Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ok.... Haven't posted for a few days.... Wasn't really in the mood.... However, I just came to do so cause I need to relax a bit after today's work.....

Ok... Friday somemore script checking.... Damn sian.... Chinese scored damn low.... The cloze passage dunno why still cannot score.... More practice needed I guess.... Then compo Mr Yong see your compo story line too common then mark you down.... Sian.... Need to read more I guess.... Then Geography scored 35/50 I think.... So so I guess..... Jerold got 45 and he bluffed people that he got like 24.... Dunno what's wrong with him lah.... English also like that.... Lol... Then Physics...... Realised a lot of my mistakes..... Some stupid things like not writing formula minus mark.... Sian.... Anyway, lesson learnt..... Chemistry I expected a fail or borderline pass.... Result: 57.5/100 I think.... Section C screwed me up... Haiz....Must work harder.... Then History elect people checked scripts so we went to the canteen to eat a little... Then we went to check our Lit papers.... In the past always fail by half a mark.... Then got 28/50.... Damn happy!! After that Jian Zhong and I went for training.... Linus wasn't feeling well so he went home and missed script checking.... Learnt gadget making in campcraft (no drills cause everyone went for training late) Everyone made some shoe rack using dowel poles and twine.... Our goup's one wasn't stable so it sort of collapsed.... Lol..... After that had PT... Still damn rusty... Still cannot pump properly.... Need to train.... After that had RT... Played soccer.... Wasn't able to play properly.... As usual.... Then we were dismissed.... Then stoned for a while.... Then played soccer again... This time with Sec 3s and Sec 2s to relieve my stress...... Quite fun.... Still wasn't able to play properly though.... Then went to Bishan market to buy drinks then zao home....

Saturday nothing much.... Received new from Tee Leng sir that I had to collect info from some Sec 1s and 2s for Quiz Com. Then went out for lunch with my Mum and Dad then went to school to do the stats project with Wai Yinn and Boon Siang.... Wasn't very helpful... So I came home and pia for a while then send to the bloody teacher.....

Today also quite boring.... Went to class... Did the Quiz Com thing.... Damn difficult to compile.... So much info.... Then finally sent it to Tee Leng sir.... Then received comments about our stats poster.... Got damn pissed..... Ok... Fine, it was plain and basic, but the way she phrased it made it sound like she was scolding us for doing such a lousy piece of work and that we were like damn lousy..... WTF lah.... Our lives don't revolve around a bloody stats poster ok..... I know we need to improve it, but the way you said it was like damn freakin offensive.... Got damn fed up..... Haiz.... No choice.... Have to go rectify it tmrw.... Damn it lah....

Now I'm like damn angry with myself, fed up with the stats teacher and project and the continuing pressure of ___ Sian diao.... Must start everything liao.... No more slacking, no more wishy washy, no more scrapping through..... I'm gonna change, for the better attain good results for all the upcoming tests, perfection.... As for NP..... Erm.... I dunno actually.... Still need to see my post first.... POP scheduled for 1st June I think.... Shooting prelims in the morning that day as well..... Whole day full u sia...

Biology paper checking tmrw..... I pray for all the best.....

I need to find a new source of strength, something that will spur me on and give me the positive light, something that will stand by me and encourage me all the way.... Something that won't give up on me, something that will care for me..... Or perhaps it's better rephrased as "Someone"..... Bah.... Such a thing doesn't exist.... Stop dreaming....

Oh yah, finally found out something.... On the day of NPCC Day. Before the parade, I heard someone giving commands, but it didn't sound familiar..... Then I just found out that it was Mr Goh giving commands!! Cool sia....

Happy Birthday to Yi Sin!
Happy Belated Birthday to Vanessa (11th)!
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail