Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hi everyone, haven't blogged for about two and a half weeks, apologies to those who were expecting things... Last, last week was nothing really much, some things happened in class but they don't really matter now...

Last week, Monday and Tuesday was pretty busy. Wednesday was NPCC Day. The last NPCC day I'll probably be celebrating... Of all days it had to rain in the morning on that day somemore. So unfortunately, we had our own parade held at the gallery. KB was doing the "emcee-ing" for the school and we tried to synchronize our parade along with it, pretty cool. Used drill cane for the parade, the last time I'll ever be using a drill cane in a parade I guess, Chsnpcc-style. Lol... Was the contingent commander for the Sec 3s. Parade was pretty ok except that we sort of started too early and ended up stoning for quite a while before the national anthem was played for the school. Number of things that were done in the parade. Firstly, congratulations to Wei Rong and Ming Hao for promoting to Staff Sergeant. =) Sec 3s' C.C Com trophy was also presented. Then was awarded the Best Unit Cadet badge by Mr Lee H.B. Err, well, it feels weird, cause, no offence to anyone, I never intended to aim for the badge at all in all 4 years of my NPCC life... Lol, had always been setting my targets on something else... Haha... Ah well... Gold Plaque was given to Mr Lee, the parade ended. Photos were taken, at the gallery then outside the general office. Then Mrs Chew helped me to put my badge, which she took damn long to do so, but yeah thanks Mrs Chew! Took somemore photos with stupid themes like "Drill team", "Squad leader team" etc... Lol... Then went for lessons. Wore full u for the whole day. Had to change out as there was PE, which I tried climbing the inclined rock wall, but was unsuccessful and got injured a bit... Lol... Expected to get suanned by certained teachers, luckily didn't... Mrs Yap was like congratualating me on getting BUC I think, though she got the term wrong... Lol... Mr Quay made a bit of a joke, it wasn't as bad as other "suannings" anyway... Weather was damn hot, was boiling during the afternoon science test... After school, we went to see Siming sir to get our photo taken for some profiling thing, found out the proper badge arrangement... Training went to do pt as Sec 3s had gone for their Land Division visit. It has been a long time since I did a proper pt, need more of it I guess... Yeah and it was Kian Boon's birthday also... Happy Birthday! Belated rather...

Thursday was so so, had a A.Maths test in the hall. Lost at least about 30 marks out of 100 already... Die liao.... Zzzz... Thursday was also Wei Jie's birthday, but he was sick... Friday had training, taught MOI, at last... Lol... Lincoln's birthday on that date as well... We also gave KB his present and sang a birthday song for him... =) Dinner at J8 food court after that... 14 people went if I'm not wrong, nearly 3/4 of the squad... =) Saturday Chinese remedial again, not before our usual burger breakfast at the primary school canteen... Lol... After that played a bit of soccer, then went to the whitley court to play basketball with the squad plus Richie... Damn fun games... Richie left after a while, then it was totally squad baskeball... Damn fun... Played for quite some time before we went to J8 food court (again), this time to commemorate KB's birthday... We managed to find a table to fit all of us and we managed to eat together... Yeah man... Then as we were leaving, got a nasty cut from the corners of the chair... Sia la, like that also can tio cut... Zzzz... Sort of wasted the weekened away after that.... Wah lau...

This week... Monday was O level Bio SPA, did ok, I guess... No comments left... Chinese intensive has also started, hopefully I can push myself and benefit from these lessons, as much as they are a pain... Was damn tired, didn't go tuition... Then was plagued by some stupid problem, which has thankfully, been resolved... Then I got plagued by another issue, used up a lot of my sms-es over it, and somehow I was like soley responsible for everything... WTH... Couldn't do much of my work... Zzzz... Also something turned up on the net, if you know about it then you know it. Today was O level Chem SPA on titration, was so so, until the last part.... Hope I did ok... After school, investiture rehearsal... Too bad was unable to see the CHMA auditions... After that, CMC was told to stay back... Stoned for quite some time, then we ate pizza... Quite nice... Credits to Ivan and gang I guess for planning this...

And yeah, last Thursday Jonathan was down with dengue fever, funnily enough, he's recovered already... Cool... Haha... He came back to school today...

Investiture tomorrow... Missing lessons, good and bad thing... Still remember last year's investiture, which still seems pretty recent... Lol... I'm not really exctied about it anyway... Investiture for normal Chairmen just means that we can take out our tie, but we still have to do our duties... Lol...

Some photos that were taken recently... Havent' recevied the pics for NP day from Ken yet....

With some of my best buddies in class... Leon, Jonny and meexiam who's hiding his retarded face... Lol....

How my uniform is like right now, hopefully can get our PYA badge, like before POP or something? Lol...

This thing's pretty cool...

This thing much better... It's awesome!!! Haha...

Store pic

Another store pic...

There's one more pic that shouldn't really be shown... And the scandolous pics of Jun Wei and Leonard will be posted up another time, when more people have time to view this... Haha... Perhaps this weekend? XD

Ok bye....


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com