Monday, April 28, 2008

Quick post here... Saturday morning had Chinese Remedial, got back our marks for bao zhang bao dao... 36/50 not bad considering that it was sort of a prepared script... Afternoon sort of went out a bit... Went with Yong Jie, Jason and Ken to accompany Jun Wei, Minron and Eugene who went to cut their hair at like the remote corners of Bishan.... YJ left after a while... After that we went to J8's Food Court to eat... Eat liao then came home on JW's taxi... Then sort of like wasted the day by watching anime, to be more specific, I was revisiting the previous episodes of Bleach, since I sort of understand the storyline much better than when I first started watching it... Also finally watched the first movie, Memories of Nobody.... Lol... Damn lag... Haha... Sunday, lunch was at Swensens, Junction 8 outlet, with my family... Saw Loo Juin with his family there as well... Lol, then tuition, another "bump", never mind if you don't understand... Quite fun to see the reaction lah... Haha... Tuition was some Paper 2 test, hope I can do ok... Wasted the rest of Sunday as well... Though I did do most of my work....

Today.... Morning was hair and attire check for most of the classes... Passed... Like duh, if my hair fails, nearly everyone would fail along with me... Haha... Jun Wei managed to pass, which is amazing, see him and you'll know... Lol... On the other hand, Terence got caught... o.0 Then lessons were so so as usual... There were no English lessons again this week cause Mrs Yap had some ear infection or something, needed to go for check-up or something.... Get well soon Mrs Yap I guess... We did lose a considerable number of English periods though... Mrs Tan took one of the periods then we were dismissed at 1:40pm... Lol... Then there was this really funny incident between Daryl and Manfred.... Lol... Then hanged around in school and store, ate.... Then came home... Slept from 6pm to like 9pm... Lol... Suddenly hit by fatigue every now and then, now I'm not surprised, the kind of life I'm living... Haha....

Didn't go for Chinese remedial, no sure why... Lol.... Anyway, heard from Johnny that I scored 72.... That's an A2 man... Lol... Hope that I'll score at least this for the actual exams itself... Must put in effort!

At the moment, I seem to be dying for quite a number of subjects.... For Physics I'm having a but of problems with Electricity, Biology is Heredity, Chemistry is Organic Chem, A Maths is practically everything... I'm serious... Seriously need revision, and have to force myself to go and like study the things properly... At my current rate, I'll be lucky if I can even go to JC.... Argh....

Chemistry Mock SPA tomorrow, which would be counted for Prelim 2... Crap... And it's Tuesday again.... Zzzz

Hope to sleep soon... Night

Friday, April 25, 2008

Nothing really much on Thursday if I remember correctly, I think... My memory seems to be failing me a bit... Remember studying Chinese in the library after school with Evan and Jia Yong... Saw SLJB after he styled his hair (to go for tuition lol), not much difference except a bit more spikey... Lol...

Today was quite an eventful day... Firstly, it was our Chinese Prelim 2, our last Prelim before CL O Levels... For CL students lah... Morning before paper all CL students went to the LT for remedial... Lol... Then went for Paper 1... Went pretty ok... Died for Paper 2, screwed it... Zzzz... Physics SPA after that, took values then zao to store liao...

In store had the camp AAR, real intention of the meeting came after that... Could be called a trashing session... We tried to clear as many of the misunderstandings and conflicts that had arisen lately and other old problems... We talked for a long time, trying as much as possible to solve as much as possible... Hope to pull people like XY back into the squad... As mentioned, it would be pointless to go for POP in the current state we are... We came as a batch, we leave as a batch... Learning points from these conflicts: Always clear things as fast as possible and don't let things buid up until everyone's at breaking point, don't push the blame around, learn to accept mistakes, sometimes we might have to change the way we do things, even our personalities... We have to watch the way we say things to people too, what might be nothing to one, might be a topic of extreme sensitivity to another... Sensitive is the word... Choice of words, tone, so many things come into play.... Also, one thing that was mentioned just now, "life isn't fair"... Totally agree with that statement... Most of us would have experienced that kind of thing by now... I myself just experienced it for the past 2 weeks... At times, we just have to live with some things, and move on... Mr Denis Leong said, "There will be losers in everything"... To tell the truth, during the various dishing out of problems and disagreements, I sort of like broke down and cried a bit... I hate thinking about "sad issues", yet, it really hurts me every time I think about how we have only 1 month left as NCOs, 1 month left to be in trainings together...

There's still lot's more that should be typed for this issue, but yah I'm having a mental block at the moment... You can refer to other's blog for more details for this... Right now, I would really like all of us, members of the 29th Batch, to remain together, conflict-free and treasure the time that we have left"officially"... I hope that even after POP, we'll still be able to stick together... Let us put aside our differences, settle our problems, and move on together, not as 20 individuals, but as a batch of NPCC cadets who went through thick and thin with each other... Fate brought all of us here for a reason... Yup... 17 turned up in the store today, hope the other 3 will be able to cherish their time left, let us all be together again... We came as a batch, we POP as a batch

All of us discovered some very interesting things before dinner just now, not sure if it's the right word.... The greatest controvesy that I've heard of in quite some time... Sorry if "controvesy" has been used wrongly... Anyway, amazed by how many were actually involved...

Dinner at Long John Sliver's for the third time in a row... Something that should not have been revealed was revealed, although he probably would have guessed it from the suannage remarks we were making by the side... However, it came at a great cost... For our own enjoyment, of being able to suan and make fun of someone, we intruded upon his privacy and did what was so called total disrespect... I don't blame him for flaring up, I would have done the same in that situation... No friendship is worth exchanging for information to suan someone, even if it's something that we want so badly to know about to suan him, not even Tong Yang's... So on behalf of everybody, we're really sorry Tong Yang, we really shouldn't have done what we had done... I do hope you'll be able to forgive us... Sorry... Yet, just before that we were all talking about being sensitive to others and all that... Aren't we just hypocrites? Aren't I a hypocrite? Yah, we really shouldn't have done that... Once again, sorry Tong Yang....

More emotional roller coasting seems to be coming up and about... I still haven't forgotten something, somehow keep having things that remind me of it, can't get it out of me... Then, the prospect of POP approaching... Just over a month left as NCOs, just over a month left "officially" together... For me, somehow I think I'm going to find it hard to let go, something that had been my life, something that had kept me going on all these 4 years... As mentioned above, I hope for everyone to be able to stick close together, even after POP... I really feel like crying just thinking about all this... It's a pretty emotional period for all of us...

Chinese remedial again tomorrow morning...

I find this song quite meaningful, not sure if my speculation is correct, but I think there's a double meaning for the lyrics? Not sure, anyway enjoy...

These Hard Times -- Matchbox Twenty

30th May 2008, is it going to be the end of everything?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Finally had an English lesson today, PE tried the bouldering thing, which I kept failing misreably at... Lol... Today was also one of the rare instances Mr Thomas blew up at someone, well, can't really blame him, but well... Jia you JR, can do it one... No further comments on this... Assembly was some talk on some student profiling form and School Graduation Cert thing... Not very sure what to write down for it... Lol... My nose decided to bleed halfway during the briefing... Physics test after that, not sure how I'll do, but hope I can do well, or it'll be another disappointment to my list... Chinese remedial, after that wanted to play soccer but it rained... Talked for quite a while with 3 other friends... I really hope that we can resolve these issues...

It's during the tought times like this now that the people around us, our friends are the most important to us... Understanding is needed for things to go smoothly... Also, things like friendship, it requires work from both parties... However, if only one party puts effort into preserving the relationship, that friendship would screw up... We need to be open minded and learn to open up our problems to people... You definitely also can't expect everyone to care for every single detail of your life as well... You might have to bear the burden alone sometimes... But many a times, our friends are the ones whom we can depend on... Don't ever give up on your friends, for they never gave up on you...

My greatest wish right now, would be what others would want too, which is for US to be able to stick together and stay the way that we were once before...

Complicated ain't it?

As much I would want to leave it behind and forget it, I somehow end up stumbling back upon it... I've no place to pen down my "lamenting" now... Haiz... Get out of my head already... Furthermore, this past month has been sort of an emotional roller coaster for me... I seem to have mixtures of emotions within me all the time... I'm very tired too... Ok, fine maybe that's my fault cause I sleep late for no apparrent reason... I've been drained of my confidence multiple times... I have to push myself, motivate myself to go on... Things couldn't have come at a worst time... Stress is building up... If this is offending, please do inform me, yeah thanks...

Used to get irritated by this song, but yeah, Terence's right, it's meaningful, especially at a time like this.... The lyrics are anyway....

Graduation Song, Friends Forever -- Vitamin C

It takes 2 hands to clap...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Another crap day... Lessons... Saw Mrs Tan for 3 periods today cause Mrs Yap didn't come to school and she took the period, in addition to her 2 periods... 1 of the periods was some probability test, full marks scorers would get a burger... Lol... Didn't get it, wasn't expecting much anyway... Chem SPA was another titration experiment... Next week's Prelim 2 SPA liao... Omg.... Tuition in the afternoon...

Sec 3s had their second day of E-learning today... Canteen quite empty... Haha.. But well, it's times like this when I would really appreciate E-learning... Gives us some time to rest a bit and do some revision... Last year never treasure it... Haha.. That's what I think anyway, though it's impossible for us to have it this year... Lol...

Time's passing very quickly too... It's currently Term 2 Week 6 already... A few more days to Chinese Prelim 2, 30-odd days to CL O LEVELS... About 1 month left as an NCO... Mixed feelings about this... Well, shall discuss this issue some other time bah... Last night had a chat with someone via sms... Haven't had the chance to talk like that for quite some time... Pretty fun... If you read this, don't give up!!!! All the best for your mid-years as well! And take care too (very important)... Lol...

All the best to the Sec 3s for your mid-years as well, which if I'm not wrong are starting tomorrow.... First time taking exams in the hall for you guys... Lol... Good luck!!!

I'm like a time bomb, ticking away as time passes, ready to explode anytime... At the current state I'm in, I'm definitely taking a one way ticket to self destruction... I really need to change this... O Levels aren't any joke, they are one's future...

Physics test tomorrow, not sure whether it's the electricity one or the forces one, but well, probably going to screw it anyway... Zzzz...

And Happy Early Birthday Daren Poh!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday Chun Hui!!!!

Some things that happened over the past few days... Friday, could be said to be the best day of my NPCC career... It was the day that we were going to be awarded the prestigious SPF-NPCC Badge... Left class at 1pm on Friday, had our lunch, then we went to J8 to wait for 156... Waited for damn long and we were worried that we wouldn't make it in time, we still did though... Reached Hwa Chong Instituition, took us about 5 mins to walk from the gate up the driveway to the area where we were supposed to gather... No kidding.. School was damn big... The toilets were a bit cramped though... Changed, then we went to the auditorium... Lot's of things happened... Briefings, arrangements etc... Spent quite a bit of time waiting though... But yeah, at least there was air conditioning... We were told to keep our berets away in our bags (lol)... Briefing was done mainly by the new NPCC Commandant, Miss Rosalind Khoo... First time seeing her upclose, for me anyway... Still remembered what she said... It went something like "Must treasure your 5 seconds of glory..." LOL... Quite a long wait till about 6pm when we were supposed to be seated for the ceremony... The ceremony sort of started at 7pm... The atmosphere was full of anticipation... Yup, Commissioner of Police made his speech and all that, then there badges and certs were given out... Got mine too... Apparrently, the number of receipients increased from 159 to 181 in a matter of a week... Cedar came in with like 14 awardees or something (and we thought what happened to them this year)... But yah anyway... The badge seems to be slightly different from last year's one, based on the colour... The cert's damn nice too... Too bad no poster this year... Lol... There was a speech by Cyril from HCI, his badges are like damn gay... He's attained every single badge that NPCC has to offer currently, except for life-saving badge... And he's an SI with BUC somemore... Damn gay.... Some photo montage video of all the awardees came after that... Not too bad, though there were screw ups in the vid, and all of the CHS receipients' photos were our mugshots taken the previous week... Overheard that our pics could not be found or something... Lol... After that, reception, with LOT'S of photo taking... As described by some others, we were either eating or taking pictures... Lol... Mood was damn high... After the whole thing, we changed, then we ended up shouting our unit cheer right in the middle of HCI... Lol... A bit mad, but yeah, that's us... Lol... Would like to really thank my parents for their support for this and allowing me to go for the various activities, or I would never have gotten the badge... Thanks Mum and Dad =D After that, the few of us went to J8's LJS to eat... Thanks Leonard for the ride home...

In contrast to Friday, Saturday was probably the worst day of my NPCC career... Sec 1 Swearing-in cum SI promotion ceremony... Tio conned to go there damn early in the morning as Ken said that nominees had to be present as well... As a result, Daniel from RI and I were the only nominees present... The rest apparrently weren't informed... -.- Anyway, we were like stoning there for like almost 2 hours before the actual thing, go there only to receive some stupid cert... I'd rather have reported at the same time as the Sec 1s.... -.- Some parts of the ceremony was rather painful, never mind if you don't understand.... But yah, no hard feelings anyway... Oh yah by the way, got pissed off the first thing I went to Whitley... Ken and Yibin went over first, I came slightly later, then the others were outside the hall adjusting their uniforms or something... Then I think it was Mick, who came to ask me, "Hey where's your flash?" (the thing that SIs have on their berets) -_- Thanks a lot man... Yah, many out there will just tell me that the thing is just a piece of cloth or whatever, but well there's a bit more to it then it seems... But yah, like I said, I bear no grudge against no one, except perhaps against that idiot who irked me at 7:40am in the morning with that question.... After the thing, Mr Goh sort of asked me how I was, wish I didn't have had to lie to him, but yah, at least he cared to ask... Left Whitley immediately with the Sec 1s after the ceremony, didn't bother staying for the reception or whatever crap it was... Then we sort of lectured the Sec 1s a bit on some things... But yah, ultimately, I was still left with a cert that I'd rather not have gotten, and I seriously wouldn't have gone for the stupid thing, but I had to in the end... But yah, what's passed has passed, I don't really care about it anymore already...

Some pics from Friday:

With KB

With Jason

Finally managed to get a pic with this guys, I look weird though...

With Mrs Chew

Sec 3 Squad Leaders team

DI team... Lol...

My original plan was do get some work done in the afternoon, but didn't have the mood and ended up watching Forbidden Kingdom with the rest... Oh yah, for Volleyball the Sec 4s came in 4th out of 9 schools I think, not bad I guess, though I heard that some things happened, and apparrently they saw some very good looking volleyball girl there. Must be really good looking, seeing that Clifton's one of those who're smitten... Haha... Movie was pretty good, won't spoil it for you guys, but yah, it's funny too... Haha... Went home after that, and I sort of dozed off.... Slept from about 6pm till 9am on Sunday... Damn owned... Lol...
Today, Boon Siang apparrently fainted during the National Anthem in class... Not sure how it happened cause I was at 4-1 having remedial, but yah, he missed the first 2 periods... Was loads better by the time school ended... A teacher also let out her emotions in class today, shan't comment on this... Mrs Yap went for some check up or something, didn't come to class... Did the compre then stayed in school for a while before going for tuition... Nothing really great tomorrow...

Prelim 2 for Chinese pupils is this friday... So going to die... Need to catch up with my work... All the best to those having mid-years!!
Now what bone do you want to pick with me? You haven't exactly been very nice yourself for the past few days... Friday dao me and all that... I'm already going through enough without such dumb problems... If it's my fault, then do like what we said, just say it out... But yah right now, you're doing the exact opposite...

Mr Yong told me to smile more, I'm afraid I can't do that much now, sorry....

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday Leonard!!!

Wasn't feeling well for the past few days... Fell ill... Slightly better as of now, still recovering I guess... Tuesday didn't go for tuition as a result of falling sick... Bumped into Eunice on bus 13 on the way to J8 with Terence, Jun Wei and YJ... Wednesday, had a headache for the whole day, hurt everytime I coughed or something... Couldn't do much as a result... First Class Drill Theory was in the afternoon... 1 & 1/2 hour paper... Damn long, and no wonder... All of us had to spam like crazy... Write until hand pain liao... Zzzz... Today, day was so so... I really need to go and read up for Bio... I'm clueless about meiosis...

Today also found out that I managed to attain my 1st Class Drill Badge, along with Ken and Jason... Was pretty happy at first. But yeah, when your closest friends don't feel very joyous, you won't feel too good either... I'm not blaming them or something... I know how some of them are feeling... But well, something that wasn't really something to celebrate about, was the number of people who passed... 3/16.... It's a bit... extreme... But well, I can't really have a say in this, because of the fact that I'm one of those who got the badge... But yah, to those who're disappointed by this... Like what others told me last week when I was the one emoing... We have to move on... And to JW, no matter what, you're still the Sec 2 DI, their squadleader and still a fellow DI of mine... as long as others and you yourself know ur true potential and have self confidence... I quote this from someone who tagged a few days ago... Person dubbed himself (or herself) as "unknown", rephrased a bit though... "As long you as well as others know your true potential and have confidence in yourself, you will definitely go on to scale much greater heights!" So yup, jia you guys... Last few weeks as NCOs... =) Tomorrow, SPF-NPCC Badge presentation ceremony at Hwa Chong Instituition... Not sure how to feel... Nervous? Excited? Not sure... Sorry if this part offended you... But well, overall, still sort of looking foward to tomorrow... Saturday... I rather skip it seriously...

Somehow, disappointment after disappointment seems to be coming to me... The latest few tests I've seriously been screwing them up a bit... Guess you could say I haven't really been studying I guess... Need to force myself to do so... But I lack my driving force...

Ah well, better go sleep... Night...

I feel like dropping my blade, not wanting to continue the fight...

Monday, April 14, 2008

I guess I'm a goner... Last Friday's Chinese paper 2 test score: 38/70 Chinese O levels are in like 40-odd days and this is the kind of standard I'm portraying?! TMD Can go and die liao lah!!!

3 tests this week... 2 tomorrow...

Happy Birthday Boon Siang!!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Did nothing much today... Lunch was at grandparents' house as usual, then tuition... "Happened" to bump into someone... Lol... Stoned at home before dinner... Went to Din Tai Fung at J8 with my family... Food still as good... Walked a bit, bought mostly food stuff to bring home... Managed to get a replacement handphone pouch... Yay... Then came home...

My mind doesn't seem to be functioning properly... It keeps wandering off somewhere... Just like in tuition just now... Was supposed to do some practice for multiple choice compre for Chinese... Read the passage, then two minute later, I got lost in thoughts... In case you were thinking, no I was not having those kind of suicidal or sick thoughts whatsoever... So yeah.... At home, I could hardly do anything, cause I could just do a piece of work for 2 minutes and then get distracted and do something else for like 10 minutes or so... So you could say, or rather, you can only describe my weekend as wasted... I did nothing... Saturday was gone, Sunday was wasted... I really have to get a grip on myself and start focusing... It might be my com that's distracting me... I'm totally dead, look at the time, it'll be midnight soon and I haven't done anything... Wow, congrats Bryan... Better chiong something... I'll sacrifice sleep if need be...

This coming week, a number of tests that I have not studied at all for... Friday sounds cool, Saturday is going to suck totally, I rather not go....

Just now, I might have said, "kidding" in response to what I said to answer your question... Yup, it did sound like a joke, but it wasn't... I'm dead serious and I meant what I said...

Song from the movie Music & Lyrics... Way Back Into Love... Pretty nice song... Second one is the full song... First is some demo version of some sort, pretty funny though...

Pull yourself together...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thursday after school, I was attending A. Maths remedial in my classroom. At 3:44pm, I received a call on my handphone. Shan't say the contents of the phone call, but after finishing the conversation, I began to feel very uneasy, and a certain fear was starting to build up within me. I could no longer focus on what Mrs Tan was teaching. I chose to leave. Ended up going to the library after walking around the school pointlessly for a while. Read comics and waited for KF. When he finished his remedial, I checked with him. My worst fears were confirmed. At once, my world started to break apart, I didn't believe what had just been thrown at me at that time. My confidence started shattering, my mind just went "o.m.g."... However, it did mean one thing: It was the end of a dream. That dream, happened to be my goal. It was what instilled that passion, that driving force, for me all this time. With that as my motivation, I strived, to improve myself, to hone my skills, so much was done... My passion brought me to greater heights. Then, fate played me like a harp again, just as I was reaching the epitome of this portion of my life, it sent me crashing to the ground. Shan't bother to elaborate further, cause nearly no one really understands the situation. My dreams were crushed, again, the flame that was my passion, died out. For the what was probably the first time, I really didn't want to go to training on Friday... Still, yah, I have a duty to fufill... Anyway, I don't want to be a bad loser or something, so yah. Congrats Ken and Yibin, the new SIs of CHSNPCC... =)

Wednesday went to HTA for briefing for the SPF-NPCC badge presentation ceremony, which is to be held next Friday at HCI.... We were told at 9:20pm on Tuesday night that we needed our uniform the next day... -.- Wednesday went there, a briefing of 6 powerpoint slides, then everyone went to take the mugshots... Took damn long... Yah, Wednesday was also NAPFA... Results after everything (2.4 was taken the week before):

2.4km run - 11:55
Standing broad jump - 232 (I think)
Shuttle run - 9.6 (Yeah man)
Sit & Reach - 45 (I think)
Sit-ups - 47 (Should be)
Chin-ups - 4

Damn it, as you can see, my chin-ups prevented me from attaining my Gold, and I almost did my 5th chin-up too... Haiz...

Thursday was a shitty day cause of what was mentioned above. Friday, totally screwed the applications of integration test. Don't think I'll be as lucky as the previous test for applications on differentitation, which I miraculously passed.... Training was crap, couldn't do anything until like 4+pm... After training some crap again... Fine, some things you say I agree, some things you say do have meaning, but the freakin way you do things is like... *No comments* I believe there are other ways to handle things.... This morning came to school for chinese remedial, KF and YB went for their rehearsal, chinese was crap, don't want to talk about it... After that was quite a bit of stoning, emoing, playing Jason's DS before we changed and went for NPDP. We were the spectators. 7 of us from CHS, all NCOs... Lol... Gathering time was 3pm, we left the school at like 3:25pm or something? Buggers... First time watching NPDP as a spectator, though I would have preferred to have watched the parade from the dias, as a civilian.... Yah, SOME people managed to get tickets... -_- Zzzzz... Never mind... We still did get front row seats... Lol... Somehow, there seemed to be quite a number of hiccups in the process of the parade... Shan't say anything... It isn't easy to plan such things anyway... I don't know about the rest, but I felt very nostalgic during the whole parade... Brings me back to last year 21st April, the day of our parade... Then spent time waiting for Mr Chen before we could set off from HTA... On the way back, something badly pissed us off, some people rather... -.- Dinner was at LJS before home... Better chiong my homework again tomorrow, or I'm totally screwed...

The recent incident really shattered my confidence, I mean after working so hard, after doing what I had been doing, things didn't turn out the way we thought it would be... The situation was pretty ironic, in the sense that, I wanted what he had, and for my case, he wanted what I have a chance in getting... I really wonder what went wrong... After the talk, I might have calmed down quite a bit, but the more I want to forget it, the more it keeps popping into my thoughts, then, whenever I see it, it aggravates my emotions... I know I'm sounding quite selfish in this post, but well, I can't keep these thoughts in me forever can I? I'll explode... Furthermore, this incident sort of supports the certain theory about the way my life goes, and right now, I'm really really scared about O Levels, because if the pattern is true, I'll end up screwing my exams no matter how hard I try... Yah, I know this sounds VERY pessimistic, but well... Also, the one that's coming up, the one for Chinese, it doesn't seem to be going very well for me... Bottom line of the incident: Is there really a point in working towards your dreams? When after doing so much... It was my life, now it just broke apart, right in my face... Perhaps if you know the situation then you might understand the reason for this, if not you'll probably be thinking that it's just the way it seems... Still, I let myself down... But yah, I'm really sorry if this makes me sound like some whiner and complainer and all that... I apologize if your feelings have been hurt...

My fighting spirit's dead, so is my Chinese... Should I continue?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The only thing that gave me strength, the only thing that ever gave me hope, the only thing that gave me everything I had, the only thing that pushed me to go on all this time. That flame, that one, the one that kept me really alive, disappeared.

Twice such a thing has happened, I don't think anyone can understand now...

I'm sorry I couldn't have made this a happier post for you, but still, Happy Birthday SLJB!

Shattered dreams, lost hope, uncomprehendable disappointment

Monday, April 07, 2008

It's been some time since I blogged, sorry if you were expecting anything here... Need to backtrack a bit... Firstly, due to my being unable to think properly, I left out quite a number of things in the previous post... Anyway, Sec 3 Team made it into the finals for Campcraft Com... Competition was last Saturday, they attained 8th position... Though it might be disappointing, I really have to praise you guys for willingly putting in so much effort into the competition... Few other things, last Monday CV committee stayed in school for meeting with Mrs Chew, 7+pm then went home... Lol... Wednesday was 2.4km run for Napfa... Ran with a timing of 11:55... Not as good as last year, but not too bad, couldn't focus for the rest of the day's lessons though... Thursday was the filming thing for the Black Knights Fancy Drill performance... Had a bit of a problem initially cause this certain teacher, let's call him X. Apparrently his intended date for booking the audi was the 3rd as well, but he went to write it on the 10th... So when we went in at first, X's people were setting up their things in the audi... So, he just took over the audi like that, luckily Mr Thomas was there to help out in the "discussion" with X... Fine, his lot of people have a competition on Saturday... Ok, I'm fine with that, but guess what? He could have at least bloody hell TOLD us that he wanted to use th audi, but he instead just took the place like nobody's business... He made a mistake with the booking, fine, then he asked us whether we could come back like the next week or something or later at like 5pm?!!!!! WTF... I don't wish to dismiss my cadets at 6pm or 7pm when I told them by 5pm.... TMD... Nearly shouted out my frustration.... We were asked whether we could postpone it or something... For us, JW and myself, we used up so much time just to get the bloody thing done and we have to abdicate the bloody audi to some people who have a freakin competition on Sat and they just take the audi without saying anything? Sure, you might ask me to put myself in their shoes, but I would have at least asked... Some of X's people were like sleeping, one playing with a basketball in the audi... You call this preparations for your competition? TMD.... Really considered scraping the BK thing, cause I had no intentions of postponing the thing by another freakin week... -.- Finally managed to get the audi, did our filming, finally done with it... Thanks for putting in much effort for it Black Knights, thanks Mr Thomas and Mr Goh, for the camera, thanks Jun Wei, Ming Hao and Ken for helping with the training all this time...

Friday training, less then half of the squad was present for the Sec 3s due to the C.C Com training... Anyway, it was mostly drills, some things happened and for the first time as a DI, I really felt sian, not wishing to teach anything anymore... It's my honest opinion and I won't bother to hide it... The events, along with certain others, also affected my decision to return to the unit in JC, I'm right now having second thoughts about becoming a CI... See first bah... Third period was CV briefing... After training, CV committee comprising of Terence, Kah Hoe, Jun Wei, Tong Yang, myself plus our advisor Ken stayed in Staff Room 2 doing all the last bit of preparations with our officers... Stayed till a whopping 10:40pm... Wow... Lol....

Saturday was City Venture, to tell the truth, it's my first time going out as a game master as I was one of those involved in NPDP last year, so couldn't do much... This year, had the opportunity to be a game master... Took River Valley High School with Jeremy from the Sec 2s... Quite hiong the school, seeing that they ran for quite some part of the game... Everything ended, debrief by officers, wasn't pleasant... Many things were discussed, rather, thrown at us... No further comments shall be said on this issue...

Sunday nothing really eventful... Lunch at Grandparents' house, tuition after that, met someone, home... Dinner was pretty interesting though... Today's lessons were as usual... Surprisingly, I passed the applications of differentiation test that Mrs Tan gave the other day, which I thought I would definitely screw up... Lol... Sheer luck... Wallet got confiscated by Mr Quay, actually it was supposed to be my handphone, but I traded it for my wallet... Lol, I guess I'm too dependant on my handphone liao... Got my wallet back already though... Heng....

Some things had occurred recently, and lot's of thoughts have surfaced, not only in me, but may others too... It's been 4 years, since we came together... We started off with 27 people, now we have 20... Even then, we've definitely been through just-so-much together... We endured trainings together, we went through camps, we went through a lot together basically... This kind of bond that all of us share is a very special bond, something that words can't explain, something that no amount of money can buy... However, things have changed, especially in the past turbulent year or so, for both better and worse... Something was said last week... A batch that is crumbling apart? To a certain extent, yes I can agree unfortunately. Some people have definitely distanced themselves... However, most of us still remain close to each other... We're more than just another bunch of friends, we're squadmates, and nothing will change that fact... Yup... And I really want to thank a certain person, who's been putting in so much effort into coming for everything and becoming closer to us now... Thanks a lot Linus... =) Hope those, who feel that they still are out of place, from all of us, yeah, come back, for we're the 29th Batch... Fate made it such that we would end up here, as what we are =)

This is what we are... Though I don't think they're exactly full squad pics, but well, everyone is there in both pics ultimately... =)

If you managed to read all the way until here, I really congratulate you... You've managed to endure a post full of crap... Lol...

About 1 and 1/2 months to CL O Levels, about 6 months to O Levels... Ain't that freaky?

Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday to Melvin and Yong Jie...

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail