Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas people!! Ok, this is a bit late, what's more it's like what 2 minutes to the End of Christmas? Lol... Ok whatever....

Anyway, have been out for the past 2 days.... 24th was woken up by a call regarding BK.... Then changed up then met Christopher and took MRT to Harbour Front, where we met Johnny, Leon, Hexiang and Ji Ren at Vivo.... Chris bought stuff from candy empire... He's like loaded sia, buy so many things for so many people.... Lol.... Then collected the tickets that Chris booked, then tried to find a place to eat, but it took quite a while, mainly because of me I guess.... Lol.... Finally settled for Long John's... Somehow ended up getting proper seats of our own.... Ate, Hong Zhi came... By then it was like 1:40 or so.... Tried to find a Comics Connection but it seems like the shop was gone.... Bought popcorn and stuff, went in to the GV Max theatre.... Damn big sia... It wasn't full though... We watched National Treasure 2: The Book of Secrets... Pretty cool movie, good show, though I feel it's pretty amazing for the characters to have such wonderous thinking ability to solve puzzles etc.... Yep, it's a good show..... After that we walked around a bit before going to Plaza Singapura and found the Comics Connection there... Couldn't find what I wanted.... Then decided to head home... My Dad fetched Chris and I from YCK station.... Well, first movie outing of the hols, my first time to Vivo too... Lol... Thanks Christopher for organizing this trip! =D Thanks Jonathan and Chris for the presents too! =D

After that, went to my cousin's house with my Dad for the Christmas party.... Quite a crowd there... Things done were mainly: eating, singing carols, PS3-ing, cheering... Lol... You might wonder why I say "cheering", well because we played Fifa '08 I think on the PS3, and the atmosphere was like a real soccer match on TV lah... Lol... It was like we were playing, then if goals were scored we would cheer and shout like mad.... Haha... I kept screwing my players up... Haha... Had a fun time.... Stayed at my cousin's house.... Ended up sleeping at like 4+am cause I was like playing PSP and GB.... Lol...

This morning woke up at like 12pm? Lol... Woken up here and there by Christmas greetings via sms... Lol... Woke up, played PSP again... Haha... Then we played socccer at his porch for a while... Changed up, played some more, mostly it was PS3 and PSP... Then we went bowling at Serangoon Gardens Country club at like 6:30pm I think... Played, scored pretty ok... Somehow I managed to trip while about to release the ball.... Haha... Went back to his house (walking distance), played Resistance Fall of Man or something again... Won a few rounds.... After that came home...

Well, it's been a pretty enjoyable Christmas... It's been fun... Thanks everyone for the Christmas greetings!

Going for Camp preparations tomorrow... Long day sia, 9 to 6... Lol... Bye...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com