Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ok, Friday, lessons as per usual. Chem prac was turned into tutorial, which was disastrous for me since I didn't do Energectics -.- Stayed awake during Chem lecture, but totally slept through almost the entire lecture for Physics... Zzzz... Chinese lecture, ended up doing differentiation with Joshua Tan =x Stoned during GC as Mr Chong was meeting up with the small groups for his "get to know the students better" sessions. Didn't understand what the heck was being said in PW lecture. After school, had training! Stickwork, one drill then games. No goals on Friday ): Hat trick for Daryl sia haha. Need to work on my skills more, especially passing, positioning and executing of shots. People kept checking me when I was about to shoot o.0 Went to meet the A4 people, though by the time I arrived at The Prata House, everyone had already finished eating lol. The bunch of us headed to Icekimo after that, my dinner was the waffle with ice cream haha. Talked a bit, then followed Wen Qi, Rena, Eugene, Chee Wee, Kian How and Raymond to some kbox outlet at AMK. Stayed for a while then headed home. Went to Eugene's house after that. Apparently I missed out some of the fun ): Oh well, stoned quite a bit at Eugene's room. Couldn't go out to buy stuff lol. Ended up sleeping earlier than I wanted though =/ Morning, woke up then talked cock. Lunch was pizza, Eugene's parents treated us. Thank you Auntie and Uncle! Leon, Eugene and I went out to buy more drinks at J8. Saw Mr Thomas! After lunch, all of us left. Think Wai Yinn, Eugene and Leon ended up watching a movie lol.

Went over to Marina Square to meet the floorballers. Not too many went though haha. Played bowling first. Pretty entertaining session. Haha. Watched Ice Age 3 after that. The show's damn funny! The trailer for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince looks damn cool! Have the urge to watch the movie haha. Went to the arcade after that. Another entertaining session, with some of the most retarded of games. Laughing all the way man lol. Jerrell, Joanne, Shaun and Warren had dinner at Marina Square while Sean, Eugene and I left. Went down to Kembangan. Dad picked me up to go to Auntie Ivy's house. This dinner party was a gathering for the Taiwan friends. To make a long story short, these people (plus many others) were those whom we met (they're all Singaporean by the way) when we were staying in Taiwan way back like 10+ years ago lol. Met Samuel and Howard, saw them over these few years so no awkwardness lol. Most of the adults look the same. Then met Genevieve! One person whom I've not met in 13 years (according to her). She's changed A LOT. Wow. Currently in TJ, and suffering the same fate of having to take H1 Chinese this year haha. All the best for your oral tomorrow! (: Pretty cool how some friendships have lasted so long, in this case is for the adults mainly, was too young to remember anything from back then, or maybe I just forgot =/ Cause apparently Genevieve can remember a lot of stuff quite clearly. Gosh. And this is to the extent that she can remember even the layout of MY house. 0.0 Leaky memory for me man haha. Oh well, nice seeing her again (: Too bad her brother Christopher was ill and unable to go. Today, besides my grandparents' house for lunch, stayed at home the whole day, trying to rush overdue homework.... Zzzz....

This week was kind of like wasted. Spent nearly all my lessons stoning, or paying attention and forgetting everything after that. At home, stoned practically every night wth. Need to wake up my idea man. Haven't gotten back any common test papers yet, but they're definitely not satisfactory. Promos are just like less than a term away, which gives me less than 10 weeks. o.0 Wake up Bryan, you don't want to get retained (No effing way please -.-) And yeah, I really need to change and discipline myself as a person. One simple example, this year I seem to always be late for meet ups and stuff, like Friday (and many others). Sorry Wen Qi (since she was the one who asked me to go) for being late, again. =/ Sorry to everyone else for my multiple late-comings. At the same time, I would also like to apologize to all my friends, for being ignorant, insensitive and a total ass many a times. I'm becoming a really horrible person sometimes. Need to change. Sorry everyone. This week, I also seemed to become very irritated and started flaring up easily. Sorry if you were on the receiving end. I need to control my emotions more. Well, there are two aspects for this. I'm trying not to let my emotions get in my way, cause my friendship with one of my friends has already been strained because I let my emotions get the better of me, and did what I did. Could we just go back to at least speaking terms? I'm a little scared to let myself do what is usually deemed as the "natural thing" for some aspects. Oh well. Maybe I'm just a confused little kid lol. Somehow this last bit really doesn't sound like my typing though o.0 Emotions cloud your judgement some times, yeah quite true, at times.

Haven't done a lot of homework yet. Need to chiong this few days. To add on, I still have a few proposals/admin to do for floorball and NPCC. To further add on, I have A Level Chinese Oral exam on Tuesday, which I have not prepared for. Woo, totally screwed man. Putting al this crap aside, there are people who help me to look forward to things, both in and out of NJ. Motivation? Haha. Hope this week will be a more productive week, well I better make it so. And I got influenced by Wen Qi already. I'm now looking forward to Fridays a lot haha.

Happy Birthday Yong Sheng!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail