Monday, December 31, 2007

Hey people.... 2007 is coming to a close.... It's time for some reflection I guess.... Same as what I did last year, I'll look back on my 2007 journey.... (If I can remember all... Lol...)

-Became an OAL, went through the BURST and Sec 2 camp(s) as an I/C
-Got into the class of 3-10, met many new people
-Did the BK performance, which I screwed up....
-Got into NPDP
-CHSNPCC got Gold for UOPA 2006!!!!
-Muster Parade on 12th Feb, promoted to Sergeant
-.22 revolver classification shoot on 27th March, somehow got full marks (cause shooting com proved otherwise)
-21st April, 48th NPCC Annual Parade
-Went through Mid-year exams, first time doing papers in the hall... Screwed up really badly
-7th May, celebrated NPCC Day
-22th May, birthday, day was a tuesday, the worst day ever... Got something nice as a present
- Can't remember the dates, but went for Sec 3 camp at the start of the June holidays... Had a totally new experience..... Still remember the cycling (Damn hiong but challenging and damn fun)
-1st June, POP, 29th Batch takes over the unit... Became the Sec 2 DI with Louis and Yibin as the CCIs and Yong Jie as the PTI
-3rd June, went to view the Police Day Parade with Ken, Yibin, Yong Jie and KB... Saw some very interesting things that people do
-4th June (Shooting com prelims)
-13th to 15th June, Area 4 LMSC 2007 Alpha group, met many new friends
-15th June, AC Parade, farewell parade to Mr Lee Chang Hong....
-Term 3 started, had Mr Teo as Maths teacher, best Maths teacher so far, got to know more about him to... Lol...
-20th July, Shooting Com finals, National 8th, Sec 4s National 4th i think....
-Still remember that during that time there was the damn tense period of juggling Area Games Day(s) and School NDP practice....
-8th August, school NDP parade, was the parade 2nd IC, new experience
-10th August, squad event watching Rush Hour 3 at J8
-25th August, Area Games Day Soccer and prize presentation... Soccer 4th Place
-3rd September, 29th Batch received our Squad Jerseys
-September period, Mr Teo went for reservist or something, some teacher called Mr Lim came in to take his lessons... No comments on this, you'll know if you experienced it
-September holidays, PK and HFS course @ HTA
-A period of time when our squad was left with no one left to turn to for help, totally on our own, with everyone whacking us left right and centre
-14th September, Muster Parade, promoted to Staff Sergeant with 2nd Class and Heritage badge
-15th September, Service Day, funny things during the Service Day came up again... Lol...
-26th September, went for piano exam but didn't really care about it... I failed... Lol...
-Next week after that, FYE... Did ok.... New the true meaning of studying...
-31st Oct, Zi Kai's birthday, celebrated at Marina Bay, first time stayed out till like 12am
-3rd Nov, Hike reccee
-5th to 7th Nov, went for OAL camp, as one of the ICs
-9th Nov, Annual Hike, also received PK and HFS badges
-1oth and 11th Nov, Terence's birthday chalet
-16th Nov to 18th Nov, ATC, better than last year's, slightly more welfare too? =P
-20th Nov, soccer match against 28th Batch, a crazy match... Haha
-November to December, BK training
-22nd Nov, PSLE results released, brother got into HCI via DSA
-26th to 27th Nov, CMC camp
-28th to 7th Dec, trip to Japan
-27th to 28th Dec, Annual Camp...

I guess that's about it, quite long... Lol... Looking back, I guess 2007 has been a really interesting year for me. There were a lot of interesting events, I met many new people, I learned a lot of things.... Looking back, not only for this year, I feel I've been a: whiner, an emo guy, attention seeker etc

I agree with what some people had said to me, I take many things too seriously, take many things to heart and all that.... I'm also easily shaken of my confidence. These are seriously some things that I really need to change.... And one very important question that I've been wondering about: What did I do to deserve the post that I hold in the 29th Batch NCO council structure? I'm really wondering that... Is it leadership? Can't be cause I realised I suck big time as a leader... Wish I could ask Daryl or Wee Siong about it.... Lol... Also, I still wonder why I do some things, like the desire to chiong, to achieve, to attain... Why am I doing these? I also find that there was a time I really wanted to be a popular person, in a good way, like Ken and Ivan, cause I felt left out and all that.... A lot of things occured to me actually, and I've forgotten some of things I wanted to say too.... Lol...

Important things that I've learnt: Be sensitive to people's feelings, have more confidence, treasure your friends, family and loved ones, choose your friends wisely, you need discipline to study properly, atmosphere and mood needed for that too.... And also, support from friends is very important....

I think I've said too much, so I shall go straight to things to expect for next year:

-3 prelims (Heard 1st one is in January)
-O levels
-Last Muster Parade taken by our batch... (I want my ATC badge... Lol...)
-Shooting Com
-Lot's of work

Wishes for 2008:

-Good O level results
-Unity and closeness to remain in the 29th Batch
-Juniors to excel in whatever they do, hope they'll be able to cope with Sec 3 life
-SPF-NPCC badge? Hopefully.....
-A succesful CV '08
-UOPA Gold for 2007
-Myself to once again, be a better preson
-Those backstabbers and hypocritical friends of mine to change... (Or is it just "friend"? Dunno)
-Hope for my friends and myself too (=P) to excel in what we do
-Good health for family and friends

Yup about it.... The question marks is either I really don't know or somethings I don't wish to say.... Yup.... I guess that's about enough.... Hope those going to Leonard's house later for the Countdown will have fun... Haha.... I'm going to some friend of my Dad's to Countdown....

So here's to everyone, a bit early, but still, Happy New Year! =D


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail