Friday, May 25, 2007

Not really in the mood to blog nowadays.... However, will just post quickly here....

Anyway, past few days have been a bit.... sian....

Anyway, Tuesday was my birthday and a big Thank You to all those who wished me Happy Birthday... =D Anyway that day the teachers were like treated to a movie... They were watching Blades of Glory... So technically, lessons were supposed to end by latest 3pm... However, Mr Ang didn't want to go so we were the only class having lessons.... -.- So finished then went for Blackbox as usual..... Then had cake at home.... Nice....

Wednesday wasn't much.... Had shooting training PT.... There was no official training so we conducted POP concert discussion/practice for the Sec 1s and Sec 2s.... After that came home.... Then got lectured/scolded very badly cause my parents went for the Sec 3 PTM and my teachers said that I needed better time management.... Then they scolded me over and over again, saying that my results were caused by lousy time management.... Then they, especially my mum, kept saying that I was not worried that my results were lousy.... Just because I don't show my emotions openly doesn't mean that I don't think about it.... I let out some of my emotions at school.... So I got scolded so badly that I well.... sort of cried again.... Call me crybaby if you want....

Thursday supposed to turn up for ptm then my mum initially disallowed me to skip piano lesson... Then I made a deal that the next lesson I do 2 hours instead of 1.... So luckily she agreed... Cause when I told Miss Saras that, she wanted to "punish" me by making me OIC for the next Sec 4 PTM.... Then I didn't want that event to clash with NP then I asked my mum for the change lor.... Then when I told her that I could make it she was like half lecturing me saying that I put unneccessary pressure on myself, resulting in the bad mood face that I put on... Please lah, I get upset because of other things lah.... You think I'm so dumb? -.- What's more go and give me the forfeit when people like Nathan Ma don't even bother to turn up.... Why? Cause he FORGOT. -.- WTF.... Damn unfair.... Whatever lah.... Anyway Miss Saras went back first cause she was on MC.... Hope she's recovered.... Then I went for the shooting theory lesson by Tian Ming sir.... He went through with us a number of things... Then I got the video interview with him that I needed.... Must show the squad his comments.... Very meaningful.... Then went for PTM, which was pretty ok.... Food wasn't so good.... Went home at 9++pm....

Today last day of Term 2.... Nothing exciting.... Just a few free periods and teachings..... Then Mr Thomas gave us our report books..... Results lousy... Dropped a bit.... Never exceeded 200 in level position before in my Cat High life and I did it this term.... 206.... -.- Then went for training.... Had post interview (finally)..... I was second then went in.... Felt damn pressurized and Mr Goh was there somemore!!! Then I realised I jacked myself in the interview... Screwed.... Bah, whatever.... We'll just have to wait tilll next week.... Finished training then had briefing for holiday schedule..... Wah... Damn packed sia.... After training played soccer for a while....

Finished packing just now, with some help form my mum..... Thanks..... Tomorrow till Tuesday we're going to Malaysia for our Sec 3 camp..... Hope everything will go smoothly and that everyone would be safe.....


Just because I don't show it on my facial expressions, that doesn't mean that I'm not worried or concerned.... I've already resolved to change.... But I can't implement it immediately.... So let me just go and improve ok? I know I've disappointed you guys, but must you only keep wacking me with my faults? You mean you see nothing good in me? Perhaps.... Not my decision....

Just now when I walked past my parents room I heard them talking about me, how I was so unconcerned about anything, in their point of perspective...... How irritating and dumb I am..... Nothing more I can do.... I guess I'll just do my best to change.... Then again, I'll have to eait like 10 weeks before I can be realeased.....

Just feel very sian nowadays.... Dunno.... Feeling tired liao... Gotta sleep.... Going to be a long and hopefully fun 4 days..... Hope we'll be back in once piece.... See ya guys....


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail