Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hey all... ISSF week for this week, lessons start usually at like 1:30pm or so... Monday's 2 back to back lecture tests for both sciences, seriously bombed big time... Zzzz... Seriously need to do my studying in June for the Common Tests... Tuesday, went to school for PW meeting... GP lecture, got back our test... Passed it lol... PW, no comments... Training was so so... Sucked very badly in the drills... Need to work on sitckwork! Went for the ISSF concert thing called "Expressions" at VCH... Whole bunch of damn retarded stuff happened, quite funny, lazy to elaborate... Quite a good show, ironically, missed the first song, which was where a number of my friends were performing -.- Wednesday, Physics plus Maths... Waited for bloody long to see the PW teacher... Group got shot like crazy... Hate PW lah... Oh well... Must do it well!! Argh... Came home and chionged what needed to be chionged....

Today had morning pt... Was like quite tired even before pt for some reason... Didn't want to wake up today... Haha... Chinese listening was ok, pw sucked as usual, econs, stoned, wasn't listening/slept -.- Chem, died cause I just found out how screwed my test was... Haiz... Training today was our first coach session after like who knows how long... Drills were quite interesting, they proved a point though: seriously need to work on stickwork... Need to work!

Another day tomorrow, maths in the morning, can't go to CHS to watch NP day parade which was postponed to tomorrow, haiz... Somehow, lost my mood to do things, suddenly just sian-ed... Oh well, may tomorrow be a better day.

Happy Birthday Greg, Perret and Chris!!
Happy Belated Birthday Ming Hao and Lucas!!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail