Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hey everyone.... I'm back... Long time since I last updated this thing.... Well, last time I blogged was before the Final Year Exams had started... Now, they're long over and a few other things have occured too... Long time huh, nearly a month... Well, truthfully, I didn't really feel like blogging, yep... Even considered deleting this blog a few times cause well, I can't exactly put my very personal thoughts here right? Later get flamed and shot again..... Anyway, we went for our 1 Start Kayaking course last week... Yep... Got tanned a bit... Yay.... Haha... Then today had the CHS open house thing... Quite a pathetic turnout I guess... It was nothing really much, definitely tiresome, for some funny reason... Haha.... Bet many of us didn't feel like coming initially....

Anyway, received back our results on Wednesday and Thursday... Generally happy with my results, though they could have been improved... On a general note, most of my subjects improved quite a bit.... So yeah.... For your info, these are MY grades, if you're dissatisfied with your A1s of 80+++, screw off from my blog.... I've had ENOUGH of some bloody people saying, "wah lau, 80 something so low, should have gotten 90++ lor"... Yeah, some people DO say that ok.... I can't remember who though... Anyway.... Here's my results for this term, as far as I can remember....

English: 61, B4 (Whoopee)
Chinese: 72, A2 (Couldn't believe that I did score that, really, my Chinese sucks)
Physics: 65 ( I think), B3 (Could have scored better, but definitely a large improvement from mid-years)
Chemistry: 77, A1 (Whoopee!!! Great improvement for Chem!! Must maintain!)
Biology: 68 (I think), B3 (Great improvement too)
Additional Mathematics: 78 (I think), A1 (Yay too, could have been better?)
Geography: 75, A1 (Yay!! Was damn scared for this subject, need to work a bit on it)
Combined humanities (SS, E. Lit): 60 (Should be), B4 (Nothing much to say for this subject....)
S.S: 70, A2 (Yay)
E Lit: 50, C6 (Luckily I didn't fail, but I can't leave it like this....)

So, unless you split Combined Humanities into the 2 subjects, I have a "No Cs" Term... =D Yup, improvement, must improve further for next year!!! So my estimated L1R5 should be about 12? Much better... Lol....

Ok, enough about results.... Last few days also nothing much to say about them? Tuesday was the interclass games thing... Got damn pissed off with the same person I got pissed off with before... But he's unfortunately a friend of my (good?) friend, so I cant' say anything... Daryl said that he thought I looked like I was about to punch him when he pointed his finger damn near at me... Lol... We played so so I guess.... Ended up in the group where all the teams were fighting for 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th positions.... In the end supposed to play those final matches during recess 2 days later or something, but everyone never bring PE shirt then we just don't care... Haha... Rest of the days nothing much bah... Oh yeah, watched Balls of Fury on the day when we ended out Lit Exam (which was the only papers that day, so only a few of the sec 3s had to come).... Went to Eugene Sim's house to play for a while then went to watch the movie... The old man is retarded man... Haha... He's one of those who livened up the show... Haha...

Something for me to ponder.... Many a times I feel that many aren't contented with me... I know, my weak points have been told to me, some I totally agree that they need to be rectified.... But other times, I keep feeling that many don't really regard me as a friend? They just don't want to say it... I'm clearly unpopular with my friends... I'm not the jokey and easy going types, I'm a jerk who's those damn extra type of people, who are just... Never mind... There probably aren't any words to describe how I've been feeling.... Left out? I dunno... I just hate these feelings... But I know one thing... Clearly, popularity is something damn important... When you're not popular, people don't want you... You're just another hinderance on the road... And there were people who even actually said "I never once considered you my friend" Seriously, I'm not angry with anyone... Really.... I just, well, got quite a blow.... True friendship, popularity, to be liked... I wish I had them.... I have really no idea why I'm typing this here, perhaps cause there's no one of the same kind of age level or something to talk all this too? Dunno... Had to let this out... Can't stand the feeling of keeping this in me... Haiz, what the heck am I talking about anyway?? Just hope days would be filled with sunshine.... I want my zest back... Wait, err, did I have that in the first place? Lol, can't remember.... Maybe I'm a paranoid idiot...

Haiz... Now my com life is a bit boring... Most of the time I'm just stoning with the com on... The most I'll be watching One Piece movies on Youtube... Yup, I'm quite lag.... Lol.... But it's nice... Haha... Anyway, is maple fun?? Thinking of playing it?? Dunno....

Will try to update soon.... See is there's anything to say anyway... Bye people...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail