Friday, January 30, 2009

Hi all... Ok, it's a bit crazy, bloggin at this time (I shouldn't even be up), but I shall do so anyway... Today, or rather yesterday, went down to school for some stuff... Met Yibin Kah Hoe and Kian Boon... After that, went to Melvin's house for another 4A gathering with Wei Shian, Zhaoming, Yenjin, Siyun, Jocelyn, Melissa and Michelle... Same few people who went for the first gathering... Went to his house, crapped, played a bit here and there and talked... There were some VERY entertaining scenes, for example, when Siyun and Yenjin tried playing Halo on the Xbox... A bit hard to describe the scene, if you were there you would laugh like mad too... Haha... Everytime the opponent was spotted, the girls started screaming like mad... Haha, especially Siyun... She's crazy man... =x Left at about 6:50pm or so... Somehow, I really enjoy the 4A gatherings, maybe much more than the 6D ones? Ok, maybe... Haha... Look forward to the next one!! Thanks Melvin for having us over =D After that, went to Terence's house for the 29th Batch gathering... Played, talked etc... Had a pretty fun time there too... Thanks Terence =D

Ok, I seem to have this pretty bad habit of being late... Ever since the start of this year I think, I kept being late for so many meetings and stuff... Feeling quite annoyed with myself... Guess I'll have to force myself to be on time for stuff already, starting from tomorrow... Haiz...

School posting results are coming out in few hours, good luck to all!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hey all, I'm back!! =) Arrived back in Singapore at about 5+am or so... Came home, slept for a while, then went to Mr Thomas' house for the class gathering... Reached there, ate, talked... Had quite a fun time... CHS had a half day today, which explains why we could have have the gathering... Mrs Yap also went... Thank you Mr Thomas for the party!!! =D

After that, walked around J8 with Manfred, Charlton, Leonard, Jerold and Eugene Ang... Jon, Wy and Boon Siang went to Eugene's house... Sorry I couldn't join you guys... Spent some time with another lot of my classmates... We kind of camped at Macs and talked all the way... Bumped into Nick Chee at Comics connection... Then bumped into Bryan Ng and Eunice at Macs as well... Haha... Also saw one of the Sec 2s... Obviously he didn't want to see me... Haha... XD Talked for damn long... In the end, went to Bishan market for dinner with Jerold and Charlton... After that came home...

Trip to Perth was kind of ok... Honestly, there weren't exactly any plans on what to do when we got there, resulting in "nothing really much being done"... Haha... Ok, there were some little talks about migrating and all that in the future, but I'll disregard it cause I'll just stay here in Singapore for now... Haha... Ok random...

Today didn't turn out to be a very good day for me in a way... Could say I was a little cranky, most probably not because of the lack of sleep, I dunno... Somehow, I got quite easily ticked off by some people when they said stuff... Then my mind was also kind of clogged up as well, couldn't really think properly... Really sorry if anyone was on the receiving end of my irritable self today... Guess this is the similiar feeling that I got just before I went for D'08... Maybe juts before something totally new I'll end up feeling like that? JC starts next week, so well... Maybe it's just me...

Ok, on a random note, I've been having funny dreams lately... There was one night when I dreamt about handling a situation with troublesome juniors... Another one whereby I was a computer game character and I needed to kill a large bunch of monsters and stuff... Oh well, stupid -.- Yeah, anyway, there were some things that were being discussed lately and they kind of triggered thoughts, ok won't go into details, but they were just mainly thoughts that kept bugging me, even though I've been trying to get them out of my head (since who know's when)... Oh well... Then of course, when I think of some stuff, I guess I'm just a freakin hypocrite in more ways than one... Most people end up making such mistakes though, don't they?

Ok, another thing, I seriously need to "grow up" in a sense... I'm still kind of ignorant of stuff, even at my age, when people like my brother know tons of stuff more than I do... And I'm not talking about knowledge or something, I'm talking about stuff like maybe some housework, some skills here and there... I admit I don't really do housework... One perfect example was while in Perth, there was an afternoon whereby my mum was preparing some food for the potluck that we were having in the evening at Aunty Betty's parents' house... My brother was helping my mum a bit in preparing the food... What was I doing? I was upstairs, using the com and reading comics -.- Seriously, I think I'm a total slob and all that... I've been too much of an idiot and an ignorant fool... I seriously need to start tuning mindset or I'll never be able to survive in the future... I need to learn how to be more of an adult rather than a kid already... -.- Grow up Bryan

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!!! Hope everyone's having fun visiting relatives.... Haha... Hmm, last few days haven't been doing really much... Played soccer twice... Think the first game was more fun... Scored 4 or 5, assisted 2.. Haha... Other times were mostly going about, looking at stuff... Food's been pretty good... And yes, I've eaten fish and chips already... Haha... Found Fremantle Bay quite familiar somehow... Maybe it was one of our stops during the trip in P5? Oh well... Also, funny thing is that I tend to become tired very easily... Hmm... Maybe it's cause of the late nights? I wake up equally late though... Ok, never mind... It's Australia day today, kind of like our equivalent of national day... Going to see fireworks and stuff later... Last night's reunion dinner with Aunty Betty's relatives was not bad, had quite an enjoyable time...

Hope everyone will be enjoying themselves over these few days for CNY... Don't pig out too much people!! Haha... A few days more and I'll be back =D Look forward to the class gathering and all that too... On a random note, I miss CNY goodies!!! xD

Happy Birthday Eunice!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hi all, currently in Perth at the moment, finally managed to get the internet... Took the plane yesterday evening, arrived at about 12+am... Took jetstar, flight was pretty ok... I actually brought The Da Vinci code to read, covered something like 22 chapters... So proud of myself... Haha... Staying with my parents' friends at the moment... Played a golf in the afternoon just now... Haha... Dinner was good, loved it =D Just now some one came to suan me about CNY goodies... Damn, I miss them already... Never mind, go back then eat... Haha... Ok, take care all...

Happy Birthday Mick!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ok, post before going to off... Monday, was supposed to meet Jonny for lunch, ended up waking up at like 2pm -.- Went down to CHS, bumped into Ruimin on the way to schoo from J8... Found some of the teachers whom I were looking for... Mrs Tan was on course though... Then watched a bit of Burst.... Stoned all the way till the Sec 1s were dismissed... Then one of my cousin's friends is seriously damn irritating -.- Everytime see me want to ka jiao me, say what "he very scary one" etc -.- Idiot... After that, came home... Nothing much for Monday...

This morning, woke up damn early (like 7:20am, it's considered early at the moment) to pass Zikai the tennis rackets and balls that wanted to borrow, as usual I was late -.- Went back to sleep, then woke up at dunno what time... Spent the afternoon trying to pack some of my stuff... Then in the evening went out for dinner with Jonathan, Eugene, Wai Yinn and Boon Siang... Ate at some pasta store... Forgot the name... After that we went to walk around... Some people don't change really -.- Still as violent as ever... Another says unnecessary stuff and asks to be whacked -.- Ok whatever.... Had a pretty fun time walking around and stuff... I actually went to splurge on a Haagen Daz ice cream... Tiramisu flavour =D Shiok... On the way back, got seperated from the rest while boarding the train... I didn't board cause it was too crowded, then they waited for me at the next stop, but couldn't get on... Haha... Damn funny... Met at Bishan, thn we split up...

Anyway, I realised today marks the one month anniversary for all from D'08 as CIs... So fast one month le, what's to come in our CI-ship? Oh well...

There's been some stuff on my mind, maybe I'll talk about them when I come back, if I can remember them that is... Bye people

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ok, going to continue updating about the week... Thursday morning, wanted to wake up early to go for Charlie chalet... Ended up going there at like 1pm? Haha... Reached there... Met Hong Liang, Pan Shin, Sylvia, Terence and Samantha... Yong Sheng was cycling... Stoned a bit... Then went went cycling with Pan, Sylvia, Terence, Samantha and Hong Liang... Ended up using the tandem bike with Pan, since I tried the tandem before... Oh well... Another new experience again... Haha... Cycled all the way to Bedok resevoir or something... Freaked Pan out quite a bit during the whole thing... My cycling is kind of crazy... Haha... Saw some people who looked like they were a bit mad, as in really crazy sort of person... 0.0 Anyway, really fun journey... Hong Liang went home to do some stuff, rest of us went back... Then got a call from the BBQ wholesale centre guy, asking me to collect the food... 0.0 Quickly rushed back... Haha... Ivan (Yong Sheng) managed to help us get it first... Then we brought the things back... Went out to buy stuff with Ivan and Cumaran at NTUC... Melvin and Ain came back from their unit stuff and prepared the fire while we were getting things... Went back... Zhuang Yi, Lillian and Yan Chang had also come... First thing that Zhuang Yi said when I said "hi" was"YO!" Haha... Not used to it... The rest were watching scary movie inside... Chionging all 4 movies... Haha... Then Hao Jun also came!!! Yay... A lot of talking and stuff... I admit I hardly helped with the cooking =x Can't cook for nuts... Zzz... Then at dunno what time, we went to buy stuff... Ain's cake was also bought... Had a lot of fun with everything... It was much better than the 6D one =x Maybe cause everyone was more spontaneous? Haha oh well... Lot's more crapping here and there, then Nicholas and gang brought out the cake for Ain... So well, celebrated Ain's birthday at the same time... HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIN!!! =D Yep then the chalet continued... At night, cards, crapping etc... Used my com too... Then at like dunno what time, we went out to sort of cycle... Zhuang Yi, Ivan, Nicholas, Hong Liang, Lillian and myself... Only 4 bikes were available, so walked for a bit... Then we sat at the breakwater or whatever it's called there and talked for damn long... Walked around also, listening to music... After that, they decided to go cycling a bit... Since there were not enough bikes, ended up needing some people to ride on another's bike... It's like the person sitting directly in front of you... Nicholas paired with Ivan, I paired with Lillian... So well, tried another new thing... Haha... Difficult to control at first but not bad once one gets the hang of it... Haha... We wanted to go some maze thingy at first, but Ivan felt uncomfortable and we chionged back... Went to Macs for breakfast... Then they ended up discussing about some supernatural stuff... And I realised I've been walking around at night alone during the past few chalets -.- Damn... Went back to the rooms, then slept for a while... Morning, packed up, left the place... Terence, Sylvia, Lillian, Yan Chang and myself went to the food court at White Sands to eat... After that, took the train back with Terence and Sylvia...

For the Charlie chalet, it was quite a bit of a headache doing the planning and stuff due to one reason or another... I admit I didn't really do much at times... Whatever the case, I'm really glad that it turned out well... Thanks all for coming =) Thanks Ivan, Ain, Pan, Melvin and any others who were involved in the planning... =D

Rushed down to CHS, attended the CCA orientation... My cadet uniform was used... Everything on it was real... Haha... Except for the SI rank, that is... The store has 7 pairs of SI ranks?? Haha... Thought of changing to full u after a while, but then realised that I had double iron lines on my pants -.- So up till now, I've not worn my uniform yet, with the new rank that is... Oh well... Not a big issue... After that, can't remember what I did... Then went to eat with Rebecca Ma'am, Desmond sir, Joseph, Joshua and Adeline at Macs...

Came home after that, settled some stuff, then went to Leon's house for the stayover... Didn't make it for the barbeque.... Then played a bit, crapped a bit etc etc... Pretty fun... His parents were very accomodating... Thanks Aunite and Uncle! I did sleep quite early though... Like 12+am I already knocked out... Must have been the chalet... Haha... Woke in the morning, stoned, played etc... Then went to the pool for a while... Didn't really want to swim initially... In the end, I got thrown in by the rest -.- Oh well... Lunch came late cause the delivery guy was apparently involved in an accident... Hope he was okay... Left Leon's place at about 5+pm... Thanks Leon for everything =D Last few gatherings of the clique with Eugene around though, since he's going to Melbourne to study... Oh well...

Today, went to Sentosa with 4A people... I woke up like damn late -.- Reached there, met the rest... Talked, played stuff like beach soccer... Got thrown into the water AGAIN... That makes it twice in 2 days... Haha... Oh well... Had a great time there... Got to meet up with people I've not seen for like what 6 years? Haha... Thankfully there weren't many awkard pauses... Think the best part was dinner... We went to some coffee shop in AMK... Ordered from one stall called Aston's, recommended by Melvin... Food was good... Then we ended up talking about Primary school times mainly, reminiscing the past... It was seriously damn fun, laughing like mad over the retarded stuff that happened last time... Haha... We even talked about some of the classmates we remembered, all the random and maybe eccentric stuff here and there... Ended up talking for like 3 hours or so? We split at about 10:30pm or something... Haha... Then I discovered quite a number of people living in the area sia... Lynette, Melvin and Melissa I know, then Siyun and Jocelyn also stay pretty near... Haha... Coincidence sia... Oh well... Really enjoyed the gathering, credits to I think Zhaoming and Melvin for planning the event? Look forward to the next one! =D

Ok, I'll post pics about chalet and the gathering some other time perhaps... Bye people

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hi all... Update about the week's events... Monday collected results... Was trying to get myself mentally prepared, shunning some people here and there, went to the general office, saw my name on the leaderboard!! 7A1s!!! Was super super happy, like couldn't believe it! Almost collapsed in shock... Haha... Jon, Chris and Leon and got 7A1s... Congrats guys... Kah Hoe got 9A1s!!! Imba!!! Nice one lah!!!! =) Congrats to all those like Hua Peng, Yap Chien, Jerold etc for scoring really great grades! Yeah, went in to the hall... School did pretty ok, some improvements here and there, some deprovements also, but what the heck, generally happy for most... Got my results slip from Mr Thomas, got 6 points!! Couldn't believe it, seriously didn't expect to get anywhere close to it... Man... When my Mum called she went like "Wah!!" into the phone... Lol... Then Wei Yu also kept calling me... Next thing I knew I ended up getting tons of calls/sms from various people, including my great aunt... Haha... Went to thank all my teachers... Then was supposed to eat with NP people, but ended up finishing whatever I needed to do late... -.- Sorry guys... Ended up going to Eugene's house... Original intention was to visit him cause he didn't really do to his expectations... We ended up staying there and playing/sort of celebrating... o.0 Ok, weird but true... Haha... Oh yah, I still can't believe I got my A1 for Geography, since I remember screwing up my papers very badly, especially Physical Geog... Haha...

Anyway, this O level journey had seriously been a long one... There were many struggles throughout the whole thing, especially during those times when I could not reach my goals and felt like giving up... In a way, luckily my library sessions (some productive and some unproductive) paid off... Yay... To cut it short, I seriously want to to thank all those who've played a part in helping me in this O level journey... Big thanks to my teachers, especially my Sec 4 teachers... Thank you Mr Thomas, Mr Quay, Miss Saras, Mrs Tan, Mr Fernandez, Mrs Goh, Mr Talib, Mrs Yap, Mrs Tang, Mdm Wong and Mdm Mu Jun for all that you've done for us!!! CHS teachers seriously rock =D I'm really grateful to have them to guide us...

To those who've done well for the O levels, congratulations, continue to work hard and achieve greater things =) For those who didn't do as well as they desired, don't give up, there's more to life than just studies and results... I quote this from Melvin: As long as you don't throw away the pen, you'll still have words to write...

Ok, then after the so called celebration at Eugene's house, went to J8 Swensens to meet Area 4 people to celebrate Priscilla's birthday... Quite a fun event... Lamed around with Melvin Lee here and there, after that bought bubble tea then sat at the playground and talked for damn long... Haha... Tuesday, met Wen Qi and Melvin to go to army market... Was like 1.5 hours late from the intended meeting time due to some last minute matters... Sorry guys... Went to eat at beach road, then we walked around finding stuff... Finally got a new name tag =) Didn't spend very long there... After that, went to Marina Square to walk around and stuff for a while... We even went to KFC to eat again... Haha... After that, took train down to Yishun and went to Clifton's house... Met Kah Hoe and Leonard who were there as well... Discussed a bit of JAE, which proved to be a headache... Stayed there for like 20 mins, then went to AMK... Walked around a bit, came home about 8+pm... Quite an enjoyable evening for the last part =) Did spend most of the day travelling about though...

Wednesday, met Kah Hoe, Leonard, Jun Wei and Wei Rong at Bishan market... Was late again... -.- Then we went to the RJC open house together... One RJ guy took us around at first... After that Troy brought us around... Saw the whole campus... Damn nice... Saw a lot of CHS people as well... Saw some seniors such as Alvin and Zheng Jun... Big thanks to Troy for bringing us around =) After that Kah Hoe, Leonard, Wei Shian and myself took a bus down to NJC... Then we managed to get Ryan Han to bring us around the place... Place is not bad, not as new as RJC, but it's still nice... Saw Alvin and Shaun there... We met Daryl Chan as well... Haha... Thanks guys for helping us =) After that, we went to HCJC... Though everyone was kind of tired, so we left quite quickly... Took a bus back... Went to CHS with Wei Shian... Was supposed to go down for training initially, but only reached there at like 5+pm... So well... =/ Talked with the NCOs for a while before leaving...

Came home, thought about the JAE thingy, it was seriously a pain thinking about them, cause my parents asked me to consider the top 2 JCs (i.e RJC and HCJC), so I was trying to decide what to put and whether I should even put them in in the first place... After numerous calls and discussions here and there, my choices were as such: RJC, HCJC, NJC, VJC, AJC, SAJC, NYJC, CJC... So well... There's a slim chance that I'll be accepted into RJ or HC since my points don't exactly meet the cut off (i.e 3 points, I got 4).... Furthermore a lot of people are applying for VJC... So I'll most probably end up in either NJC or AJC... Haha... No problem though, I'll be pretty much contented with them =) Was supposed to go for Charlie chalet that night, but I only finished my JAE at like midnight? Couldn't go in the end...

Will blog about the Charlie chalet and stuff in the next post... For now, some random pics

Cousins (the guys) + Uncle during New Year countdown celebration

Cousin Wei Yu... He looks damn stoned... Haha...


Denyse! With Valerie and Hilary in the background...

Jonny posing with a hat that Boon Siang brought that day during one of our meet ups, Leon beside him... Haha...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hi all... Here to update about the weekend before later... Anyway, Friday morning, woke up at about 8:30am or something, means that I only got like 3 hours of sleep, since I slept at 5am... Then met the rest at YCK mrt, though I was kind of late... Met Eugene and Jon... Boon Siang came, then we headed down to AJC for the open house... First few people I saw was Wee Siong and the group of damn high ODAC people... Haha... Went around the place, met seniors like Zi Ming, Xu Hao, Yang Heng and even Daryl, who they said went to gatecrash... Haha... Talked to Zi Ming and asked about the school, and he told me quite a bit of stuff... Well not sure about AJC as my choice, probably one of my choices, just not sure about its position... Anyway, tried out some of the various activities from the CCAs, not bad... Met one D'08 guy, though I forgot his name... Zzzz... Short term memory... Saw Jia Quan also... Haha... Left the rest at about 11am... Bumped into Joesph Ang and Joel outside... Then went to LJS in Northpoint for lunch, went around for a while, then went to settle some stuff... After that went for training, ended up late... Zzz... Nothing really much, usual stuff, worried about unit standards... Talked to some of the NCOs about CV with Terence, then we found out some stuff about the unit as well... Caused even more worry, from the stuff we heard... Oh well... Ended too late, didn't go for the KCP campfire in the end... Sorry Desmond sir that I forgot to pay for the meal that day, thanks Yan Hao for helping pass the money to him...

Wasn't so sure about going for the NPAP selection after that, cause of the latest problems in the unit and also a sudden worry when Yong Sheng informed us that the bookings for the chalet could not be made... Was also very tired for one thing... So I sort of told myself, I'll go if I can wake up... Woke up at about 11+am... Yeah, so sort of gave up the dream for now... Maybe there might be a another chance if they're still short of trainers?? Yah anyway...

Ok, can't remember what I did before I went for the 6D chalet... Left home in the late afternoon, reached Aranda country club at about 5+pm... Quite a number of people were there already... Helped in some of the preparations of the things... Big thanks to the twins who helped marinate the chicken wings... Oh yeah, damn funny thing was that You Yue and gang forgot to buy a lighter when they bought the charcoal and firestarters... Haha, I actually swore out loud in front of everybody a few times during the chalet, dunno why... Not they type of person who usually does this... Sorry guys... Anyway, took some time for our fire to start... Credits to Roymond who helped in getting the fire ready and doing most of the cooking... Yeah, thanks to quite a few people that the whole thing actually got going... Well... Never mind, I don't want to comment... Whole thing was pretty fun, some random stuff here and there, like You Yue entertaining us with some singing... Haha... Nick Chee, Jedidah, Qiu en and Yisin came... Yisin hardly talked... Haha... Anyway, nice to see everyone again (for those who went)... Big thanks to You Yue's parents who brought the food and all that along... Thank you Uncle and Auntie!! Most of the people (mostly the girls+mingwoon) left at around 11+pm... Rest of us, went back to the room... Justin, Roymond, Yan Rui(I think) and Jedidah played Mahjong with Nick Chee and Wen Rui watching... You Yue, Chye Ping, Wei Shian and myself played stuff like taidi and blackjack, some of our punishments were push-ups and stuff... Haha... Then played truth or dare... And Justin had a very interesting question for me... Haha... Then played another game something like truth or dare except with cards, and there was only a dare available... Tio a lot of times, and I think I get one of the most jia lat forfeits... Had to bite on piece of otah at one end with Yan Rui biting on the other end (since she also ended up needing to do the forfeit) -.- Oh well... Damn funny... Haha... Anyway, quite a bit a of random stuff here and there for the entire night... At one point of time, we went to Cheers to get some stuff, then they thought I was crazy when I said I wanted to walk to Pasir Ris Mrt station and back... Haha... I did complete the walk... Didn't sleep at all till morning... Nick Chee went to church... Then Chye Ping, You Yue and I accompanied the twins and Jedidah to KFC to grab some breakfast, then they left, 3 of us went back to the chalet room... Went to sleep for a while... You Yue's parents came, helped us to check out... Thanks auntie and uncle! Thanks to all those who helped in organizing the chalet!! Took 58 to Bishan with Chye Ping and Wei Shian.... Then had lunch with Wei Shian at J8...

After that, met a friend, then came home and went out again -.- Played bowling with Cliff, JW and Leonard at SCC... Quite a few exciting matches... Great fun... Played a bit of pool also... After that came home, then slept at like 6+pm? Haha...

And yeah woke up this morning at about 5+am, couldn't get back to sleep... Right now, having some sort of knot feeling in my chest, not sure whether it's cause of lack of sleep or cause of the nervous feeling about later... Talked a bit to some people on msn, like Jerold, Manfred and Siming sir... Haha... Sorry Sylvia and Wei Shian for waking you guys up with my sms!!

Geting back results later, definitely feeling VERY nervous, scared rather... Dunno, how what to say, shan't say much, just hope that the outcome will not be like what happened approximately 4 years ago, which was some sort of disappointment, and I don't want to disappoint my parents again... Oh well... What's been done has been done huh... See how later... Whatever happens, I just hope that I can be strong...

Happy Belated Birthday Samantha! (9th Jan)
And in case I don't blog till who know's when, Happy early Birthday to Priscilla! (13th Jan)

Friday, January 09, 2009

Ok, I know I'm blogging at a really unearthly hour, but oh well... Monday, went back to CHS in the morning with Christopher... Walked around, met teachers and some batch mates... Think I managed to find all my Sec 4 teachers, except Mrs Tang and Mrs Goh (saw her but didn't get to talk to her)... Saw Damian and Sai Leong in the library... Bumped into Sui Peng and Jon Cheung also at the basketball court... Talked to Sui Peng for a damn long time, CCA, studies etc... Had lunch in CHS, miss the canteen food... Haha... After everything, went to buy some stuff, then came home and packed stuff for chalet... Headed down at about 5+pm I think... Reached Downtown East, joined the rest... Though I was the last to arrive, turned out that Yibin and Terence came much later... Well, chalet was overall pretty exciting... First day, gambled here and there, lost quite a bit to JW especially!!! Some of them were playing Dota... My com was used and they installed it inside, though I've no idea how to play the game at all... Louis and LTY taught me a bit, but I couldn't absorb much... Haha... Maybe another time I try again... Played bowling as well at night... Thanks JW for treating me to a game... Haha... Then after that, played one extra game with YJ, JW and Louis... JW paired with YJ and Louis with me... We were losing initially, then at the last 2 frames we made a comeback... Yay... Haha... =D Some people never do their forfeit lor... Haha... Also, walked with Louis to White Sands there and back for fun, talking cock all the way... Haha... At about 2+am, a bunch of them wanted to watch the sunrise and all that, wanted to join them but was too tired and ended up sleeping... Haha... They returned at about 5+am I think... Couldn't see anything, according to them... Afternoon, went to the arcade at Ehub... Didn't play, just watched mostly... Bumped into Nicole there... Haha... Can't remember some things, most of the time was kind of gambling and for some, dota-ing... Evening, we went out for dinner (when KB finally came back from work), split into 2 groups, one went to Subway, another to KFC... Was in the KFC group... Then somehow, the service was kind of screwed up... We ended up with having 5 packets of fries and 1 cheese fries, for free! Haha... Damn cool... After dinner, most went back to dota-ing and all that... Some went to cycle... Had to make numerous phone calls for some stuff, in the end, back to square one.... Sometimes I think too much... Haha... Anyway, talked to Yibin and Ken, we ended up walking around talking about all sorts of stuff... Kah Hoe joined us after a while... At about 3+ I think, Yibin, Ken, Louis and myself took the bikes we rented and cycled around... Pretty fun, night cycling =D Ended up reaching some gabion or something (forgot my Geog le) by the beach of Pasir Ris park, near the spot where we saw some guy flying his kite very stylishly... It was cool... Anyway, sat there, talked for quite some time, sharing various stuff here and there... Went back at about 5, then went to Macs to stone, half asleep... Stayed there till about 7am I think, then went back to the room, slept till about 9+am, then we packed up and all that... Came home with Leonard, Louis, Wei Rong and Clifton... Discovered a new and much faster way to get home... About half the time needed? Though need to change modes of transport a few times... 29th Batch chalet was overall pretty fun, might have stoned quite a bit, but the most important thing was the time spent with my dear squadmates, including Ryan Han... Too bad people like Xing Yu couldn't go.... Some others, well maybe they don't bother... Haiz... Whatever the case, 29th Batch forever!! Oh yeah, bumped into Calvin in the chalet area, Melvin was apparently there too, but didn't manage to meet him...

Afternoon, went back to Dr Seah to remove the stitches... Yay, finally... After that, went back to CHS, helped a bit here and there... My senior Foo Qi Ren came down to take a look too... He's working in the general office as a clerk for this period by the way... After training, ended up going for the celebration for Zheng Yang's birthday... Pretty fun event... Still in the midst of integrating into the area, cause well, for 2-3 years you've been calling this bunch of people sirs and ma'ams and then now all sorts of nicknames and stuff are used... Oh well...

Today (ok fine, yesterday actually, since it's like 4+am now), was supposed to go down to CHS to see the BK performance, was also supposed to meet Manfred after that for lunch at school... Ended up waking up late -.- 12:55pm... Wth... Sorry about that guys... Anyway, spent the afternoon playing tennis with Zikai (finally)... Played at his aunt's condo there... Both of us are noobs, but well, at least we had a few exchanges of shots... Haha...

Some stuff to do tomorrow, should be an eventful day... And yeah, quite a fair bit of things have been going through my mind these few days... At the moment, I seem to be going through quite a lot of things mentally, some which I've only heard of but never experienced it for myself... So yeah, kind of wondering whether I'm ready for some things?? Shall take things as they come I guess....

Oh well, as most people would have found out already, our O level results will be out on 12th January 2009 at 2pm... Oh wow, judgement day huh? Shall talk more about this another day perhaps...

Happy Belated Birthday to Charlton (6th Jan) and Timothy (8th Jan)!!!
Happy Belated Birthday to Zheng Yang as well!!!

Ok, I better catch some shut eye before later, hope I don't oversleep... Bye people

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Ok, update on the last few days... Friday, went for the appointment, did the surgery there and then... Experience was, I dunno, weird? First time going for such a thing... Whole thing took about half an hour or so I guess... Done, came home, then decided to go to CHS for a while... NCOs were having store cleaning, lot's of ancient stuff packed up... Helped out a bit... Then saw closing parade... The bangs were... ok really crappy I must say... Need to help them improve... After that, went down to Orchard to meet the usual gang, Leon, Jon, Wai Yinn and Eugene... Sorry I was so late guys!!! Walked around, ended up deciding to eat at delifrance... Boon Siang joined us after a while... Then we had our food... Err, somehow the service wasn't really organized or something... Oh well... Funniest part was that our sprites had ended up tasting like soda water... Glad that they replaced it at least... Sat there, ate and talked cock for a damn long time... And Eugene is seriously deprived sia... Leon also a bit... despo? Haha, ok kidding... Yah, a lot of damn wrong stuff was said here and there... Haha... Think we were quite rowdy? Oh well... We finished at about 9:45pm? Yeah, then took the train with the rest... They alighted at Bishan as they were going over to Jon's house for a stayover... Couldn't go... Sorry guys...

Yeah, then yesterday, spent most of the day stoning at home... Woke up only at like 2:30pm anyway... Haha... Then evening there was the neighbour bbq... Pretty boring at first, cause like nearly all the kids there are girls and Chris didn't go... Yeah, food was good, then later some random games here and there... Even went to the park, talked some random stuff, some were gossips... Haha... So yeah, more or less was that... Pretty fun party? At least I didn't stone all the way... Oh yeah, I was sort of given some advice here and there for my choice of school... Though right now, even my ideal school sounds, I dunno, people say it's boring? Haiz... No idea... See results first (Oh crap, results... Zzzz)... Today, nothing much, went to grandparent's house for lunch as usual... Came home, did some packing, played a bit of soccer with my brother, after that nothing really much again I guess...

Ok, and I feel that I'm pretty caught up with some stuff on my mind now... Like the Charlie chalet seems to be getting more and more complicated here and there... Oh well... Luckily there's Ain and Pan involved too, cause I really don't know how to do these kind of things (I suck at planning stuff, really)... Furthermore, I feel that I'm not really of much help in the planning (can't do nuts)... Oh well, will help as much as possible I guess... Hope I'm not a burden... Haha...

Oh yeah, was chatting on msn just now... Quite a number of convos but there was one that was, I dunno, more special? More fun? Haha... Shan't comment...

Anyway, tomorrow, 29th Batch chalet!!! Should be fun... Haven't got to see many of the guys for some time... Going back to CHS for a while too before going though... Oh well... Anyway, looking forward to Friday? Haha... Bye people

The magic rainbow on the horizon?

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Hi all... The new year has begun... 2008 had definitely been an exciting year for me... There was quite a lot of stuff, in studies, school and CCA etc... I still remember the struggle throughout the year... With studies and all the other stuff in my life... I remember in NP, the time I had, the times I shared with people... I've learnt a lot in 2008... However right now, it'll be a thing of the past... 2009 is here, lot's of new things to expect...

Ok, sorry... Didn't do what I did in the past for new year, trace back my journey and my resolutions and all that... For one, I don't really have time to think, another, I don't feel like doing so... Last night's party was damn fun... Crapped a lot, played random stuff here and there and I didn't sleep at all... Haha... Came home at about 7+am then slept for the whole day... Oh well... Sort of wasted my new year's day right?

Right now, kind of sian about a number of things... Dunno why, a lot of things seem to be falling apart... Somehow I did seem to be happy for a while... Then as reality sets in, somehow, everything's going haywire... I'm seriously starting to hate the motion that I'm just passing through... Everyday I seem to be looking forward to nothing... Bah... What the heck, maybe I'm just now feeling well and feeling super crappy at the moment... May tomorrow be a better day bah...

On a lighter note, for the first time in years I don't need to go to school on 2nd Jan... Haha... All the best to those taking O levels in 2009!!

Maybe I'll post more about what I want to do in 2009 another day when I feel better... Oh yes, finally got a load off my mind just now, said what I needed to say just now... Ok, on to the other things... There's training tomorrow, too bad I can't go down, have to go for the appointment... Maybe my life will change tomorrow? Dunno...

Happy Birthday Jian Zhong!

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail