Thursday, October 02, 2008

Happy Hari Raya and Children's Day people!

Ok, seems like I won't blog much today... Shall once again, push back whatever I wanted to say till the weekends I guess... Woke up at like 11am today... Wasted the morning... Crap... Stayed at home and did work all the way, ok fine, not ALL the way... Haha... Did compre, one letter, one speech as well as some very tedious differentiation/integration worksheet that I got from Mrs Tan... Took damn long to do... Today there were quite a number of good television shows on, too bad I was unable to watch them... Haiz... Oh yah, heard something on Tuesday... It perhaps showed that I might not stand a chance at all... Then again, now's not really the time to think about this... I don't think I'll ever even come close, no matter what I did in this case... Nevermind, I shall not think of it now... I hope... Zzz...

19 days to O levels... I don't feel prepared... Crap... There just isn't enough time left... Argh... My Humanities especially!!!

A song that is probably relevant to now... Not unfamiliar to CHS people... Haha... It's nice, really...

The Final Countdown -- Europe

The Final Countdown - Europe


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail