Sunday, May 17, 2009

Friday was quite day... First lesson was Maths... Whole class went to jack Mr Tan by turning to face the notice board at the back of the TD block... Idea came cause Mr Tan had thought that it was a blackboard when the classrooms were first set up... Haha... Kena jack... Credits to Youen for initiating... Haha... Chem, Mrs Ng was replaced by another teacher... Yong Le told me she gave birth already? Can't confirm... Haha... Anyway, lectures, no comments, chinese test, kena owned, die liao lah like that... GC was in the canteen, officially the last one Mr Ducro had with us since he's leaving after this term and due to the Science fairs and stuff for the next 2 weeks... Thanks Mr Ducro for everything! Thanks for being such a tolerant teacher (our class is full of jokes), thanks for being understanding and stuff, thanks for being such a joker (:P), thanks for being our CT for this half a year... Sad to see you him go... ): Sorry I was little noisy at times, and for being a little pissed at you on Wednesday cause you blasted me... Haiz... Why do we only treasure things once we lost them? Anyway, took some pics here and there, did random stuff here and there also... Haha... Think we were pigging out on some of the stuff Terra won for the song thingy... HAHA... The damn song... Lol...

Went for floorball training after that (No PW!!!) Line games before that... Kena owned... Haha... Stickwork after that, somehow, mood was screwed for the entire training, kept screwing up also... Deproved like crazy... Haiz... Pressure under the scrunity... Haha... Gotta improve! Abit more games, then changed up then team went for dinner at Pastamania at J8 (: Talked a hell lot of stuff, crapped & joked here and there... Sean and Yong Le are slowly getting polluted by Eugene and Daryl man... HAHA... Power of CHS!!! LOL... Loved the team bonding dinner (: Thanks Jerrell for initiating! Oh yah, Warren and I agreed on one thing... J8 would always have some meaning to people like us, cause that's the place where we go after every training in the past with our squadmates... Speaking of CHS times... I miss the times in the mornings when we had time to talk with our friends... The time before assembly was used for either sleeping, studying, chionging homework or talking cock... Usually it was the last one... Haha... Not only with our classmates, but those from around the level also... Haiz... Oh the CHS times... Sean commented that CHS sounded quite fun... IT WAS MAN!!! HAHA! Oh yah, bumped into Wei Jie as well... Long time no see!

Saturday, practically slept for like the whole day... No idea what in the world was up with me... Woke up only to like pass Zikai my com... Haha... Then at night, crapped with Jocelyn on msn at like 2+am till like 5am... For what reason I also don't know... Haha... Crazy people... Oh, and Man U won the EPL!! Though I admit the last match against Arsenal wasn't exactly a very good one... Oh well, think the 28th May game would be something else to look forward to (: Wonder if I'll actually go watch it... Haha...

Today, nothing much, went grandparents' house for lunch, came home, tried to do some studying... At least I managed to get a haircut, haha, no more thick hair with random strands flying around 2 science tests back to back tomorrow -.- DIE! At least might have the morning to work on it...

Ok, quoted this phrase from the song 默默 by 飛輪海, "深深的在心里没人看得出来" Not sure if my interpretation is correct, but I felt that the phrase by itself kind of applied to a number of things in life, maybe not only for me, but for others as well... Not sure how to explain, it's like, a number of things, people don't really show them in front of others, but inside it's always there... Ok, maybe I'm analysing this thing more than it should be... Haha... How this applies to me? I've no idea also lol...

Oh yeah, want to share this vid with everyone... Link was posted by Van Tan on Facebook... Super nice blending of tunes of Love Story and Viva La Vida... Who cares if the songs sounds weird with each other by the name... Tune rocks... Enjoy (:

Love Story meets Viva La Vida - Piano Cello - by Jon Schmidt

Darrell got owned on Facebook just now... HAHA... And you, please take care of yourself, rest well yeah

Happy Belated Birthday Julian!!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail