Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hey everyone, I'm finally updating... Sorry if you were expecting anything here, have been busy like everyone else. Anyway, it's like week 3 of Sec 4 already. We came back to school to be greeted with magnificent news: Prelim 1 end of January. How fun.... 28th January starting, seems exactly like common tests based on the times given. Catch is, it's counted for our overall prelim marks.... Then we were continuously being bugged by the fact that our prelims are damn near and that this year is a crazy year... It is really... I became damn scared of O Levels all of a sudden, cause it really dawned on me that if I wasnted to have a chance of getting into a good JC, I would have to score no more than 7 points for my Os, seeing that I have HCL to help.... So yeah, damn stressful... Then sometimes I felt so sian that I didn't want to do anything.... It's a crappy feeling really.... Anyway, some events that occured during these 3 weeks....

The first Thursday of the school year I had my school bag locked in the store and had to go to Xing Yu's house to get the key.... CCA talks for Sec 1s on the 8th of January, plus BK performance, had quite a fair bit of problems from that, but it went rather well for that.... 11th January was CCA orientation, set up our stalls and all that.... Quite a number of names were written down, including KB's brother.... Numerous tests and all from teachers.... Roughly about there.... Friday for training, main event for me was that I was taking my 1st Class Drill Badge practical.... Supposed to be Ken and I taking it, but in the end Jia Han sir decided to assess Ken on Muster Parade... Then at first Jia Han sir was supposed to assess me, then during recess I found out from Terence that he couldn't make it and Yan Hao and Nicholas sirs were taking me... First reaction: Die.... Pretty true... We started parade late, then some people never turn at correct times or forgot to turn, never mind about that... We were told that timing was a component for the drill test, so by starting the parade late, big problem for me... Reason for the lateness was that firstly, we were waiting for one of our fellow NCOs to come, if not the NCO squad wouldn't have 3 ranks.... So well, something like that... Then after the parade all of our boots were gone case, everyone's polish burnt off.... Then Yan Hao sir conducted UI for me during training... So gg lor... May have to just stick to 2nd Class le.... The parade was pretty smooth I guess.... We have a new teacher who's the AC of Area 10, called Mr Yong I think... Anyway, after training Yibin, YJ and I went to discuss the Sec 3s' promotion with SMS.... Got scolded cause we were late... Zzzz... Ken joined us after that... Done with that then played a bit of soccer, then we went to J8 food court to have dinner, then came home... Thanks Jun Wei for sending me home...

Yesterday was the newspaper collection CIP... Still remember that we did this when we were Se 1 as well... My class was split up among the other 9 classes, ended up with 4-2 with Leon, Jonny and Ji Ren, was in a group with Miss Saras in charge... Left school at about 8:30am and walked to the blocks we were covering, which were near Bishan CC... Covered 2 blocks, got quite a bit of newspapers and some other things... This uncle was damn nice, saw us collecting newspapers and went up to his home to bring down one whole trolley of them, he made 1 trips, ended up with quite a lot.... Done, took photos, then went to J8 to eat at KFC with Leon and Jonny, later joined by Wei Jie and Enzon... A rare time that we can have a meal together, since I'm usually with my squadmates.... Talked quite a bit, then WJ, Leon and Enzon were making fun of this guy who was playing that Guitar Heroes game or something at the shop upstairs.... He was like opening his mouth and leaving it as that while playing, maybe he was unaware that he could be seen from downstairs via the camera..... Lol... Walked around, then met some of the gang at Comics Connection.... I bought 2 posters... Quite a good price I guess... One bleach one and one One Piece one.... After that we went back to school... Supposed to start CV meeting, but Terence and Jun Wei ended up playing soccer until dunno when, so we started damn late... Then again, the rest of us were playing in the store anyway... Lol... Had CV meeting, then had to leave at 6 cause SMS wanted us to, he came into the store to take some things for your info... Then hitched a ride with Jun Wei and Leonard again... Thanks... Had CV meeting via msn with only Terence, Kah Hoe and I... Lol... Covered quite a few things though...

Had CMC camp last weekend too... Did really nothing much... Best thing was the water bomb fight I guess.... More hiong... Lol... Then was tired out from the week as well, spent quite a lot of time sleeping at night, not before we went to Bishan market at like 3+am to have supper.... Lol... Then the next day, woke up at like 10+am cause no one woke me up.... -_- Lol.... Pretty fun though... Lol...

Today wasn't really much.... Oh yeah, before I forget, I shall introduce my teachers.... English, Mrs Amanda Yap, not a bad teacher, Chinese: Mdm Mu Jun, good teacher, co-form teacher as well but I guess she does practically nothing... Lol... Physics: Mr Steven Quay, quite an ok guy, his teaching skills are ok bah, but a bit slow I guess... Chemistry: Mr Thomas, same as last year, Form teacher again... Biology: Miss Saras, same as last year... Maths/A Maths: Mrs Anna Tan, quite a good teacher, can be damn lame sometimes.... Geography: Mr Talib, same as last year... Somehow 4-10 people like him but 4-6 people don't... Lol... Lit: Mrs Tina Tang, so so I guess... S.S: Mr T. Fernandez... Same as last year, great guy... That's all I guess? Yeah quite a lot of things to say I guess... Lol... Oh yeah, I changed my phone too... Nokia 5610 XpressMusic, a pretty good phone...

Guess I'll stop here.... Prelim 1's in like 1 week, haven' prepared properly yet... Zzzz... Shall do english tonight... Hope that our Sec 1 intake will go well, initially had like only 8 people who put NP as first choice?! Zzzz... Hope more will be convinced to join, or UOPA 2008 will have some problem... Speaking of UOPA, it's been submitted already, can only hope for the best, results expected to be released in early February I guess.... And to my squadmates and juniors in Camp Craft Com... Do your best, hope you guys can pesevere and juggle your studies and trainings at the same time too!! =D Also, the unit website is finally back up!! After like 1 year's absence... Credits to Siming sir I guess.... Visit!

End of my post... All the best to everyone.... Will try to blog whenever possible... Bye....

Group photo for Sec 4s... Mostly 4-2 plus a few of us from 4-10...

Poster I bought, Ichigo in Bankai form with Aizen, Tousen and Gin and the 10 Espadas... Damn cool....

Another poster, of One Piece characters... Funny how Luffy isn't portrayed here... Lol...

Jun Wei trying to solve the rubrik's cube, the lastest craze, in the taxi, with Leonard's fingers... Lol...

That's all for now...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail