Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Back from camp!!!

Yo guys, back from our 4 day 3 night camp..... Long post coming up.....

Before that, however, a very Happy Birthday to Melanie and my cousin Valarie! =D
And also Happy Belated Birthday to Louis! =D

Ok.... So on Friday went to the primary school hall at about 630am.... Gathered with the class there then filled up that immigration form then stoned and waited for Mr Thomas.... Apparrently he was coming with Mr Danny Tan and Miss Wong I think.... So all three of them came at like 650 or something like that.... We thought he was not coming.... Lol.... Then we went into our groups.... Then boarded the bus at like 745 or so then we went to Woodlands checkpoint.... There we alighted, went through the customs then boarded another bus.... Counted strength then zao.... Had a dunno how long bus ride..... Stopped at some place for a break at like 11++.... Practically everyone bought food and drinks and whatever they wanted.... Then set off again then stopped for lunch at like 1++.... Went to some restaurant-like place.... A bit of a buffet like lunch.... However, there were like houseflies all around and kept landing on the pre-prepared cups of drink on the table..... Ewww.... Then set off again and went to our first campsite.... Took like damn long and we reached there at like 5+++.... Oh yah, forgot to mention, we had the privelage to watch some movies in the bus..... Some people asked Mdm Wong then she asked the guide then can liao.... Lol.... Watched Fantastic Four and some dunno what show.....

Reached the destination.... Walked a bit than reached the place liao.... Then we got briefed by some guy called Hussein or something.... Damn idiot the guy..... Didn't have a good impression on him.... Act like some big boss.... Then he kept blowing that stupid whistle of his in the enclosed room... Please lah.... Are you that lousy at controlling people? No right.... Wtf.... -.- Anyway, he crapped about all the camp rules etc then we went to pitch our tents.... We used those that people use when they go camping for fun that kind..... So we pitched.... Then our tent kept having problems cause the stupid rods weren't long enough.... Then finally found the right ones...... Finally pitched the tent... Then that stupid Hussein guy came to ask us how many mats we had and we said 3... Then he just asked us to give him one then he gave it to another group.... Wtf..... In the end we koped one more anyway... Lol... After that we went for some lame night activity.... Some seriosuly lame game... After that we went to sleep....

Was damn hot in the tent.... Slept in the same tent with Leon and Shi Jie.... Then because of the earlier dose of deodorant, I couldn't breathe when I lay down.... So i just slept on some of the bags..... Heard that some people got attacked by some huge cicada at like 2am or something.... Didin't heat them screaming..... The good thing about our campsite was that it was pretty far away from the teachers and the instructors..... So people were playing cards until dunno what time...... The cicada was killed by Brandon Chan I think.... Lol....

Morning woke up and refreshed ourselves, then had what morning excerise from that Hussein guy, then we had to sing some damn lame songs about 3 times.... Breakfast then we spilt into 2 groups an went for activities... My group went for rafting first.... Did three things... First just floated on the water with our life vests, then plunged into the rapids then the actual rafting.... Plunging into the rapids was the best.... When I plunged in water got into my mouth and nose, then when i surfaced to take air, the water went in again and you could say I nearly drowned, apparrently, it happened to some others too....... It was damn fun though.... Then the rafting, was damn fun and the scenery was quite nice, encountered some rapids and there was one where Wei Rong and Xing Yu fell off the raft.... Haha... They caught in luckily.... Rafted for about dunno how long then we took some bus back to the campsite..... Bus was well prepared... Seats were covered by something to prevent us from soaking and dirtying the seats.... Lol... Nice... Then it was lunch then we went for the next part... Next part wasn't as interesting but still fun.... Did Flying Fox, though it wasn't that fun as other kinds of Flying Foxes (Length of the line and height of the tower thingy etc...) Went together with John Lau then we were like shouting NY SUCKS!!! For me lah, John was the only one saying NY ROCKS!! Lol... Then we stoned for damn long while waiting for the rest, played in the water a bit... Then we did the river crossing thing... It was just simply holding on to some rope and wading across the river.... Current was against you but not that strong so it was pretty simple... Seemed to have some kind of pit at the other side in the water.... Finished that then we went to shower.... Not proper showers mind you.... After that we slacked for some time while the other group was showering.... After showering everyone was like sweating like crazy.....

After that I can't really remember what we did but I think we packed up the tents then we boarded the bus and went to the next place... Before we left practically everyone went to the store to buy drinks, ice-cream etc.... Lol.... After that we set off to some place, took a boat to the otehr side and we landed on the beach and set up camp there.... That time about 6++pm liao..... We quickly pitched our tents then ate dinner... The cycling and caving group joined us.... After that briefing on the next day's cycling then free time till 1045pm.... At that time we were like playing cards, doing dunno what then slept.... Tent was damn hot as usual.... Then for fear of flies we had to put the net thingy of the tent up.... Rained a bit at night..... Woke up next day, freshened up, took down tents, had breakfast and prepared for cycling.... Sports class group joined us then briefing by Mr Goh Kee Yong then we put our bags and stuff in the lorry... Took a helmet and a bike then set off....

Journey was divided into four quarters, unevenly distributed with rest points after every quarter.... So first quarter wasn't much mostly small roads passing houses..... Bloody chain of the bike came out..... Had to wait for the mechanics..... By the way, there was some company providing a service where they had numerous guys riding on motorcycles going around giving us endless supplies of water in bottles..... Then there were mechanics travelling about to help us with our bikes..... An ambulance was at the back in case of anything..... Damn cool sia.... Good planning..... Anyway, after the first break became a little more hiong.... Cycled up mountains and dunno what.... Weather was turning nasty.... DAMN HOT..... Plus there was no wind and the air was like stale.... So if you stopped in let's say some part of the mountain, you could die cause of all that.... Wtf..... Chain came out a few more times.... -.- Then finally after some downslopes it was a stop for lunch.... Had a second packet cause I was damn hungry.... Lol.... Then third quarter..... Also pretty tough cause of the weather and fatigue.... Lol.... Leonard at the start or something say what cycling 50+km was No Kicks! Then he tio cramp in BOTH his legs at the third quarter.... Lol.... Practically dying.... Then last quarter had to endure.... My left pedal dunno what stupid problem the got stuck then I couldn't peddle properly.... Oh yah, forgot to mention, a few times during the journey we saw a number of times children aged like 7-10 were riding motorcycles..... WTF? As Jit Hin said, they were like suanning us.... Haha....

Finally reached the end.... Almost collapsed.... Thought I was going to get a headache cause of the whole journey and the sun.... Got sunburnt, though not that bad..... Waited for everyone to come then we took a bus to some resort where everyone was supposed to gather..... Showered there at some toilets at the swimming pool level.... While waiting saw Bei Er and Li Song jump into the swimming pool.... Haha... They got chased out then they said what "I fell in...." Haha.... Showered liao felt damn shuang then talked to people... Saw Wen Xuan's sunburnt arms getting wacked by Daryl.... Ouch.... Talked to many others about our experiences.... Then later went for dinner.... Woots, buffet sia.... Food was damn good.... Then Leon took damn a lot of food, then all of us, especially Jit Hin, Charlton and Wai Yinn were like trying to make him lose his appetite by saying loads of rubbish.... Haha... Better not say here or people will lose their appetite.... Haha...

Then we heard that some idiot from 3-9 went to say what 3-10 people are losers and 3-5 was hopeless..... -.- Our table people, all 3-10 guys, got pretty unhappy then dunno what they did.... Nothing happened to the guy lah though.... You think you're from 3-9 and your class is better than others means that we're inferior is it? Then you're so WRONG.... No grudges or whatever against 3-9 people.... Perhaps just that guy.... Dunno what's his name.... After dinner we gathered back at the dunno what you call that then we had some prize presentation for damn funny prizes.... Got what "fragrant" award.... You know what I mean lah.... Then what "Loud, louder and loudest" award to John Lau.... We shouted NY sucks!!! Haha.... By the way, NY people don't get offended lah, if there are any who read this blog.... It's just John's obsession.... Haha....

After that then there was some debrief by Mr Goh Kee Yong about the things we learned and moral values.... Pretty meaningful I must say... Just that many were damn tired and didnt' absorb much.... Then there was the great LTY who was complaining that what Mr Goh said was totally rubbish.... And he wasn't those sleepy people mind you.... He was pretty much awake.... If he absorbed some of what Mr Goh said he wouldn't be the way he was lah please..... -.-

Then we boarded the bus and headed to the tran station.... Reached there at like 12+++am.... Then we stoned there for like 2 hours.... You could see the whole lot of us over there by the station waiting.... Many sleeping.... Haha.... I joined those guys later.... Then Ivan said that we looked like beggers cause we were like sleeping at a train station with bags and we were eating the bread provided..... Haha... Slept after a while then got woken up at like 245++am.... Train arrived at like 3am I think.... Boarded.... Got a seat a table with Xing Yu..... Leonard and Jonathan Cheung.... Slept until like 8++am... Then played cards for a while then went to the cafe.... Nothing really much there.... Bought somethings then continued playing.... This time joined by Kah Hoe and Kenneth.... Played cards again.... Kenneth left then Jonathan came back.... Played again until we reached the customs at Johor at about 12+pm.... The customs officers came aboard then headed to the Singapore side..... Got off, went thorugh the customs then gatheres again and dismissed! Woots!!!

After that supposed to go with Jit Hin and co. to the MRT station but I lagged behind a bit then I lost them.... Luckily saw Kah Hoe and Xing Yu.... Met up with other guys then we tried to find the bus to take to the MRT station.... Went too far then we realized it was just in front of us just now then we backtracked... Not before buying some things.... Lol.... Took 911 (OMG) to the interchange/Woodlands MRT station.... Most the guys went to eat then Kian Boon, Kah Hoe, LTY and I took the tran back.... Met Miss Chong at the station.... After that came home....

So, overall.... Sec 3 camp was damn fun, got to experience loads of things.... Met a few new friends and got to spend quality time with other friends.... Best of all, the camp brought us to new heights, giving us good memories.... Also, I got to take the Malaysia-Singapore train for the first time.... Cool.... Also got to see you could say a different side of some people.... Also saw the very nice/cheery and entertaining sides of people.... For example Bei Er (Super entertaining), Charlton and Jit Hin.... A good experience in all....

After that in the afternoon went for class.... New person in class.... Lol... Nothing much...

This has been a VERY long post.... Haha.



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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com