Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hey everyone... Apologies for not blogging for so long... Backtrack to last week... Thursday, went to school in the morning to find pretty disturbing sights... Some idiots had vandalised the school walls with spray paint and worst still, killed all the coi fish in the pond... I mean, wtf? Inhuman asses... Whole school seemed pretty chaotic for the whole day... Worse things occurred... Eugene's camera got stolen... Daren's ipod and Manfred's ipod charger had been swiped as well... All because I came to school slightly later and didn't manage to lock the classroom in time... Zzz... Sorry guys... Very luckily, Daren and Manfred's stuff were found hidden in the toilet... Only Eugene's camera wasn't recovered... Zzzz... Thursday was a pretty bad day for everyone... Screw those vandals too... They seriously should just go and die... -.-

Friday was our "last day in school" officially... Morning had English... Then there was a break, followed by our "last" assembly... Speeches were made, videos were shown... Some were pretty creative and entertaining, but I guess the most important thing was the meaning behind the videos... Made me think of som many memories I had in CHS...

Sec 1, came in as a totally blur kid... Still remember I almost got accused of something which I obviously didn't do (it was quite a serious matter) during BURST... That was where I got first got to know Mr Goh YH... Got to meet a lot of people in 1-7, have to thank Christopher for helping me back then... Went through a fair deal in Sec 1... Joined NPCC as my CCA, very unlike my original intention, which was bowling... Haha... Have to thank my mum I guess... Experienced both good and bad times, as well as good and bad teachings... Haha...

Sec 2, life got more interesting... Our year with Miss Fernandez was definitely interesting... Lot's of stuff happened... NP also started to become very interesting... Participated in SYFOC, first time in major parade... Also remembered Mrs Tan S.Y... Our very ___ science teacher... Fill in the blanks yourself... Screwed my whole science foundation... Sec 2 was also project work... Our team somehow managed to enter the finals... Runner-up even... And we were like rushing everything out towards the end... Haha... After all our quarrels and bickering, we finally got it done... NP also started to become more interesting...

Sec 3, started off as an OAL, had some really valuable experiences... Sec 3 life was also very demanding... I remember screwing up my mid-years very badly... Started having science tuition... Went for Sec 3 camp in Malaysia, very fun... POP, we took over... LMSC, AC parade, lot's of stuff here and there... Went through quite a lot... Numerous squad conflicts here and there, got caught in one too... Manged to learn very valuable lessons though... Went through more stuff...

This year Sec 4 was also pretty eventful, lot's of stuff happened... Also managed to bond with the class more... I changed a lot during these 4 years, changed in many ways, good bad left right, everything... These years have definitely been important stages in my life...

Our class 4-10 has probably come quite a long way... Like Mr Thomas said, initially, we didn't really click with each other, but as time passed, especially in Sec 4, we grew closer together... For me, I got to know Manfred, Charlton, Jerold, Daren, Jit Hin, Julian, Daryl, Boon Siang, Alvin and so many other people so much better... Generally for me, can say I'm ok with most people, just slightly irritated by some people now and then... Nevertheless, I still love 4-10...

Also, thank you to all the teachers that had played a part in my life these 4 years... Thank you Mr Thomas, Mdm Mu Jun, Mrs Yap, Mr Ang, Mdm Wong ML, Mr Quay, Miss Wong, Mr Edmund Yong, Miss Saras, Mr Teo, Mrs Tan, Miss Cheang, Mrs Tang, Mr Fernandez, Mr Talib, Mrs Goh, Mrs Oh, Mr Goh YH, Mr Goh KY, Mr Goh HM, Mr Lee CH (left), Mrs Chew, Mr Chen, Miss Fernandez (I love rocket science), Mr Daniel Ling (left), Miss Chong, Miss Leong, Mr Chan Tep Kok (left), the chinese teachers who taught me in Sec 1 and 2 for a while, the english teachers who taught me in Sec 1 for a while, Miss Rai and Miss Kaur I think... Did I leave anyone out? Not sure... Sorry if I left anyone out...

Won't be forgetting my times here in CHS, I have definitely been proud to be a member of CHS... Also, thanks to all the friends that I had made in school... The many many people I know, be it people of the same level, juniors or seniors... Hope all of us can remain in contact as much as possible...

After the farewell assembly, took lot's of photos... Then waited for a while before we went for our mini squad lunch... More than half the squad turned up sia... 11 people... Haha... Went to pastamania to eat... After that went to Bishan active with Terence, JW and Ken... Played a bit of basketball... Then went to meet the others for our class dinner... Got lost trying to find Leon... Haha... Bit of waiting before most people came... Went to Seoul Garden in Takashimaya for dinner... We took damn long to settle the money thing, cause we kept finding that we were short... Things were a little messy as well... Then later Daren realised that he had not paid yet... -_-''' Dinner was great, Mr Thomas and Mr Teo joined us... Very eventful dinner... Trust Choong Lee to crack up some jokes... Haha... With him, we also ended up trying to play along with this other group... Haha... Choong Lee rocks lah... Haha... Ate for damn long, then we played the zong ji mi ma game... Tio once... For the last round, Jit Hin went to add a hell lot of shit into the penalty food stuff... In the end he tio... Haha... Damn funny... We went around a bit, taking a few photos before splitting... Joel has sort of become the class's new plaything... Haha... Dinner was overall great, credits to Daren (and I think some other people) for thinking of and organizing the event... Thanks for helping us get a discount too... =) Also, thank 4-10 for everything...

Saturday and Sunday was nothing much... Saturday slept at about 4pm and woke up at 8+am on Sunday... -.- Yesterday, first day of our "study break" Went to school for English -.-

Today, also another remedial day... Study break my foot ah... Today was also the last lesson or Blackbox... Attended the tuition since Sec 1 I think? Have been under Miss Chan for quite some time... It was also through these classes that I met Jia Yong, and later found out that he was in CHS as well... Also managed to meet Lingli again, one of my primary school classmates... Classes were pretty fun... I remember having difficulty trying to fit in for some time but I did eventually... Thanks Miss Chan for being ever so patient and understanding... Thanks for everything, thanks tuition mates for helping to contribute to make the lessons interesting? Haha, might miss the class, though I'll still see Jia Yong for some time... Haha... Hope I'll not disappoint Miss Chan...

Ah well, this has been a long post, perhaps not everything that I've wanted to say has not been said... No time...

Happy Birthday Wei Rong!
Happy Belated Birthday Ruimin! (11th October)


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com