Friday, April 25, 2008

Nothing really much on Thursday if I remember correctly, I think... My memory seems to be failing me a bit... Remember studying Chinese in the library after school with Evan and Jia Yong... Saw SLJB after he styled his hair (to go for tuition lol), not much difference except a bit more spikey... Lol...

Today was quite an eventful day... Firstly, it was our Chinese Prelim 2, our last Prelim before CL O Levels... For CL students lah... Morning before paper all CL students went to the LT for remedial... Lol... Then went for Paper 1... Went pretty ok... Died for Paper 2, screwed it... Zzzz... Physics SPA after that, took values then zao to store liao...

In store had the camp AAR, real intention of the meeting came after that... Could be called a trashing session... We tried to clear as many of the misunderstandings and conflicts that had arisen lately and other old problems... We talked for a long time, trying as much as possible to solve as much as possible... Hope to pull people like XY back into the squad... As mentioned, it would be pointless to go for POP in the current state we are... We came as a batch, we leave as a batch... Learning points from these conflicts: Always clear things as fast as possible and don't let things buid up until everyone's at breaking point, don't push the blame around, learn to accept mistakes, sometimes we might have to change the way we do things, even our personalities... We have to watch the way we say things to people too, what might be nothing to one, might be a topic of extreme sensitivity to another... Sensitive is the word... Choice of words, tone, so many things come into play.... Also, one thing that was mentioned just now, "life isn't fair"... Totally agree with that statement... Most of us would have experienced that kind of thing by now... I myself just experienced it for the past 2 weeks... At times, we just have to live with some things, and move on... Mr Denis Leong said, "There will be losers in everything"... To tell the truth, during the various dishing out of problems and disagreements, I sort of like broke down and cried a bit... I hate thinking about "sad issues", yet, it really hurts me every time I think about how we have only 1 month left as NCOs, 1 month left to be in trainings together...

There's still lot's more that should be typed for this issue, but yah I'm having a mental block at the moment... You can refer to other's blog for more details for this... Right now, I would really like all of us, members of the 29th Batch, to remain together, conflict-free and treasure the time that we have left"officially"... I hope that even after POP, we'll still be able to stick together... Let us put aside our differences, settle our problems, and move on together, not as 20 individuals, but as a batch of NPCC cadets who went through thick and thin with each other... Fate brought all of us here for a reason... Yup... 17 turned up in the store today, hope the other 3 will be able to cherish their time left, let us all be together again... We came as a batch, we POP as a batch

All of us discovered some very interesting things before dinner just now, not sure if it's the right word.... The greatest controvesy that I've heard of in quite some time... Sorry if "controvesy" has been used wrongly... Anyway, amazed by how many were actually involved...

Dinner at Long John Sliver's for the third time in a row... Something that should not have been revealed was revealed, although he probably would have guessed it from the suannage remarks we were making by the side... However, it came at a great cost... For our own enjoyment, of being able to suan and make fun of someone, we intruded upon his privacy and did what was so called total disrespect... I don't blame him for flaring up, I would have done the same in that situation... No friendship is worth exchanging for information to suan someone, even if it's something that we want so badly to know about to suan him, not even Tong Yang's... So on behalf of everybody, we're really sorry Tong Yang, we really shouldn't have done what we had done... I do hope you'll be able to forgive us... Sorry... Yet, just before that we were all talking about being sensitive to others and all that... Aren't we just hypocrites? Aren't I a hypocrite? Yah, we really shouldn't have done that... Once again, sorry Tong Yang....

More emotional roller coasting seems to be coming up and about... I still haven't forgotten something, somehow keep having things that remind me of it, can't get it out of me... Then, the prospect of POP approaching... Just over a month left as NCOs, just over a month left "officially" together... For me, somehow I think I'm going to find it hard to let go, something that had been my life, something that had kept me going on all these 4 years... As mentioned above, I hope for everyone to be able to stick close together, even after POP... I really feel like crying just thinking about all this... It's a pretty emotional period for all of us...

Chinese remedial again tomorrow morning...

I find this song quite meaningful, not sure if my speculation is correct, but I think there's a double meaning for the lyrics? Not sure, anyway enjoy...

These Hard Times -- Matchbox Twenty

30th May 2008, is it going to be the end of everything?


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail