Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday Chun Hui!!!!

Some things that happened over the past few days... Friday, could be said to be the best day of my NPCC career... It was the day that we were going to be awarded the prestigious SPF-NPCC Badge... Left class at 1pm on Friday, had our lunch, then we went to J8 to wait for 156... Waited for damn long and we were worried that we wouldn't make it in time, we still did though... Reached Hwa Chong Instituition, took us about 5 mins to walk from the gate up the driveway to the area where we were supposed to gather... No kidding.. School was damn big... The toilets were a bit cramped though... Changed, then we went to the auditorium... Lot's of things happened... Briefings, arrangements etc... Spent quite a bit of time waiting though... But yeah, at least there was air conditioning... We were told to keep our berets away in our bags (lol)... Briefing was done mainly by the new NPCC Commandant, Miss Rosalind Khoo... First time seeing her upclose, for me anyway... Still remembered what she said... It went something like "Must treasure your 5 seconds of glory..." LOL... Quite a long wait till about 6pm when we were supposed to be seated for the ceremony... The ceremony sort of started at 7pm... The atmosphere was full of anticipation... Yup, Commissioner of Police made his speech and all that, then there badges and certs were given out... Got mine too... Apparrently, the number of receipients increased from 159 to 181 in a matter of a week... Cedar came in with like 14 awardees or something (and we thought what happened to them this year)... But yah anyway... The badge seems to be slightly different from last year's one, based on the colour... The cert's damn nice too... Too bad no poster this year... Lol... There was a speech by Cyril from HCI, his badges are like damn gay... He's attained every single badge that NPCC has to offer currently, except for life-saving badge... And he's an SI with BUC somemore... Damn gay.... Some photo montage video of all the awardees came after that... Not too bad, though there were screw ups in the vid, and all of the CHS receipients' photos were our mugshots taken the previous week... Overheard that our pics could not be found or something... Lol... After that, reception, with LOT'S of photo taking... As described by some others, we were either eating or taking pictures... Lol... Mood was damn high... After the whole thing, we changed, then we ended up shouting our unit cheer right in the middle of HCI... Lol... A bit mad, but yeah, that's us... Lol... Would like to really thank my parents for their support for this and allowing me to go for the various activities, or I would never have gotten the badge... Thanks Mum and Dad =D After that, the few of us went to J8's LJS to eat... Thanks Leonard for the ride home...

In contrast to Friday, Saturday was probably the worst day of my NPCC career... Sec 1 Swearing-in cum SI promotion ceremony... Tio conned to go there damn early in the morning as Ken said that nominees had to be present as well... As a result, Daniel from RI and I were the only nominees present... The rest apparrently weren't informed... -.- Anyway, we were like stoning there for like almost 2 hours before the actual thing, go there only to receive some stupid cert... I'd rather have reported at the same time as the Sec 1s.... -.- Some parts of the ceremony was rather painful, never mind if you don't understand.... But yah, no hard feelings anyway... Oh yah by the way, got pissed off the first thing I went to Whitley... Ken and Yibin went over first, I came slightly later, then the others were outside the hall adjusting their uniforms or something... Then I think it was Mick, who came to ask me, "Hey where's your flash?" (the thing that SIs have on their berets) -_- Thanks a lot man... Yah, many out there will just tell me that the thing is just a piece of cloth or whatever, but well there's a bit more to it then it seems... But yah, like I said, I bear no grudge against no one, except perhaps against that idiot who irked me at 7:40am in the morning with that question.... After the thing, Mr Goh sort of asked me how I was, wish I didn't have had to lie to him, but yah, at least he cared to ask... Left Whitley immediately with the Sec 1s after the ceremony, didn't bother staying for the reception or whatever crap it was... Then we sort of lectured the Sec 1s a bit on some things... But yah, ultimately, I was still left with a cert that I'd rather not have gotten, and I seriously wouldn't have gone for the stupid thing, but I had to in the end... But yah, what's passed has passed, I don't really care about it anymore already...

Some pics from Friday:

With KB

With Jason

Finally managed to get a pic with this guys, I look weird though...

With Mrs Chew

Sec 3 Squad Leaders team

DI team... Lol...

My original plan was do get some work done in the afternoon, but didn't have the mood and ended up watching Forbidden Kingdom with the rest... Oh yah, for Volleyball the Sec 4s came in 4th out of 9 schools I think, not bad I guess, though I heard that some things happened, and apparrently they saw some very good looking volleyball girl there. Must be really good looking, seeing that Clifton's one of those who're smitten... Haha... Movie was pretty good, won't spoil it for you guys, but yah, it's funny too... Haha... Went home after that, and I sort of dozed off.... Slept from about 6pm till 9am on Sunday... Damn owned... Lol...
Today, Boon Siang apparrently fainted during the National Anthem in class... Not sure how it happened cause I was at 4-1 having remedial, but yah, he missed the first 2 periods... Was loads better by the time school ended... A teacher also let out her emotions in class today, shan't comment on this... Mrs Yap went for some check up or something, didn't come to class... Did the compre then stayed in school for a while before going for tuition... Nothing really great tomorrow...

Prelim 2 for Chinese pupils is this friday... So going to die... Need to catch up with my work... All the best to those having mid-years!!
Now what bone do you want to pick with me? You haven't exactly been very nice yourself for the past few days... Friday dao me and all that... I'm already going through enough without such dumb problems... If it's my fault, then do like what we said, just say it out... But yah right now, you're doing the exact opposite...

Mr Yong told me to smile more, I'm afraid I can't do that much now, sorry....


At 11:54 PM, Blogger mulatto_raver said...

Go easy on yourself. You are not alone. Take heart in knowing that there are more difficult things than Chinese tests and none of those difficult things are worth declaring yourself dead over.

"好好学習 天天向上" is not just for communists. However, if you are a communist, then maybe this is the motivation you need. Cheering from your corner,

A Scottish-Jamaican-Canadian from Japan,



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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail