Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hey, everyone... Sorry for not posting... Was chionging the heritage project for the past few nights, so didn't have time.... So yeah... Didn't even get to sleep properly for a few nights... Lol... Ok, then for the rest of the week was nothing much.... Chemistry SPA on Wednesday, quite ok... Rest of events roughly the same... Friday, Mr Yong came in to teach for Maths.... I supposed he's showing Mr Lim how to conduct a proper lesson? Lol.... Yeah, then rest of the day quite ok... Last period was Rao's lesson... After bell rang at 1:40pm, he kept my class back until 2:45pm for the practice paper thing... Ok, well I know he has our best interests in heart by making us stay back.... However, I did wish he would have realeased Linus, Benjamin and myself.... We were going to have Muster Parade.... Have to prepare and all that right... So released at 2:45pm... Linus and I went to change, went to plaza but didn't get to participate in opening parade... Zzzz Benjamin clamied he want to ask Rao about what Zuo Wen thing, end up he never turn up for the bloody parade at all... -.- I heard a few reasons for his absence, but I shan't point fingers until we hear the story shall we?

Anyway, opening done then had a damn long time of preparation... Quite a number of things were missing, then there was confusion here and there about the store key and rifle range key, as in who was holding it etc.... Yeah, big problems here and there.... Then Ken and Jason seemed to be having problems with getting the things from Mr Goh.... Then GOH the positions also could not be finalized as NCOs were running about here and there.... Peck Hor sir came to visit. Siming sir was also there, not on visit though.... Yeah, then after a lot of crap then it started drizzling and we had to go to the gallery for the parade... Then we had a bloody problem trying to find a power point for the speaker... Finally done then we just formed up facing the huge painting of The Last Supper and commenced the parade....

Parade procedure was damn simple, no march-in, no inspection whatsoever... Sedia, general salute, speech, awards presentation, besurai.... That simple..... Zzzz... Started, then procedure carried out, salute. Then awards were given out.... Sec 2s were given first... So yeah.... Glitches here and there.... I remember telling them to go one round after collecting their things? Never mind bah... I guess the worst things were probably the marching wrongly and dropping of baton in the parade.... Zzzz.... Yeah, then Sec 3s.... Went up to collect my things, waited for the last few awards to be given out then Ken asked for permission to dismiss the parade. Besurai, end of parade..... A bit sian cause we couldn't do a proper parade....

Well, yeah, got promoted to Staff Sergeant, with 2nd Class Drill badge..... =D Apparrently, our squad we handed up our Heritage projects on that day, and we got the badges on that same day... Werid huh? Haha... So one more badge.... I find the 2nd Class Drill badge quite big... The badge size is different from normal... HQ changed supplier? Lol... After that briefing for service day by Mr Goh, other things were addressed also then we were left to dismiss the Sec 1s and 2s....

After that, changed then went to Siming sir's counselling room and he briefed us about the day's event... A bit of After Action Review...... Talked about promotion for those who haven't attained SSGT yet.... Really hope all of you can attain SSGT too guys.... Yeah, then promotion test results, quite happy with my results... =P Lol... A few more things were discussed then we left....

Today, or rather yesterday, since it's already pass 12am.... Anyway, it was Service Day, an event where all NPCC cadets nationwide go to the nearby blocks and spread crime prevention measures etc.... So first time wearing the rank and badges... =P No offence.... Morning a number of events, then Mr Thomas did the briefing. Headed to our blocks and did what we had to do... I was grouped with Jia Sheng, Andre Ong and Bryan Nicholas Ng.... Did the same block with Kenneth's group.... Did our stuff.... Problem was, many were unethusiastic and said that they had no time etc... Some weren't at home.... Had a few decent people who listened... Had lots of booklets left after doing our job then we went up again and gave one book to every household.... Roughly about it.... Then came back to school.... Debriefed then end of Service Day.... Went for lunch at KFC with the rest.... Done, came home did some work and here I am now....

Anyway, a big congratulations to those who got promoted.... Congrats to Ken, Terence, Jason, Yibin and Kah Hoe who attained Staff Sergeant as well.... =D Thos who got their Sergeants this time, well done!! Nice one Xing Yu!! Many of my squad mates did well this time... Nice one guys.... Congrats to Sec 2s who got promoted too..... As for those who were not promoted during the Muster Parade, my squad mates and Sec 2s alike, I do hope that all of you won't give up and try harder.... NCOs, I guess we know how we'll be assessed, so hopefully all of you can get promoted.... For Sec 2s, don't give up yet, you can still achieve a high post, so jia you for the next promo test ok guys?

However, despite the happiness, something dawned on me. I was sort of distracted from reality for a while cause of recent tasks and events.... But I looked at myself again, and I was reminded by the horrible fact that I would be facing problems in future, I probably would have a hard time fitting in with everyone in JC and maybe society.... You would know what I mean if you know me well.... I'll probably be made fn of and all that... Zzzzz

One more day of the weekend before hell again.... I hope to complete more work tomorrow... But I don't feel like doing chinese..... Zzzzz.... Haiz.... No more trainings until after EOYs... Zzz But I appreciate Mr Goh's actions... I guess we really need it.... Ok, bye guys....


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail