Saturday, October 27, 2007

Hey everyone... It's the first day of the holidays!! Some holiday... Haha... Ok, anyway, quite a nice last week of school I guess, with a few exceptions... You can't have perfect days all the way can you? Lol... Yeah, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday was all Chinese intensive for the first 3 periods... Funny thing was, Thursday we weren't doing Chinese, we copied the holiday homework, which was 2 1000 word bao zhang bao dao... Thanks a lot man... Then we watched this movie called The Chior, which was in French I think... Dunno how to explain the storyline, but it was nice, and a bit touching, especially how that main character managed to help the boys in the boarding school through singing in his choir... It was nice... After that still had some time then watched a bit of I can't remember what show... Then we went for Lit, where we found out that Miss Cheang won't be teaching us next year, due to ____. Shan't say it I guess... All the best.... Yeah, then Physics Miss Wong gave us her "presents", stackloads of Physics practice papers... Lol... Then we were dismissed... By the way, Wednesday managed to have training.... So Sec 2s had PT... Went to do some admin stuff, then had drills and practiced for their upcoming drill test...

Friday was the last day of the school year officially... Mixed feelings as usual... Happy that it's the "holidays", yet I feel I'll miss this year.... It was eventful... Will miss the teachers... Didn't have any teachers that we disliked greatly this year.... And some teachers won't be teaching us next year... Like Mr Teo, Mr Ang (probably), Miss Cheang (For E Lit elect) and maybe Mr Talib... Thanks teachers for your teachings... Took some photos... Will upload them some other time... My classmates.... Quite a nice bunch... It's been a nice year with you guys... Will see everyone over the holidays I guess, due to the remedials... Lol... Anyway morning no CL remedial... Bio Miss Saras said some things... Geography took photos with Mr Talib and watched Fantastic 4: The Rise of the Sliver Surfer.... Nice show... Then there were loud screams from outside thw G.O... Haha... The Mediacorp celebraties had arrived... I bet the screaming could beat those from schools like St. Nicks or something... Lol... Maths Mr Teo gave holiday homework the left... Then we had a 1 hour recess, combined with the Sec 1s and 2s.... Ate, then went to the audi to see the interviews with the celebraties... Can't remember why they came... Lol... So 6 of them came, all females, so you know what was the reaction to this lah... Haha, they included Patricia Mok, Michelle Chia, Michelle Chong and many people's favourite, Felicia Chin... Haha... Managed to get some of their signed postcards... Saw people coping some then followed suit... Lol... Took some pictures but didn't manage to take with them though... Haiz... Will upload them some other time... Went back to class... Mr Thomas talked to us... Gave out some of the slips for the report book, talked somemore, discussed things.... Then gave out our result slips.... Took photos too... Mr teo checked our class, all of us cleaned up... Shows that everyone has some spirit at least.... Took photos with Mr Teo too.... Should have gotten ____ up as well, though she doesn't teach us... Haha....

Traning.... Did selection for the Campcraft competition next year for the Sec 2s.... Louis and I did the tent pitching station... Damn hot day... Then something damn ridiculous happened, ridiculous in the sense that it cheeses you off a bit... Who would go check a tent for tension if the main guylin loops haven't been tied yet?? Since it was part if the testing criteria right... Person didn't know and shook the tent, one of the corner guylines snapped... We had to retie it and the whole tent went of centre... Zzz... Ridiculous huh.... Lol... Finally done then did drill practice again... The commanding of squad and revision of new drills.... Then scores announced... Admin matters done... After some time then went to Junction 8 food court for dinner with some squadmates and juniors... Talked a lot of crap... Mr Goh Yong Hang was there having dinner too... He's damn funny man... Haha... Came home then slept after going online for a while...

Ok, almost finished some of the squad admin stuff.... Haven' received the names of the Sec 1s going for BK... So can't send the email to Mr Goh... Zzzz... Need to finish up the planning for Bk and promo test for Sec 2s.... Holiday homework also on the list.... Yeah... 3 or 4 camps this hols... Going to Japan for the first time too... Yay... Want to go out and watch movies too... Revision for subjects.... These holidays are going to be one hell of a time... Haha...

Going for my great grandma's 100th Birthday later... Cool huh... Well, get to see all my cousins again, since I only have cousins on my Mum's side of the family... Lol... See ya later people


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail