Monday, April 07, 2008

It's been some time since I blogged, sorry if you were expecting anything here... Need to backtrack a bit... Firstly, due to my being unable to think properly, I left out quite a number of things in the previous post... Anyway, Sec 3 Team made it into the finals for Campcraft Com... Competition was last Saturday, they attained 8th position... Though it might be disappointing, I really have to praise you guys for willingly putting in so much effort into the competition... Few other things, last Monday CV committee stayed in school for meeting with Mrs Chew, 7+pm then went home... Lol... Wednesday was 2.4km run for Napfa... Ran with a timing of 11:55... Not as good as last year, but not too bad, couldn't focus for the rest of the day's lessons though... Thursday was the filming thing for the Black Knights Fancy Drill performance... Had a bit of a problem initially cause this certain teacher, let's call him X. Apparrently his intended date for booking the audi was the 3rd as well, but he went to write it on the 10th... So when we went in at first, X's people were setting up their things in the audi... So, he just took over the audi like that, luckily Mr Thomas was there to help out in the "discussion" with X... Fine, his lot of people have a competition on Saturday... Ok, I'm fine with that, but guess what? He could have at least bloody hell TOLD us that he wanted to use th audi, but he instead just took the place like nobody's business... He made a mistake with the booking, fine, then he asked us whether we could come back like the next week or something or later at like 5pm?!!!!! WTF... I don't wish to dismiss my cadets at 6pm or 7pm when I told them by 5pm.... TMD... Nearly shouted out my frustration.... We were asked whether we could postpone it or something... For us, JW and myself, we used up so much time just to get the bloody thing done and we have to abdicate the bloody audi to some people who have a freakin competition on Sat and they just take the audi without saying anything? Sure, you might ask me to put myself in their shoes, but I would have at least asked... Some of X's people were like sleeping, one playing with a basketball in the audi... You call this preparations for your competition? TMD.... Really considered scraping the BK thing, cause I had no intentions of postponing the thing by another freakin week... -.- Finally managed to get the audi, did our filming, finally done with it... Thanks for putting in much effort for it Black Knights, thanks Mr Thomas and Mr Goh, for the camera, thanks Jun Wei, Ming Hao and Ken for helping with the training all this time...

Friday training, less then half of the squad was present for the Sec 3s due to the C.C Com training... Anyway, it was mostly drills, some things happened and for the first time as a DI, I really felt sian, not wishing to teach anything anymore... It's my honest opinion and I won't bother to hide it... The events, along with certain others, also affected my decision to return to the unit in JC, I'm right now having second thoughts about becoming a CI... See first bah... Third period was CV briefing... After training, CV committee comprising of Terence, Kah Hoe, Jun Wei, Tong Yang, myself plus our advisor Ken stayed in Staff Room 2 doing all the last bit of preparations with our officers... Stayed till a whopping 10:40pm... Wow... Lol....

Saturday was City Venture, to tell the truth, it's my first time going out as a game master as I was one of those involved in NPDP last year, so couldn't do much... This year, had the opportunity to be a game master... Took River Valley High School with Jeremy from the Sec 2s... Quite hiong the school, seeing that they ran for quite some part of the game... Everything ended, debrief by officers, wasn't pleasant... Many things were discussed, rather, thrown at us... No further comments shall be said on this issue...

Sunday nothing really eventful... Lunch at Grandparents' house, tuition after that, met someone, home... Dinner was pretty interesting though... Today's lessons were as usual... Surprisingly, I passed the applications of differentiation test that Mrs Tan gave the other day, which I thought I would definitely screw up... Lol... Sheer luck... Wallet got confiscated by Mr Quay, actually it was supposed to be my handphone, but I traded it for my wallet... Lol, I guess I'm too dependant on my handphone liao... Got my wallet back already though... Heng....

Some things had occurred recently, and lot's of thoughts have surfaced, not only in me, but may others too... It's been 4 years, since we came together... We started off with 27 people, now we have 20... Even then, we've definitely been through just-so-much together... We endured trainings together, we went through camps, we went through a lot together basically... This kind of bond that all of us share is a very special bond, something that words can't explain, something that no amount of money can buy... However, things have changed, especially in the past turbulent year or so, for both better and worse... Something was said last week... A batch that is crumbling apart? To a certain extent, yes I can agree unfortunately. Some people have definitely distanced themselves... However, most of us still remain close to each other... We're more than just another bunch of friends, we're squadmates, and nothing will change that fact... Yup... And I really want to thank a certain person, who's been putting in so much effort into coming for everything and becoming closer to us now... Thanks a lot Linus... =) Hope those, who feel that they still are out of place, from all of us, yeah, come back, for we're the 29th Batch... Fate made it such that we would end up here, as what we are =)

This is what we are... Though I don't think they're exactly full squad pics, but well, everyone is there in both pics ultimately... =)

If you managed to read all the way until here, I really congratulate you... You've managed to endure a post full of crap... Lol...

About 1 and 1/2 months to CL O Levels, about 6 months to O Levels... Ain't that freaky?

Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday to Melvin and Yong Jie...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail