Thursday, November 08, 2007

Hi people... Came back from OAL camp yesterday... Had it from Monday till yesterday... Same thing as last year, we had to hike to the campsite, which was also Changi Coast Adventure Centre... Morning gathered, Mr Goh briefed us, met the J1s, who were Sai Meng, Louis, Su Kiat, Samuel and Xian Hui... 2 scouts and 3 Air... Haha... Paired with Xian Hui and took Group A... Attendance, then they were given the Chinese map again that we used last year... Haha... Guess they found the place easier than we did... My group ended up with Mr Goh Yong Hang... Oh yeah, before that... We, as in the already OALs, Sec 3s and J1s, put some of our bags into Mr Goh K.Y's car... Haha... Damn shuang... Load lightened... =P Miss Tan Li Choo also came... Lol... Anyway, set off from CHS, group walked... Mr Goh went to get some stuff then bought a 1.5 litre bottle of 100 plus for Xian Hui and I... Haha... Thanks!! Mr Goh Y.H is damn funny lah... A lot of jokes... Especially when the lunch point was mentioned, then he kept talking about the Bah Chor Mee there... Lol... Walked, walked, walked.... Lunch point finally reached at about 1pm... Bah Chor Mee stall closed... Mr Goh damn sad... Haha... Then later group took roughly the same way that my group took last year, which was crossing the expressway... Haha... Show you guys something.... Familiar? The golf club that we passed last year before the expressway.... Lol.... Also...

Road leading to the dead end, the part where my group got stuck for a while cause of the "No crossing expressways" rule... Lol...

Felt nostalgic as we passed by places that my group passed by last year... Memories... Lol... Reached campsite about 4+pm.... Not bad.... Even with a few backtracks and the usual carrying of the casualties in the last stretch of the road.... Lol... 3rd group to arrive... 1st group reached at what 2:15pm?? Early sia... Reached, settled into bunks... Talked, or rather reflection with the group.... Xian Hui did most of the talking... Lol... Then got to know Mr Han a bit.... Quite a nice guy... Lol... Finished dinner liao then the last group arrived... No prizes for guessing their accompanying teacher.... That was 8+pm? After that was basically reflection by Mr Goh then a bit more reflection and discussion then lights out... I think it was the other way around.... Was it? Ok never mind.... Oh yeah, we shared the campsite with Millenia Institute... Called them MI for short... Some P5 kids too I guess...

Next day, morning PT, breakfast, then couldn't got straight out for kayaking cause of the weather.... Kayaking instructor was the same as last year's... Instructor Sky... Haha... Could only go out about 11am? Got the Pacifica... Sec 2s got 2 man kayaks.... Went out to sea, quite choppy... Kayaked quite a long way, all the way to Bedok jetty... Had numerous stops along the way... Sec 2s rafted up quite a number of times, got scolded by GKY... Paddles got confiscated too... I got a bit giddy halfway... Was desperately waiting for the time to beach up.... Had to keep chioning in front... If I stopped I would feel really bad.... Zzzz... Gonna get sick of kayaking soon... Lol... Finally got to beach up just after Bedok jetty... Near the sandcastle area... Had lunch there, then kayaked back... Reached back at about 5+pm then went to keep the kayaks... Ivan and Hector got injured... Sec 2s had very little time to shower then got pumped by the J1s.... We showered... Took over and let the J1s shower... Talked a bit as it was basically free time then it was dinner.... Dinner, reflection... Dinner the 10 of us had steamboat with the teachers... Lol... Pays to be an OAL sia.. Haha kidding... Sec 2s were supposed to plan for the Sec 2 camp and BURST programme for next year, plus reflection.... So plenty of time for our dinner... Haha... Eat until full le... Lights out was slightly earlier... People knock out le... Everyone shagged...Us too....Promptly fell asleep...

Next day, woke up, raining... Sec 2s did a bit of PT I think.... Then breakfast... Raining, so had to set up the belaying stations at the bunks... Now, the climbers aren't hooked by karrabeanar (spelling?) Have to do the tie in thingy.... Did all the practice, then packed and cleaned up the place... Lunch, then left the place... Bye CCAC... Guess may not see the place again for quite some time... Reached back at about 2+pm... We forgot to take photo lah... Sian... Then held the NP people back for briefing and reflection... Talked until 6+pm.... o.0 Sorry to hold you guys back so long...

Well, now our duty as OALs are officially OVER... No more of this le... You can say it hurts to have to leave all this... Well, as one batch passes, the next batch arrives... It's time to leave with the memories, lessons and values learnt... Being in the 6th batch of Outdoor Adventure Leaders was a great experience for me as well as many others... Glad to have met everyone... I'll miss those times... =(

Part of the campsite..

Bunks.... Half of Xian Hui's face ended up in here...

Xian Hui inside again... Lol...


Yeah... Haha... CHS OAL 2006!!! That's us!

Ok... Well, good luck to the Sec 2s.....

Anyway, tomorrow is Annual Hike.... Hope things go well....

Oh yeah, found the video for the cooking com at KCP last Sat... The Sec 1s came in 2nd!! Nice... Here's the link... Found it from Joseph sir's blog... Haha...

Ok, going to sleep soon.... Bye...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail