn gl people.... Haiz... I guess you have to be in the positions of the people giving out or organizers or what in order to see what is deemed as the "Ugly Singaporeans"... Saw for them myself.... Got freebies, then say what help people take... Lol... Never mind bah, I guess most of us are like that too... Somehow I guess some crime prevention messages were spread? Lol... Didn't manage to eat cause help until no more food... Lol... Ken and Jason also... Lol.... Then finish le, take photo, debrief, then got our own goody bag and certs of appreciation... Lol.... Dismiss le, changed then we went to Beach Road.... Ate, then went to buy our stuffs... Louis went to get his CC Com materials, Jun Wei, Ming Hao and I went to get the light sticks for BK... Somehow after much confusion of some sort we finally managed to get everything.... Lol... Then Yishun gang zao... KF, Tie ren, JQ and I stoned at the hawker centres a bit, saw an Area 4 CI with her BF, who seems to also be a CI? Also from Area 4? Lol... Then after a while we started walking back to the MRT station, then bumped into the KCP people, Desmond sir, Chester sir, Kah Seng etc.... Lol.... Then took to City Hall, then the trains were always full, then some guy came up with the idea of taking to Marina Bay and back... Lol... So we did, ended up sleeping in the train... Took to YCK, then came home, showered and slept till dinner... Lol... At least finally got our stuff.... The things that are happening are sending some kind of signal.... And I'm beginning to doubt myself again.....

Tomorrow is the extra BK training... Have to pia already.... Zzzzz... After that going to study with a few people.... Hope it would be a fruitful day tomorrow.... There's still hope, perhaps there is....

This video is damn cool.... An Ukulele orchestra performing Hey Ya by OutKast...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Yo people.... Today had another BK training, but I shall talk about that later.... Anyway after that went to buy my school books but like half of them were out of stock.... -.- Zzz... Then went with Jun Wei to Bishan North to buy lunch and drinks then went to Xing Yu's house to accompany the Camp committee in their discussion.... So there were like 10 of us I think? Namely, Xing Yu, Cliff, Louis, Weirong, Yibin, Jun Wei, Ken, Jason, Ming Hao and me... I was basically slacking there in a way... Along with JW and KF.... Then again, another problem with our squad, we're distracted too easily, so ended up many a times there were people playing.... Lol.... Found out that there was some program in which we could log into multiple accounts of Msn using the same com, tried that and we did some damn retarded stuff, like chatting with each other.... Lol.... Quite stupid actually.... Mainly played Jason's DS to pass time... Did help a very little bit though.... Lol... Then left at around 6+pm.... Thanks and sorry Xing Yu... Sorry we made a bit of a mess.... Then ate a bit with Yibin, Ken and Jason before walking to Bishan MRT station and going home....

Ok, about BK.... Well, I have no idea how to rate the speed of our progress.... I do know one thing though.... We may have a bit of a problem.... Let's see.... We have 3 trainings left to -- Finish up the whole performance, train with the music, teach the butterfly part, pracctice in audi and light sticks and UV light..... A lot of stuff, and I'm starting to feel damn anxious about this issue.... Well... No choice.... Maybe we have wasted quite a bit of time, perhaps time was also wasted during the trainings I was not around? No idea... Whatever the case, no point and need to point fingers.... Let us finish this job, Black Knights, Jun Wei and Ming Hao.....

Failure of BK is not an option, for it may decide the future of our unit.... We must not fail, we can't......

Found out that it's damn hard to ask someone to go and study together when the both of us are like damn busy man.... Haiz.... Just suay.... Hope we can have at least one session... Really need to practice... Anyone else wants to study/finish up holiday homework? Been asking people like XY but ended up with no definite answer.... Haiz... No hidden message here or anything, so dont take it to heart XY.... =D

Ending off my post with a Music Video again....

Linkin Park's Breaking The Habit Live version, recorded at some place called Walmart Studio I think... Anyway, this version probably sounds nicer cause of the intro? Dunno.... Credits to

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hi eveyrone... Sorry didn't blog yesterday... What the heck anyway... Anyway, yesterday BK training..... Seems like we may end up with a problem.... I'm still wondering whether we'll be able to pull through with it? No idea... Anyway, got a number of things done... They're at the housing part currently.... Have to work fast... 4 trainings left? Zzzzz... After training went to Bishan North to eat with squadmates, then went back to store to discuss our stuff... Did CV discussion with our committee.... Then went home... Cousin came to stay... Played with him.... Pretty fun I guess, also been some time since we played together.... Then this afternoon we were playing 1 on 1 soccer at my porch with a small soccer ball... Pretty fun, until he had to kick in such a way the ball hit some part of the gate and it bounced into the neighbour's house.... Zzzz... Ok, you may come telling me just go ask them lah.... But well... Had conflicts with them before cause of our stuff, or rather soccer balls flying over then we want to get them back then they bu shuang cause we what "expect everyone to serve you at that exact moment".... Ok, never mind, some stupid long story... Then last time I resorted to climbing over, then tio meh.... Zzzzz.... Haiz... Never mind... No choice lor.... After that went for class, found out the centre is shifting.... I guess next time have to leave school earlier liao... Sianzzzz....

Was watching this movie called Equilibrium on Youtube just now... Pretty interesting show.... However, I had to search on wikipedia about the movie cause I didn't understand it at first.... Knew it better after that.... Pretty interesting movie I guess, though it sounds crazy not to live with emotions, furthermore being sentenced to death because you feel... Pretty crazy... Watch it if you're interested... Lol.... Also, thanks KZM for the game, haven't tried it, but it sounds entertaining... Lol... Thanks.... Haha...

BK again tomorrow.... See ya...

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Ok, maybe I shan't bother to upload some of the pics... Lol.... Just too lazy now... Lol... Paiseh... Another time bah... Haiz...

Anyway, went to Northpoint with my family for dinner, long time since I've been there.... Then went to visit my grandparents' new house in AMK.... Nice place... Discovered that they actually had a massage chair, never noticed it before of the many many times I visited their previous house.... Weird... Lol....

BK training tomorrow, finally can go back to help out... Lol...

Who wants to go and study or do homework or what together?

Posting music cause I have nothing to do... Haha... Linkin Park's "Crawling".. Enjoy =D

Yo people... Too tired to blog yesterday, so I shall do so now seeing that there's nothing to do now... Haha...

Ok, went to Japan for holiday with family from 28th Nov to 7th Dec.... Anyway, morning on 28th woke up at like 4+am or something and reached the airport at like 6+ I think? Flight was damn early lah... Zzz... Yeah then flight, finally got to watch Transformers and Ratatouille... Lol... Reached Tokyo then change to another flight to Hokkaido... It's some island north of Japan... Got a lot of islands lah... Anyway, shan't go into detail of everyday, would take ages that way... Anyway, first day was nothing much cause of flights... Stayed in hotel, that's about it...

Anyway, the actual tour is like 7 days, 6 days in Hokkaido... In Hokkaido travelled to loads of places, saw some ancient clan of Japanese's style of living, some wine factory, wood craft centre, fox farm etc.... Mostly stuff like that... Sight seeing stuff... Damn nice some of the scenery, spent a lot of time travelling on the bus... In Hokkaido it was cold enough to snow, and so it did... During some of the stops went to play with the snow... Damn fun throwing that around, especially at my brother... Lol... Then there were places like fox farms, went to some place damn near a volcano.... Saw frozen over lakes and rivers, there was shopping of food stuff at certain stops and all that.... Then at one visit to the city we saw the TV tower of some sort, didn't go up though.... Then there was this underground shopping centre called Aurora Town... Lol, sounds like some city in the Pokemon games... Lol.... Then at one time there was this 2 hour plus ride to our next hotel, watched the movie Swat on the trip, nice show... Yeah, on the trip I brought my Ipod, cause a lot of travelling damn boring, but I used up the battery damn quickly, Friday bo batt liao.... Zzzz.. Then tried to charge it through the USB charger thingy, but I found out that I couldn't, so no music.... Zzzz

Yeah, then for lodging wise, we were changing hotels everyday, so we were on the move the whole time.... Well, the hotels were nice lah, some were Ryokans, which were like traditional Japanese rooms or something with the mats and all that (I think).... Yeah, then out of the 6 hotels we stayed in for the tour trip, 4 had the hot springs spa thing, damn cool.... It's like usually they have a few pools with the hot spring water, damn hot.... Yeah, you like put your clothes and stuff somewhere then take a shower before going in (yeah, no clothes or underwear). Obviously the thing is seperated into male and female ones, so yeah, don't think anything else, lol.... Honestly speaking I prefer the outdoor pool... Cause since it's cold outside, then you sit in the hot water is damn shuang, half cold half hot.... Lol, however for some reason there were times when I didn't feel well when I submerged my whole body inside the water... But one would feel very warm after that... Most one could spend in it would probably be 20 minutes according to our guide called Eddie... Yeah, and there are a lot of vending machines in Japan man.... There's like vending machines for ice cream too, drinks mostly, there's even food ones.... Lol... Not the packet food or something like chips... Later show you... Lol... Also, it's like damn hard to find dustbins in Japan lah, even though it's damn clean.... -.-

Ok, then a few more places to talk about.... One was this bear centre or something... These bears were apparrently taught to do some begging thing.... One would find it amusing at first as they would have to so called beg so that the people would throw food for them, which were biscuits and apples on sale, but after a while it feels like we're taunting the poor animals.... Well, the best is to just give the food to them, hate those people who taunt them and don't give them the food.... Though no one I saw actually did that.... Yeah, then the last place we went to in Hokkaido was this morning market where all the seafood and all that... Pretty interesting, huge fish, crabs, saw live squid swimming around in a tank, pretty comical in a way.... Lol.... Tried squid ink ice cream... Haha... Quite ok lah, can't remember the taste now, but it's definitely not disgusting or something, pretty normal? Lol... Try it someday...

Yeah, then flight back to Tokyo, somebody got a bit sick, then we visited some street and a temple of some sort as well, also a shopping centre and some street... That's where we met some cousin of my Mum, whose childrem would end up being our distant cousins I guess... Lol... This is important later... Lol.. Then we went to our hotel... It was near the airport and more international style, can see that based on the food served for dinner and the rooms as well.... Then next day went to airport, whole tour group went to check in and all that, while we waited for our tour guide to finish what he had to do... Why? Here goes...

Well, for our extension of our stay in Tokyo, we were originally staying in this Ryokan that was pretty far out, then we met my Mum's cousin there, found out where they were staying, figured it would be a better place, then my parents tried to change to there, and they were successful... The place was at an area called Ikebukuro... Coincidently, our guide was staying in that area... So he could bring us there... Damn cool lah... It all started with that walk down that street in Tokyo, and guess what, we didn't want to go there initially.... Lol... Fate man... Yeah, so we left most of our luggage at the airport, the storage rather, then took the train with our guide... 1 hour plus train ride to some station then had to change before reaching there... Found the place and placed our stuff there, room wasn't ready yet so couldn't rest first... Anyway, big thanks to our guide, without him, we would be lost man... Lol...

Yeah, then went around places, took the train around lah... Went places like Shinjuku and Shibuya.... The train system in Japan is mad lah.... There are at least like 3 or 4 companies operating a train system there? Well, I agree with what Yanlin told me about Japan being damn big and have to connect to everywhere, but yeah the thing is still crazy lah... Nearly every station as dunno how many lines connecting to it... I applaud those who were planning the systems... It's just nuts.... Lol.... Yeah.... Then the place where we were staying at was somebody's house turned ryokan of some sort... Rooms were pretty small, but it was comfy, there were common bathrooms and toilets, still nice, the kitchen for breakfast, and there were 2 coms with internet that anyone could use!!!! Rocks man... Lol... Damn happy cause I could also finally charge my Ipod!! Woohoo!!!

Yeah, then second day woke up at 9+am, that's like 8+am here in Singapore, 1 hour behind.... Anyway, finally could wake up later... Lol, anyway, my skin was really becoming aPeeling due to the dry climatic conditions there... Lol... Then went to the city to one of the branches of the company my Dad works in, met his colleague and they talked for a while, then we went to visit Pokemon centre Japan... Haha, yeah I know I'm damn childish lah, but since we were in Tokyo, might as well go right? Haha, rocks lah, ate at some place there, then went to see... Nice.... Then went around to see other tihngs like another TV tower or something, then found some park with lots of fallen leaves, that was a nice place.... Went to some shopping centres too, but well, didn't buy anything.... Haha... Tried finding places to eat.... Found Pepper lunch and decided to eat there.... Lol... Then at night decided to log into msn.... Then got spammed by my juniors... One mass convo with dunno how many people inside... Lol... Crazy people... Haha...

Next day was Thursday, woke up even later, left the ryokan only like lunch time or something, then went around shopping centres I guess... Walk walk... Nothing really much... Then at around 6:30pm we met up with my Dad's colleagues and went for dinner at some restaurant... First part of the dinner wasn't exactly feeling comfortable as it was like a damn professional atmosphere... Especially one of his colleague's wife.... Lol, after a while was slightly better lah... After dinner, took train back to Ikebukuro station then walked back to the Ryokan.... Talked a bit with some people on msn before sleeping...

Then next day woke up at like 5am? That's like 4am in Singapore... Zzz.. But had to as we had to leave early... Left the Ryokan and took the train to the airport.... 1 hour plus ride again for the second part of the trip.... Reached airport, collected our stored luggage, checked in, then went around scouting for stuff to eat.... Ate Macs in the end... Haha... Bought some more stuff then boarded the plane... That was like 10:30am I think... On the plane was probably a movie marathon for me... Took ANA by the way... The games aren't nice, so watch movies lor... Watched The Bourne Ultimatum, Stardust, Just for laughs and Mr Bean's holiday... Stardust is sooooo sweeeeett..... Haha, ok, that was retarded.... Anyway, flight was damn long lah, longer than the flight we took to go there... 7 hours plus, and the food wasn't exactly great this time round.... Lol... Anyway, reached back at like 5+pm... Then took a cab home, finally home man!!! Woohoo!!! Nothing beats home... Lol...

Anyway, from this trip I guess I found/learned some things... Let's see... Ok, about Japan, it's damn hard to find dustbin at times, not even in the toilet.... Lol, there are lot's of vending machines, like some stores they have a vending machine where you order the food, then just give your ticket to the guy and he'll give you the order, pretty cool, then there are ones for like fried rice etc... There were ones for ice cream even... Yeah I know I said this already but what the heck.. Haha... Japan is cold, Tokyo wasn't as cold as Hokkaido so no snow there, yet... The people in Japan are pretty polite, and thoughtful, based on some of the food outlets lah.... They do things with a smile and all that... Well, I guess maybe only the older generation does that... Food there is good, manage to try stuff like Ramen and sushi.... Haha... Have to thank my parents for the trip and extending our stay in Tokyo, wasn't exactly enthusiastic about it at first... Have to thank my Mum for deciding to walk down that Tokyo street despite protests by my brother and I.... Cause if we didn't, we wouldn't have met my Mum's cousin and her family and we wouldn't have changed our Ryokan and we probably would have been lost not knowing anything and how to get around... Thanks to our guide to for helping us even when he was not required to... Lol... Thanks to the people who talked with me on msn too... Haha... Thanks Weirong for the greeting via sms too... Haha... =D

The trip's been a lot of fun... Pics in the next post later.... Not sure if I've left anything out, but well, it's been a long post.... Check back for pics... =D

Friday, December 07, 2007

Hi everyone.... Back from my trip... Had fun... Talk about the trip tomorrow or something... Tired now.... Night

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail