Sunday, June 21, 2009

Last Thursday, went to school to meet Wei Jian to discuss PW, joined by Zhong Xi after that. Discussed till like 3 or 4 plus, then WJ and I did some work before going to Vivo. Met You'en, Joshua Tan and Jaron there. Then Wei Jian and I bombed like 10 over bucks on some stuff at Starbucks... Zzzz... Met Lionel and gang, so we kind of joined those who remained from the Ignis outing lol. Bought Burger King and the bunch of us guys (Van Ho and Jessica left after that) went to the roof and started talking. Jokes and stuff all came about, damn fun talking. The figure doing the pull-ups thing was likened to Mr Yong, Nigel's idol xD Came home at about 11 plus I think.

Friday morning had training, pt and stickwork as usual. We taupoked Shaun during warm-up. Bombed him with water bombs haha. Jun Xiang's idea as a birthday wish for him. HAHA. My shots kept going off target during the games. Need to improve accuracy. Some of the seniors from the older batch came back to play. Saw this very nice slap-shot goal. It was like "oh wow". Lunch with team members at Northpoint. Went to check out some court shoes from the shops there at the same time. Prices were not bad, should check back there some day again. LMSC meeting in the evening. Shan't bother to comment. Saturday was the Floorball workshop! Was like damn late for meeting the rest for lunch. Thankfully I still managed to have my lunch lol. My bad. Workshop was at Republic Polytechnic. They have one whole court just for Floorball!!! Super nice!!! The workshop was quite fun, didn't learn many new things, but we did manage to get exposed to new things. Learned new drills and stuff. There was this penalty try-outs also, scored against the Finnish keeper xD Super lucky haha. Overall quite fun, I like the court haha. One of the people there helped me bend my blade a bit, with her BARE HANDS. When she bent it like almost perpendicular to the shaft I was like LOL, gosh! At least now the blade feels different. Haha. Thanks Kay Wee for going down to help us bring the money also, sorry for the trouble. Dinner at J8's Manhattan Fish Market with Sean, Eugene, Chun Yong and most of the girls' team. It was also Denise's birthday haha. Somehow, it ended up that most of them couldn't finish their meals lol. The rest went to watch Drag Me to Hell after that. Heard all of them got freaked out haha.

Monday, start of LMSC. Slept for 1 hour on Sunday night, survived the whole day amazingly, except the time when I was practically dozing off while helping Zheng Yang prepare stuff lol. Guess most of the things went more or less smoothly. First day, Rena and I scolded one guy for improper attire and stuff, scolded till he cried 0.0 First time for me... Oh man... Day 2 and 3 also went quite ok I guess. Finally wore the Charlie tee lol. Got a little freaked out cause there was a slight problem in showing the vid during the grad ceremony. Thankfully it managed to work in the end. LMSC is finally over. It had definitely been an ardous journey for all of us, definitely not easy. As Desmond sir had said, take it as a learning journey. Yeah, new experience for me, since for one I don't recall having actually properly planned something lime this before. Furthermore, I'm more of an on the ground person I think, not really a planning type, so well, new stuff learnt. Big thanks to all the instructors who came down and helped out in the event. Big thanks to those who guided us in this journey. Lastly, not forgetting my dear partners! Thank you WENQI and RENA for everything. Thanks so much for being there together with me on this whole process. I'm pretty thankful for having them as partners and that we're able to work well together and support each other. Thanks guys (: I would probably have more to say but oh well, don't know how to type them down I guess haha. Thanks Terence also, for supporting me and lending a listening ear. As what people say, as an instructor, as long as the cadets benefit, we're ok with whatever we get and go through. Quite true, I believe many of them would have learnt important and valuable stuff. (: Oh, somehow got a very bad headache on Day 3 as well. No idea why.

Thursday was supposedly the floorball outing. It started at like 9:30am or something. Joined them only at like 5pm -.- Woke up at like 12 plus or something. You'en called if to ask if they could come over to print stuff. So they came, printed, then we went to YCK CC to propose our stuff to the people as part of PW. It was actually successful haha. Went down to Vivo to meet the rest. As they mentioned, was in time to take the photo -_-''' At least I turned up ok... Haha. A few remained then they wanted to watch a movie, left front row seats so they decided against it. Ate ice cream at Ben & Jerry's. The menu had some $88 item. Like who will eat that seriously?? Ok, then ended up flying down to Dhoby Ghaut to meet the 4A gang. Took a while to find Cathay -_-''' Ate at Astons. Food's good haha. Saw Edmund and Jia Han there haha. Went to play pool after that. Sian, still not confident for my long range shots. Next time practice haha. Saw Nicholas Ng, Jared and Greg there haha. Small world. Went home with Melissa and Siyun after that. Thankfully there was 857 there haha.

Friday morning had floorball training. All of a sudden, cui diao. Enire standard for PT and stickwork dropped. Argh crap. Officially the last training with our seniors. We're on our own now. Thanks mainly Adrian, Darius, Wei Jie, Soon Kiang and Kay Wee for all your guidance these few months. May all of us excel and reach for our target next year (: Meeting with Joanne and gang about some FB matters, then we went to Northpoint for lunch. Kian Boon, Nigel and Wei Shian joined us. After that, went to Bishan library to do some work with Nigel and Wei Shian. Met Wen Qi, Rena, Kian How and Zheng Yang for dinner at Pizza Hut, then went to the playground to talk, saw Priscilla. Sorry to hear about your phone man.

Saturday morning, supposed to be play basketball with 29th Batch people. Ended up waking up late... Zzzz... At least still managed to spend some time with them haha. And sorry Jun Wei I forgot your birthday was yesterday!!! Went to Bishan library but there was totally no space... Ended up going to AMK library to do some work. Dinner with family, ate at this italian restaurant or something, good food. Bought some clothes also. As described, "now I won't see you going out in the same clothes every other day" Haha. Today, nothing much, afternoon at library again. I need help for Physics!!

For me personally, I didn't really feel much. Maybe up till now I'm not absolutely clear of the situation of some things perhaps, that's why I don't feel much at times. However, throughout the whole journey, I started seeing things, I started hearing things. Slowly, I started feeling very frustrated over some matters, even got pissed off at one point. The way some things are done, how they are delivered, were they necessary? Perhaps let's be objective, some things I can get the rationale perhaps, but others? I don't know, the whole situation is making me feel like crap. Underhand shooting? All the things that are done behind the scenes? Maybe the thinking is different. As they say, different people have different perspectives on things. However, as much as I'm trying to be neutral and trying to see things objectively, I can't turn a blind eye to some of the things that happened. Are some things being blown out of proportion? I don't know, it's a thought. Whatever the case, like I told someone, my perspective on certain things have definitely been changed. One thought that also occurred to me: This is actually a taste of reality. In the outside world, there will always be such people, live with it. Moving on, yah, Ds said something that kind of indrectly meant that I shouldn't have joined the little circle while he was talking to them. Yah, my fault again, I affected the mood or something. Yeah, guess all the things piled up and resulting in us caving in on Wednesday. Have not actually broken down in front of so many people for who know's how long. No idea why I even caved in. Weakling. Sorry if I made you guys worried R and W. Bad experience maybe. I don't like letting my emotions getting the better of me. Yet, this whole damn issue affected my whole mood definitely. Physically and mentally fatigued. Sorry to the team and 4A people for a bit of the sian mood/look I gave, sorry I didn't meet up to expectations for training also. On to another issue. I knew I shouldn't have done anything. Look at what happened now, the very basic communication is also screwed. Reaching to the extent that I had to look like an idiot when I had to ask 3 times just to get a damn reply?! Stopped some time back already. I'm just trying to be nice now, but oh no, apparently that's not allowed -.- Is being nice that hard? Dao-ing for no rhyme or reason seriously has no point at all. Stop it. A big misunderstanding? Yeah maybe.

Ok, in moments on frustration, typed all that out. Probably had more elaborate thoughts on the mentioned matters, but I can't think now -.- I never liked blasting like that. My mind's clogged up, everytime I think of this issue, I get very frustrated. Haiz. Anyway, saw this quote on TV Mobile while on the to school last week: "Having a dream is what keeps you alive." Quite true and quite cool haha. Alsogot spammed on msn just now about the poll on the channelnewsasia website. The results of the poll are hilarious haha.

And Eugene is coming back soon!! (:

Happy Belated Birthday Shaun!
Happy Belated Birthday Nigel!
Happy Belated Birthday Edmund!
Happy Belated Birthday Jun Wei!
Happy Birthday Enzon!!

The worst is when you can't even remember why you're fighting

Song of the day: Fall to Pieces -- Avril Lavigne


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail