Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Finally had an English lesson today, PE tried the bouldering thing, which I kept failing misreably at... Lol... Today was also one of the rare instances Mr Thomas blew up at someone, well, can't really blame him, but well... Jia you JR, can do it one... No further comments on this... Assembly was some talk on some student profiling form and School Graduation Cert thing... Not very sure what to write down for it... Lol... My nose decided to bleed halfway during the briefing... Physics test after that, not sure how I'll do, but hope I can do well, or it'll be another disappointment to my list... Chinese remedial, after that wanted to play soccer but it rained... Talked for quite a while with 3 other friends... I really hope that we can resolve these issues...

It's during the tought times like this now that the people around us, our friends are the most important to us... Understanding is needed for things to go smoothly... Also, things like friendship, it requires work from both parties... However, if only one party puts effort into preserving the relationship, that friendship would screw up... We need to be open minded and learn to open up our problems to people... You definitely also can't expect everyone to care for every single detail of your life as well... You might have to bear the burden alone sometimes... But many a times, our friends are the ones whom we can depend on... Don't ever give up on your friends, for they never gave up on you...

My greatest wish right now, would be what others would want too, which is for US to be able to stick together and stay the way that we were once before...

Complicated ain't it?

As much I would want to leave it behind and forget it, I somehow end up stumbling back upon it... I've no place to pen down my "lamenting" now... Haiz... Get out of my head already... Furthermore, this past month has been sort of an emotional roller coaster for me... I seem to have mixtures of emotions within me all the time... I'm very tired too... Ok, fine maybe that's my fault cause I sleep late for no apparrent reason... I've been drained of my confidence multiple times... I have to push myself, motivate myself to go on... Things couldn't have come at a worst time... Stress is building up... If this is offending, please do inform me, yeah thanks...

Used to get irritated by this song, but yeah, Terence's right, it's meaningful, especially at a time like this.... The lyrics are anyway....

Graduation Song, Friends Forever -- Vitamin C

It takes 2 hands to clap...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail