Sunday, May 31, 2009

Opps, ok sorry for the lack of updates (yes Wei Shian and Jun Xiang I'm now updating lol) Last Friday, had Maths lesson in the morning, was late again -_-''' After maths, stoned for a while in canteen discussing with the rest where to go/how to spend the next few hours. Ended up deciding to go to J8 and CHS... Haha... So Nigel, Wei Jian, Youen, Atiqah, Wei Shian, Hong Zhi, Joshua Ng and myself went down to J8 Macs for breakfast... Atiqah finally saw who she wanted to see in Bishan! LOL! Went to CHS after that, Jian Zhong joined us. Hong Zhi, Wei Shian and myself went to collect our certs, then walked for a bit. Talked to a few teachers. Mrs Chew was like telling me better come back during trainings LOL, quite true, haven't been able to go back nowadays... Zzz... Talked with Mr Thomas as well!!! Yay! Haha... Went to Bishan market to buy the bubble tea. Still think the oreo related drink there owns the ones in school... =x The stall tenant can still recognize me sia... Not bad... Went back to school. Jun Xiang and Daryl gave me this heart-shaped helium balloon which said "Princess" LOL! Maths lecture, wasn't listening to be honest. GP, was just copying down everything... Then everyone else could go at like 3:30pm, had Chinese -.- Wrote compo till like 5pm. Went for floorball training. After training, went down to Bishan S11 there to meet some area people. Sat there and talked cock with them. Then they got me a cake and a present. Thanks so much guys (: Some funny moments here and there, like Melvin and Kah Seng attempted to tau pok me, but Melvin ended up on the floor. Then those 2 jokers tried to like chase me and stuff, managed to escape! Haha! Talked here and there till like 10 plus.

Anyway, thanks so much to everyone who Friday special! A big thanks to Christopher, Hilary, Chun Hui, Yibin, Pan Shin, Zhao Ming, Chuan En, Louis, Sarah, Auntie Mabel, Nadiah, Daren, Jason, Berwyn, Terence, Sylvia, Wei Shian, Joshua Ng, Youen, Nigel, Atiqah, Wei Jian, Jian Zhong, Hong Zhi, Sean, Jun Wei, Porlin, Jocelyn, Ken, John, Kah Hoe, Grandma, Yan Hao, Siyun, Yong Le, Rui Qi, Felicia, Evan, Edmund, Warren, Boon Siang, Leon, Ming Woon, Jenn Hao, Gabriella, Eugene Ke, Wai Yin,, Charlton, Eugene Sim, Chris, Jeanie, Rui Jie, Ziwei, Lam Jun Wei, Yanlin, Ee Seuu, Eunice, Jaron, Joyce, Aik Loong, Hanwen, Wen Rui, Panyu, Joshua Tan, Chong Wee, Nicholas, Huey Chin, Michael, Joseph Ang, Beier, Ryan, Bryan Koh, Jared, Van Tan, Xing Yu, Nick Chee, Darrell, Jingying, Perret, Ai Hua, Marcus, Wenqi, Desmond sir, Joseph Ang, Priscilla, Kah Seng, Melvin, Jia Yong, Rui Xian, Van Ho, Jessica and Manfred for the wishes!! Ok, that's a seriously long list, hope I haven't left anyone out... Even my Chinese teacher wished me happ birthday via sms lol. Anyway, big thanks to Daryl, Jun Xiang and Jerrell for the balloon, I loved it seriously, it's still floating in my room haha. Thanks Desmond sir for the cake, thanks Wenqi, Priscilla, Kah Seng and Melvin for the present! (: Most of all, thanks Mum and Dad!! (:

I think I kind of slept my Saturday away again. Evening, met up with some of 29th Batch at J8. Kian Boon, Ken, Jun Wei, Ben Lee (finally saw him after like so long lol), Kah Hoe, Ming Hao, Yibin, Terence. Had Subway for dinner. Thanks Kah Hoe for the treat (: Then everyone started scanning each other's messages and scandling one another for something... Haha... Went to the playground near S11 after that, sat there talked for quite a bit. Louis and Wei Rong joined us. Talked for damn long, jokes, crap, scandals etc... HAHA... Super fun. Went home at like 10 plus or so. Sunday, met Wenqi, Rena and Joe at Bishan library for meeting. Settled what we could. After the meeting, being the no lifer I am, went to HDB hub to see the greenlink thingy Jocelyn asked me to go see lol... Some parts of the thing quite cool. Home-ed for dinner.

I did the best thing in the world on Monday. Chem prac was at 8am. I woke up at 8am -.- Ended up reaching the lab at like 9:20am? Everyone finished liao then I just start -.- Did PW for quite a while after that. PW still sucks seriously. Went for lunch at Coronation Plaza, skipped the PW lecture thingy. -.- After that joined the team at Cineleisure. We watched Angels and Demons. Damn cool can.

Tuesday morning, had training, then went for the opening ceremony thing. Youen, Sarah and myself took great pleasure in suanning and jacking Atiqah via sms xD Inside jokes, cause she was at Star programme or something. Damn funny. GP lecture was a viewing of the documentary Supersize Me. Think it's like the 3rd time that I'm watching it, but still fun to watch nonetheless. Ironically, people like Zhong Xi and Panyu were like saying, "Let's go KAP after this" HAHA. Wednesday, went to school for the exhibition thingy, then did PW -.- Thursday morning, met KB at J8 Macs for breakfast, then we went to school, did some work. Random stuff here and there. Then Aaron managed tro persuade me to go for the SISC concert thingy. So yah went lor, not bad, performances were nice.

Friday, went to school like 7:30am, just to complete my exco form and hand it up -.- Went to library to look through the emails and proposals and stuff. Life Connections, Relationships & EQ workshop in the afternoon. Before that, a bunch of us went to say farewell to Mr Ducro and pass him his gift from us. And we still talked cock with him for a while. We were like late by 20 mins haha. Workshop was quite ok, learned some stuff. Sarah left during the break. LOL. Had training after the workshop. PT, somehow everyone was a bit screwed during pt, couldn't run and stuff. Something like half the team had Macs about 2 hours before training? LOL! Anyway, never mind, we shall all improve! Rushed down for AGM at AMK after that. Kind of late =/ Shall not bother to elaborate about the meeting. Everything ended at about 11:10pm. Terence and I went to get some food from Macs for dinner? Haha. MACS AGAIN! LOL. Oh, I think I agree with what Terence and I were discussing about. Yeah, maybe that's what we might do to?

Today had content standardisation at Peirce. Lazy to elaborate. Went to J8 food court with some of the instructors. Came home, then ended up sleeping on my room floor -.- Slept for a while then slept on my bed (haven't even changed out of pt kit) till like 8 plus... Haiz... Too tired already haha...

Personally, I feel that I'm one who is usually quite cool headed. I don't usually flare up and stuff. Unfortunately, I did so for a few minutes then, letting some of my frustrations out and sharing them with 2 people. Thankfully, it wasn't in front of everybody else. However, there's seriously a limit to how much more I can tolerate. I sincerely hope that I never get so agitated ever again, I prefer keeping my cool. Just hope it doesn't snowball into something worse. Ok, I'm just a little annoyed, nothing much. I'll endure till the end. A clash of values they call it? Could be the case here. Or am I the one who's just childish?

Ok, I seriously should get some work done tomorrow, later rather.

Thanks once again guys (: Last sentence is an inside joke -_-'''

Taken by Wei Shian lol

Happy Belated Birthday Ai Hua!
Happy Belated Birthday Nigel Tan!
Happy Belated Birthday Hong Liang!
Happy Belated Birthday Louis!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail