Monday, February 16, 2009

Ok, I seem to be blogging on a weekly basis, maybe I'll try to blog more! Haha... Ok, lessons officially started on Monday... Started off with Econs... Ended up becoming some saikang warrior again... Kind of volunteered for it anyway... -_-''' Yup, and right after the lecture, like about 20 minutes, saw people mugging in the library straight away 0.0 No comments... Given some kind of intro on some of the subjects... Nothing really much... Ok, random pic here...

Aaron helping to carry Jingying's bag before some lecture... It was supposed to look gay but somehow it didn't get the intended effect xD

Then in the afternoon went for hockey trials... Turned out to be some pt session... -.- We were asked to run as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes, then like 2 sets of sprints... Totally not prepared, furthermore, I didn't really sleep well the night before... Left at about 6:30pm... Caught a cab with Leon down to Changi airport... We went to send Eugene off, who's gone to Trinity College in Melbourne to study... Met the rest, ate dinner... Big thanks to Eugene's mum for treating us =) More people came... Took photos and stuff... Then Eugene was presented his watch =) Ok, some photos here...

Group pic

Omg Gran... Haha...

2-7 gang!!

The Clique!! Boon Siang's face has been cut in half... Haha...

Eugene trying to act cute with his present... Haha...

Ok, I'm seriously going to miss Eugene... Though he's not like migrating or something, won't be seeing him for some time =( Take care and see you soon Eugene!!! (April!!)

Tuesday was nothing really much, lessons here and there... GP doesn't seem to be very interesting so far... Then was supposedly to go for floorball tryouts but there was apparently some miscommunication then I didn't do anything at all... Wednesday, lessons were ok... Then afternoon went for squash try-outs... Ended up having some surprise pt again -.- Was like the first guy to go... Didn't do any warm up at all... Couldn't really hit the ball either... Haiz... Really drained after that... After that, went to J8 Macs with Wei Shian and Zhao Ming... Ate some stuff, crapped here and there, saw lot's of friends... Best part was seeing some of my squadmates =D We saw Mr Goh K.Y also, thought we didnt manage to talk to him... Haha... Came home, finally settled that stupid scholarship thingy... Ok, I admit I had a really lousy attitude towards it, cause I didn't really want to do it, but my parents pushed me to apply for it... It resulted in several like raised voices here and there... I mean, no matter how great the scholarship is, it really isn't worth it if my relationship with my parents are like strained because of it... Haiz... Oh well... At least it's finally done -.-

Thursday morning, went for the floorball training... Didn't really like pia during the play somehow... Some people did... Oh well... Then during like Physics, lesson was in LT5, the one with the cushion chairs... Then the aircon wasn't like turned on... So it was damn hot... Ended up sleeping through nearly the whole lecture -.- Felt DAMN guilty after that... Haiz...

Friday, lessons were quite slack... However, main point of the day was that I got a kind of cultural shock... Reason: Celebration of Valentine's Day... Ok, in a guy's school like CHS, V.Day is just like any other normal day... Apparently in other schools (especially girls' schools), it's a really big affair... Got gifts from quite a number of people... Felt damn bad cause I didn't like prepare anything... 0.0 Oh wow... Here are the things I got...

A big thank you to Zhao Ming, Yicen, Clara, Huiling, Qiao Wei, Jingying, Porlin, Samantha and Ai Hua (hope I didn't miss out anybody) for the gifts! I really don't know how to react to this sia... Not in my programming xD I'll get you guys some stuff in future!!

Helped the rest (a bit) in preparing stuff for our OGLs also... I felt that they were really nice... Credits to all who contributed! Had our OG meeting in the canteen... Our OGLs gave us the OG photos (hardcopy) and a disc each containing pics taken during orientation... Thank you Lennon, QingWei, Qinrui, Yi Ping, Gabby and Glen for everything!! Each disc had a message... I found this one highly amusing... Haha...

Porlin's disc... If you can't read the main part, it says "New Year Resolution ---> 1. Grow Taller 2. Find Shorter Friends 3. Get used to it" Damn funny... Haha...
Oh yeah, here are the bottles our OG got for the OGLs...
After that, supposed to go straight for OG outing, but ended up Huiling and I just went for Chinese first (Zhong Xi already went)... Zzz.... Smoked through the whole damn lesson then we chionged to Macs at King Albert Park to join the rest (with ZM and someone called Roanna crashing lol) Went back to school for the Tang quartet thing, which was pretty nice...

Apparently they came to CHS to perform before, but I've no recollection of the performance whatsoever... Haha.... After that, went down to CHS with Warren... Visited the unit for a while... Saw some Sec 2 whom I've (and a number of others) never seen before... 0.0 Oh wow... Shan't comment further... Met Manfred in J8 after that and walked/talked with him for some time... Saw Area 4 instructors eating at Macs... Anyway, thanks loads Manfred for hearing me out as well as accompanying me, really appreciate it =)

Saturday, was supposed to go to the Cedar Fest thing with Kian Boon, but woke up DAMN late, in the end didn't go... So sorry KB!!! Ended up going to pastamania at J8 to have lunch with KB... Crapped here and there... Then stoned in Bishan library reading comics for like the rest of the afternoon... I know I'm damn bo liao... Haha... Tried to get some people to go out for dinner but failed... Haha... Once again, sorry KB!!!

Today, went to grandparents' house for lunch, then went to AMK library to meet Siyun and Zhao Ming... Ate a bit at the cafe there... Random pic here...
These two were like attacking one chicken leg... Haha... Crapped a bit here and there... Yicen joined us, then we went to do homework and stuff... Finally managed to catch up with some stuff... Still clueless on a fair bit of stuff though -.- Thanks Siyun for the card and message too! Cheers to everlasting friendship! Went to the club after that for the celebration dinner for my mum's hole-in-one... =)

Ok, don't really seem to be understanding most of the stuff I'm learning now... Hope I can catch up... Haiz... Nearly everyone in NJ is a mugger man... Oh crap... Then yah, some other things have been on my mind... No idea what to do in some cases... Sorry you're on the receiving end of the suffering part... Let's just hope this clears up... As for me, think I need to straighten out my life first, maybe I'm not ready for things to come yet...

Yup, also, I'll try to cheer up more =) Thanks to those who've been trying to do so =D This coming week, most probably will be split into classes... Tutorials will also most probably start... Oh well... I'm going to miss OG 6, especially those in our clique =( Keep in contact people! Hope I get into the same class as some people I know...

Happy Belated Birthday Siming sir!!
Happy Belated Valentine's Day all!

Oh, and I seriously miss a lot of stuff about CHS now...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail